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Parameters for the updateRule operation.


  • UpdateRuleParams



Optional accountId

accountId: string

Your IBM Cloud account ID.


description: string

An extended description of your rule.


enforcementActions: EnforcementAction[]

The actions that the service must run on your behalf when a request to create or modify the target resource does not comply with your conditions.

Optional headers

headers: OutgoingHttpHeaders


ifMatch: string

Compares a supplied Etag value with the version that is stored for the requested resource. If the values match, the server allows the request method to continue.

To find the Etag value, run a GET request on the resource that you want to modify, and check the response headers.

Optional labels

labels: string[]

Labels that you can use to group and search for similar rules, such as those that help you to meet a specific organization guideline.


name: string

A human-readable alias to assign to your rule.


requiredConfig: RuleRequiredConfig


ruleId: string

The UUID that uniquely identifies the rule.

Optional ruleType

ruleType: RuleType | string

The type of rule. Rules that you create are user_defined.


The properties that describe the resource that you want to target with the rule or template.

Optional transactionId

transactionId: string

The unique identifier that is used to trace an entire request. If you omit this field, the service generates and sends a transaction ID as a response header of the request. In the case of an error, the transaction ID is set in the trace field of the response body.

Note: To help with debugging logs, it is strongly recommended that you generate and supply a Transaction-Id with each request.

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