Class SdkCommon


public class SdkCommon extends Object
The purpose of this class is to provide SDK-specific HTTP headers to be included in REST API requests made by the SDK.
  • Method Details

    • getVersion

      public static String getVersion()
    • getProjectName

      public static String getProjectName()
    • getSdkHeaders

      public static Map<String,String> getSdkHeaders(String serviceName, String serviceVersion, String operationId)
      This function is invoked by generated service methods (i.e. methods which implement the REST API operations defined within the API definition). The purpose of this function is to give the SDK implementor the opportunity to provide SDK-specific HTTP headers that will be sent with an outgoing REST API request.

      This function is invoked for each invocation of a generated service method, so the set of HTTP headers could be request-specific. As an optimization, if your SDK will be returning the same set of HTTP headers for each invocation of this function, it is recommended that you initialize the returned map just once (perhaps by using lazy initialization) and simply return it each time the function is invoked, instead of building it each time as in the example below. If you plan to gather metrics for your SDK, the User-Agent header value must be a string similar to the following: my-java-sdk/0.0.1 (lang=java; java.vendor=AdoptOpenJDK; java.version=1.8.0_232; os.arch=x86_64;; os.version=5.1) In the example above, the analytics tool will parse the user-agent header and use the following properties: "my-java-sdk" - the name of your sdk "0.0.1"- the version of your sdk "lang=java" - the language of the current sdk "java.vendor=AdoptOpenJDK; java.version=1.8.0_232; os.arch=x86_64;; os.version=5.1" - system information Note: It is very important that the sdk name ends with the string `-sdk`, as the analytics data collector uses this to gather usage data.

      serviceName - the name of the service as defined in the API definition (e.g. "MyService1")
      serviceVersion - the version of the service as defined in the API definition (e.g. "V1")
      operationId - the operationId as defined in the API definition (e.g. getContext)
      a Map which contains the set of headers to be included in the REST API request