Class BareMetalServerNetworkInterface

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket, BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPCI, BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVLAN

public class BareMetalServerNetworkInterface extends
BareMetalServerNetworkInterface. Classes which extend this class: - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByHiperSocket - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByPCI - BareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceByVLAN
  • Method Details

    • isAllowIpSpoofing

      public Boolean isAllowIpSpoofing()
      Gets the allowIpSpoofing. Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on the attached virtual network interface.
      the allowIpSpoofing
    • getCreatedAt

      public Date getCreatedAt()
      Gets the createdAt. The date and time that the bare metal server network interface was created. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface was created as a [read-only representation]( when its corresponding network attachment was created.
      the createdAt
    • isEnableInfrastructureNat

      public Boolean isEnableInfrastructureNat()
      Gets the enableInfrastructureNat. If `true`: - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. If `false`: - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on the attached virtual network interface.
      the enableInfrastructureNat
    • getFloatingIps

      public List<FloatingIPReference> getFloatingIps()
      Gets the floatingIps. The floating IPs associated with this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the floating IPs are associated with the attached virtual network interface.
      the floatingIps
    • getHref

      public String getHref()
      Gets the href. The URL for this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment.
      the href
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Gets the id. The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the corresponding network attachment.
      the id
    • getInterfaceType

      public String getInterfaceType()
      Gets the interfaceType. The interface type: - `hipersocket`: a virtual device that provides high-speed TCP/IP connectivity within a `s390x` based system - `pci`: a physical PCI device which can only be created or deleted when the bare metal server is stopped - Has an `allowed_vlans` property which controls the VLANs that will be permitted to use the PCI interface - Cannot directly use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - `vlan`: a virtual device, used through a `pci` device that has the `vlan` in its array of `allowed_vlans`. - Must use an IEEE 802.1Q tag. - Has its own security groups and does not inherit those of the PCI device through which traffic flows. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the interface type is that of the corresponding network attachment. The enumerated values for this property may [expand]( in the future.
      the interfaceType
    • getMacAddress

      public String getMacAddress()
      Gets the macAddress. The MAC address of this bare metal server network interface. If the MAC address has not yet been selected, the value will be empty. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the MAC address is that of the attached virtual network interface.
      the macAddress
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name. The name for this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the name matches its corresponding network attachment.
      the name
    • getPortSpeed

      public Long getPortSpeed()
      Gets the portSpeed. The bare metal server network interface port speed in Mbps. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the port speed is that of its corresponding network attachment.
      the portSpeed
    • getPrimaryIp

      public ReservedIPReference getPrimaryIp()
      Gets the primaryIp.
      the primaryIp
    • getResourceType

      public String getResourceType()
      Gets the resourceType. The resource type.
      the resourceType
    • getSecurityGroups

      public List<SecurityGroupReference> getSecurityGroups()
      Gets the securityGroups. The security groups targeting this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the security groups are associated with the attached virtual network interface.
      the securityGroups
    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
      Gets the status. The status of the bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a read-only representation of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the status is [computed from them](
      the status
    • getSubnet

      public SubnetReference getSubnet()
      Gets the subnet. The associated subnet.
      the subnet
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Gets the type. The bare metal server network interface type. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the type is that of its corresponding network attachment.
      the type
    • getAllowedVlans

      public List<Long> getAllowedVlans()
      Gets the allowedVlans. The VLAN IDs allowed for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN IDs match the `allow_vlans` of the corresponding network attachment.
      the allowedVlans
    • isAllowInterfaceToFloat

      public Boolean isAllowInterfaceToFloat()
      Gets the allowInterfaceToFloat. Indicates if the data path for the network interface can float to another bare metal server. Can only be `true` for network interfaces with an `interface_type` of `vlan`. If `true`, and the network detects traffic for this data path on another bare metal server in the resource group, the network interface will be automatically deleted from this bare metal server and a new network interface with the same `id`, `name` and `vlan` will be created on the other bare metal server. For the data path to float, the other bare metal server must be in the same `resource_group`, and must have a network interface with `interface_type` of `pci` with `allowed_vlans` including this network interface's `vlan`. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the value of this property matches that of the `allow_to_float` property of the corresponding network attachment.
      the allowInterfaceToFloat
    • getVlan

      public Long getVlan()
      Gets the vlan. The VLAN ID used in the IEEE 802.1Q tag present in all traffic on this interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the VLAN ID matches the `vlan` of the corresponding network attachment.
      the vlan