Class BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch extends
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      New builder.
      a BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch builder
    • allowIpSpoofing

      public Boolean allowIpSpoofing()
      Gets the allowIpSpoofing. Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on the attached virtual network interface.
      the allowIpSpoofing
    • allowedVlans

      public List<Long> allowedVlans()
      Gets the allowedVlans. The VLAN IDs to allow for `vlan` interfaces using this PCI interface, replacing any existing VLAN IDs. The specified values must include IDs for all `vlan` interfaces currently using this PCI interface.
      the allowedVlans
    • enableInfrastructureNat

      public Boolean enableInfrastructureNat()
      Gets the enableInfrastructureNat. If `true`: - The VPC infrastructure performs any needed NAT operations. - `floating_ips` must not have more than one floating IP. If `false`: - Packets are passed unchanged to/from the bare metal server network interface, allowing the workload to perform any needed NAT operations. - `allow_ip_spoofing` must be `false`. - `interface_type` must not be `hipersocket`. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and infrastructure NAT is managed on the attached virtual network interface.
      the enableInfrastructureNat
    • name

      public String name()
      Gets the name. The name for this bare metal server network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the bare metal server.
      the name
    • asPatch

      public Map<String,Object> asPatch()
      Construct a JSON merge-patch from the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch. Note that properties of the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch with null values are not represented in the constructed JSON merge-patch object, but can be explicitly set afterward to signify a property delete.
      a JSON merge-patch for the BareMetalServerNetworkInterfacePatch