Class CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions extends
The createInstanceNetworkInterface options.
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      New builder.
      a CreateInstanceNetworkInterfaceOptions builder
    • instanceId

      public String instanceId()
      Gets the instanceId. The virtual server instance identifier.
      the instanceId
    • subnet

      public SubnetIdentity subnet()
      Gets the subnet. The associated subnet.
      the subnet
    • allowIpSpoofing

      public Boolean allowIpSpoofing()
      Gets the allowIpSpoofing. Indicates whether source IP spoofing is allowed on this instance network interface. If this instance has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and source IP spoofing is managed on the attached virtual network interface.
      the allowIpSpoofing
    • name

      public String name()
      Gets the name. The name for the instance network interface. The name must not be used by another network interface on the virtual server instance. If unspecified, the name will be a hyphenated list of randomly-selected words.
      the name
    • primaryIp

      public NetworkInterfaceIPPrototype primaryIp()
      Gets the primaryIp. The primary IP address to bind to the instance network interface. This can be specified using an existing reserved IP, or a prototype object for a new reserved IP. If an existing reserved IP or a prototype object with an address is specified, it must be available on the instance network interface's subnet. Otherwise, an available address on the subnet will be automatically selected and reserved.
      the primaryIp
    • securityGroups

      public List<SecurityGroupIdentity> securityGroups()
      Gets the securityGroups. The security groups to use for this instance network interface. If unspecified, the VPC's default security group is used.
      the securityGroups