Class FloatingIPTargetPatch

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity, FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity, FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity

public class FloatingIPTargetPatch extends
The target resource to bind this floating IP to, replacing any existing binding. The floating IP must not be required by another resource, such as a public gateway. The target resource must not already have a floating IP bound to it if the target resource is: - an instance network interface - a bare metal server network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` - a virtual network interface with `enable_infrastructure_nat` set to `true` Specify `null` to remove an existing binding. Classes which extend this class: - FloatingIPTargetPatchBareMetalServerNetworkInterfaceIdentity - FloatingIPTargetPatchNetworkInterfaceIdentity - FloatingIPTargetPatchVirtualNetworkInterfaceIdentity
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the crn.
    Gets the href.
    Gets the id.

    Methods inherited from class

    equals, hashCode, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • id

      public String id()
      Gets the id. The unique identifier for this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment and its attached virtual network interface, and the identifier is that of the corresponding network attachment.
      the id
    • href

      public String href()
      Gets the href. The URL for this bare metal server network interface. If this bare metal server has network attachments, this network interface is a [read-only representation]( of its corresponding network attachment.
      the href
    • crn

      public String crn()
      Gets the crn. The CRN for this virtual network interface.
      the crn