Class InstanceGroupPatch

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InstanceGroupPatch extends
To add or update load balancer specification for an instance group the `membership_count` must first be set to 0.
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public InstanceGroupPatch.Builder newBuilder()
      New builder.
      a InstanceGroupPatch builder
    • applicationPort

      public Long applicationPort()
      Gets the applicationPort. The port to use for new load balancer pool members created by this instance group. This property must be set if and only if `load_balancer_pool` has been set.
      the applicationPort
    • instanceTemplate

      public InstanceTemplateIdentity instanceTemplate()
      Gets the instanceTemplate. Instance template to use when creating new instances. Instance groups are not compatible with instance templates that specify `true` for `default_trusted_profile.auto_link`.
      the instanceTemplate
    • loadBalancer

      public LoadBalancerIdentity loadBalancer()
      Gets the loadBalancer. The load balancer associated with `load_balancer_pool`. The load balancer must have `instance_groups_supported` set to `true`. This property must be set if and only if `load_balancer_pool` has been set.
      the loadBalancer
    • loadBalancerPool

      public LoadBalancerPoolIdentity loadBalancerPool()
      Gets the loadBalancerPool. If specified, this instance group will manage the load balancer pool. A pool member will be created for each instance created by this group. The specified load balancer pool must not be used by another instance group in the VPC. If set, `load_balancer` and `application_port` must also be set.
      the loadBalancerPool
    • membershipCount

      public Long membershipCount()
      Gets the membershipCount. The number of instances in the instance group.
      the membershipCount
    • name

      public String name()
      Gets the name. The name for this instance group. The name must not be used by another instance group in the region.
      the name
    • subnets

      public List<SubnetIdentity> subnets()
      Gets the subnets. The subnets to use when creating new instances.
      the subnets
    • asPatch

      public Map<String,Object> asPatch()
      Construct a JSON merge-patch from the InstanceGroupPatch. Note that properties of the InstanceGroupPatch with null values are not represented in the constructed JSON merge-patch object, but can be explicitly set afterward to signify a property delete.
      a JSON merge-patch for the InstanceGroupPatch