Class InstancePatch

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class InstancePatch extends
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public InstancePatch.Builder newBuilder()
      New builder.
      a InstancePatch builder
    • availabilityPolicy

      public InstanceAvailabilityPolicyPatch availabilityPolicy()
      Gets the availabilityPolicy. The availability policy for this virtual server instance.
      the availabilityPolicy
    • confidentialComputeMode

      public String confidentialComputeMode()
      Gets the confidentialComputeMode. The confidential compute mode to use for this virtual server instance. For this property to be changed, the virtual server instance `status` must be `stopping` or `stopped`.
      the confidentialComputeMode
    • enableSecureBoot

      public Boolean enableSecureBoot()
      Gets the enableSecureBoot. Indicates whether secure boot is enabled for this virtual server instance. For this property to be changed, the virtual server instance `status` must be `stopping` or `stopped`.
      the enableSecureBoot
    • metadataService

      public InstanceMetadataServicePatch metadataService()
      Gets the metadataService. The metadata service configuration.
      the metadataService
    • name

      public String name()
      Gets the name. The name for this virtual server instance. The name must not be used by another virtual server instance in the region. Changing the name will not affect the system hostname.
      the name
    • placementTarget

      public InstancePlacementTargetPatch placementTarget()
      Gets the placementTarget. The placement restrictions to use for the virtual server instance. For the placement restrictions to be changed, the instance `status` must be `stopping` or `stopped`. If set, `reservation_affinity.policy` must be `disabled`.
      the placementTarget
    • profile

      public InstancePatchProfile profile()
      Gets the profile. The profile to use for this virtual server instance. Any disks associated with the current profile will be deleted, and any disks associated with the requested profile will be created. For the profile to be changed, the instance `status` must be `stopping` or `stopped`. In addition, the requested profile must: - Be compatible with any `placement_target` constraints. For example, if the instance is placed on a dedicated host, the requested profile `family` must be the same as the dedicated host `family`. - Have the same `vcpu.architecture`. - Support the number of network attachments or network interfaces the instance currently has.
      the profile
    • reservationAffinity

      public InstanceReservationAffinityPatch reservationAffinity()
      Gets the reservationAffinity.
      the reservationAffinity
    • totalVolumeBandwidth

      public Long totalVolumeBandwidth()
      Gets the totalVolumeBandwidth. The amount of bandwidth (in megabits per second) allocated exclusively to instance storage volumes. An increase in this value will result in a corresponding decrease to `total_network_bandwidth`.
      the totalVolumeBandwidth
    • asPatch

      public Map<String,Object> asPatch()
      Construct a JSON merge-patch from the InstancePatch. Note that properties of the InstancePatch with null values are not represented in the constructed JSON merge-patch object, but can be explicitly set afterward to signify a property delete.
      a JSON merge-patch for the InstancePatch