Class ListSnapshotsOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ListSnapshotsOptions extends
The listSnapshots options.
  • Method Details

    • newBuilder

      public ListSnapshotsOptions.Builder newBuilder()
      New builder.
      a ListSnapshotsOptions builder
    • start

      public String start()
      Gets the start. A server-provided token determining what resource to start the page on.
      the start
    • limit

      public Long limit()
      Gets the limit. The number of resources to return on a page.
      the limit
    • tag

      public String tag()
      Gets the tag. Filters the collection to resources with an item in the `tags` property matching the exact specified tag.
      the tag
    • resourceGroupId

      public String resourceGroupId()
      Gets the resourceGroupId. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the specified identifier.
      the resourceGroupId
    • name

      public String name()
      Gets the name. Filters the collection to resources with a `name` property matching the exact specified name.
      the name
    • sourceVolumeId

      public String sourceVolumeId()
      Gets the sourceVolumeId. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the specified identifier.
      the sourceVolumeId
    • sourceVolumeCrn

      public String sourceVolumeCrn()
      Gets the sourceVolumeCrn. Filters the collection to resources with a `source_volume.crn` property matching the specified CRN.
      the sourceVolumeCrn
    • sourceImageId

      public String sourceImageId()
      Gets the sourceImageId. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the specified identifier. This parameter also supports the values `null` and `not:null` which filter the collection to resources which have no source image or any existent source image, respectively.
      the sourceImageId
    • sourceImageCrn

      public String sourceImageCrn()
      Gets the sourceImageCrn. Filters the collection to resources with a `source_image.crn` property matching the specified CRN. This parameter also supports the values `null` and `not:null` which filter the collection to resources which have no source image or any existent source image, respectively.
      the sourceImageCrn
    • sort

      public String sort()
      Gets the sort. Sorts the returned collection by the specified property name in ascending order. A `-` may be prepended to the name to sort in descending order. For example, the value `-created_at` sorts the collection by the `created_at` property in descending order, and the value `name` sorts it by the `name` property in ascending order.
      the sort
    • backupPolicyPlanId

      public String backupPolicyPlanId()
      Gets the backupPolicyPlanId. Filters the collection to backup policy jobs with a `` property matching the specified identifier.
      the backupPolicyPlanId
    • copiesId

      public String copiesId()
      Gets the copiesId. Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with an `id` property matching the specified identifier.
      the copiesId
    • copiesName

      public String copiesName()
      Gets the copiesName. Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with a `name` property matching the exact specified name.
      the copiesName
    • copiesCrn

      public String copiesCrn()
      Gets the copiesCrn. Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with an `id` property matching the specified CRN.
      the copiesCrn
    • copiesRemoteRegionName

      public String copiesRemoteRegionName()
      Gets the copiesRemoteRegionName. Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `copies` property with a `` property matching the exact specified name.
      the copiesRemoteRegionName
    • sourceSnapshotId

      public String sourceSnapshotId()
      Gets the sourceSnapshotId. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the specified identifier.
      the sourceSnapshotId
    • sourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName

      public String sourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName()
      Gets the sourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the exact specified name.
      the sourceSnapshotRemoteRegionName
    • sourceVolumeRemoteRegionName

      public String sourceVolumeRemoteRegionName()
      Gets the sourceVolumeRemoteRegionName. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the exact specified name.
      the sourceVolumeRemoteRegionName
    • sourceImageRemoteRegionName

      public String sourceImageRemoteRegionName()
      Gets the sourceImageRemoteRegionName. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the exact specified name.
      the sourceImageRemoteRegionName
    • clonesZoneName

      public String clonesZoneName()
      Gets the clonesZoneName. Filters the collection to snapshots with an item in the `clones` property with a `` property matching the exact specified name.
      the clonesZoneName
    • snapshotConsistencyGroupId

      public String snapshotConsistencyGroupId()
      Gets the snapshotConsistencyGroupId. Filters the collection to resources with a `` property matching the specified identifier.
      the snapshotConsistencyGroupId
    • snapshotConsistencyGroupCrn

      public String snapshotConsistencyGroupCrn()
      Gets the snapshotConsistencyGroupCrn. Filters the collection to resources with a `snapshot_consistency_group.crn` property matching the specified identifier.
      the snapshotConsistencyGroupCrn