Class Share

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Share extends
  • Method Details

    • getAccessControlMode

      public String getAccessControlMode()
      Gets the accessControlMode. The access control mode for the share: - `security_group`: The security groups on the virtual network interface for a mount target control access to the mount target. - `vpc`: All clients in the VPC for a mount target have access to the mount target. The enumerated values for this property may [expand]( in the future.
      the accessControlMode
    • getAccessorBindingRole

      public String getAccessorBindingRole()
      Gets the accessorBindingRole. The accessor binding role of this file share: - `none`: This file share is not participating in access with another file share - `origin`: This file share is the origin for one or more file shares (which may be in other accounts) - `accessor`: This file share is providing access to another file share (which may be in another account).
      the accessorBindingRole
    • getAccessorBindings

      public List<ShareAccessorBindingReference> getAccessorBindings()
      Gets the accessorBindings. The accessor bindings for this file share. Each accessor binding identifies a resource (possibly in another account) with access to this file share's data and its snapshots.
      the accessorBindings
    • getAllowedTransitEncryptionModes

      public List<String> getAllowedTransitEncryptionModes()
      Gets the allowedTransitEncryptionModes. The transit encryption modes allowed for this share.
      the allowedTransitEncryptionModes
    • getCreatedAt

      public Date getCreatedAt()
      Gets the createdAt. The date and time that the file share is created.
      the createdAt
    • getCrn

      public String getCrn()
      Gets the crn. The CRN for this file share.
      the crn
    • getEncryption

      public String getEncryption()
      Gets the encryption. The type of encryption used for this file share.
      the encryption
    • getEncryptionKey

      public EncryptionKeyReference getEncryptionKey()
      Gets the encryptionKey. The key used to encrypt this file share. This property will be present if `encryption` is `user_managed`.
      the encryptionKey
    • getHref

      public String getHref()
      Gets the href. The URL for this file share.
      the href
    • getId

      public String getId()
      Gets the id. The unique identifier for this file share.
      the id
    • getIops

      public Long getIops()
      Gets the iops. The maximum input/output operations per second (IOPS) for the file share. In addition, each client accessing the share will be restricted to 48,000 IOPS. The maximum IOPS for a share may increase in the future.
      the iops
    • getLatestJob

      public ShareJob getLatestJob()
      Gets the latestJob. The latest job associated with this file share. This property will be absent if no jobs have been created for this file share.
      the latestJob
    • getLatestSync

      public ShareLatestSync getLatestSync()
      Gets the latestSync. Information about the latest synchronization for this file share. This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica` and at least one replication sync has been completed.
      the latestSync
    • getLifecycleReasons

      public List<ShareLifecycleReason> getLifecycleReasons()
      Gets the lifecycleReasons. The reasons for the current `lifecycle_state` (if any).
      the lifecycleReasons
    • getLifecycleState

      public String getLifecycleState()
      Gets the lifecycleState. The lifecycle state of the file share.
      the lifecycleState
    • getMountTargets

      public List<ShareMountTargetReference> getMountTargets()
      Gets the mountTargets. The mount targets for the file share.
      the mountTargets
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name. The name for this share. The name is unique across all shares in the region.
      the name
    • getOriginShare

      public ShareReference getOriginShare()
      Gets the originShare. The origin share this accessor share is referring to. This property will be present when the `accessor_binding_role` is `accessor`.
      the originShare
    • getProfile

      public ShareProfileReference getProfile()
      Gets the profile. The [profile]( for this file share.
      the profile
    • getReplicaShare

      public ShareReference getReplicaShare()
      Gets the replicaShare. The replica file share for this source file share. This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `source`.
      the replicaShare
    • getReplicationCronSpec

      public String getReplicationCronSpec()
      Gets the replicationCronSpec. The cron specification for the file share replication schedule. This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica`.
      the replicationCronSpec
    • getReplicationRole

      public String getReplicationRole()
      Gets the replicationRole. The replication role of the file share: - `none`: This share is not participating in replication. - `replica`: This share is a replication target. - `source`: This share is a replication source. The enumerated values for this property may [expand]( in the future.
      the replicationRole
    • getReplicationStatus

      public String getReplicationStatus()
      Gets the replicationStatus. The replication status of the file share: - `active`: This share is actively participating in replication, and the replica's data is up-to-date with the replication schedule. - `degraded`: This is share is participating in replication, but the replica's data has fallen behind the replication schedule. - `failover_pending`: This share is performing a replication failover. - `initializing`: This share is initializing replication. - `none`: This share is not participating in replication. - `split_pending`: This share is performing a replication split. The enumerated values for this property may [expand]( in the future.
      the replicationStatus
    • getReplicationStatusReasons

      public List<ShareReplicationStatusReason> getReplicationStatusReasons()
      Gets the replicationStatusReasons. The reasons for the current replication status (if any).
      the replicationStatusReasons
    • getResourceGroup

      public ResourceGroupReference getResourceGroup()
      Gets the resourceGroup. The resource group for this file share.
      the resourceGroup
    • getResourceType

      public String getResourceType()
      Gets the resourceType. The resource type.
      the resourceType
    • getSize

      public Long getSize()
      Gets the size. The size of the file share (in gigabytes), excluding share snapshots. The maximum size for a share may increase in the future.
      the size
    • getSnapshotCount

      public Long getSnapshotCount()
      Gets the snapshotCount. The total number of snapshots for this share.
      the snapshotCount
    • getSnapshotSize

      public Long getSnapshotSize()
      Gets the snapshotSize. The total size (in gigabytes) of snapshots used for this file share.
      the snapshotSize
    • getSourceShare

      public ShareReference getSourceShare()
      Gets the sourceShare. The source file share for this replica file share. This property will be present when the `replication_role` is `replica`.
      the sourceShare
    • getSourceSnapshot

      public ShareSourceSnapshot getSourceSnapshot()
      Gets the sourceSnapshot. The snapshot this share was created from. This property will be present when the share was created from a snapshot. The resources supported by this property may [expand]( in the future.
      the sourceSnapshot
    • getUserTags

      public List<String> getUserTags()
      Gets the userTags. Tags for this resource.
      the userTags
    • getZone

      public ZoneReference getZone()
      Gets the zone. The zone this file share will reside in.
      the zone