Class VPCDNSResolver

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
VPCDNSResolverTypeDelegated, VPCDNSResolverTypeManual, VPCDNSResolverTypeSystem

public class VPCDNSResolver extends
VPCDNSResolver. Classes which extend this class: - VPCDNSResolverTypeDelegated - VPCDNSResolverTypeManual - VPCDNSResolverTypeSystem
  • Method Details

    • getServers

      public List<DNSServer> getServers()
      Gets the servers. The DNS servers for this VPC. The servers are populated: - by the system when `dns.resolver.type` is `system` - using the DNS servers in `dns.resolver.vpc` when `dns.resolver.type` is `delegated` - using `dns.resolver.manual_servers` when the `dns.resolver.type` is `manual` The maximum number of DNS servers is expected to [expand]( in the future.
      the servers
    • getType

      public String getType()
      Gets the type. The type of the DNS resolver used for the VPC. - `delegated`: DNS server addresses are provided by the DNS resolver of the VPC specified in `dns.resolver.vpc`. - `manual`: DNS server addresses are specified in `dns.resolver.manual_servers`. - `system`: DNS server addresses are provided by the system. The maximum number of DNS servers is expected to [expand]( in the future.
      the type
    • getVpc

      Gets the vpc. The VPC whose DNS resolver provides the DNS server addresses for this VPC. The VPC may be remote and therefore may not be directly retrievable.
      the vpc
    • getManualServers

      public List<DNSServer> getManualServers()
      Gets the manualServers. The manually specified DNS servers for this VPC. If the DNS servers have `zone_affinity`, the DHCP [Domain Name Server Option]( for a zone will list the DNS server with the affinity for that zone first, followed by the unique DNS servers from other zones. If the DNS servers do not have `zone_affinity`, the DHCP [Domain Name Server Option]( for each zone will list all the manual DNS servers in the order specified. The maximum number of manual DNS servers is expected to [expand]( in the future.
      the manualServers
    • getConfiguration

      public String getConfiguration()
      Gets the configuration. The configuration of the system DNS resolver for this VPC. - `custom_resolver`: A custom DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. - `private_resolver`: A private DNS resolver is configured for this VPC. Applies when the VPC has either or both of the following: - at least one endpoint gateway residing in it - a [DNS Services]( private zone configured for it - `default`: The provider default DNS resolvers are configured for this VPC. This system DNS resolver configuration is used when the VPC has: - no custom DNS resolver configured for it, and - no endpoint gateways residing in it, and - no [DNS Services]( private zone configured for it.
      the configuration