locale | String | en-US | Any valid single locale for Date.prototype.toLocaleString() |
label | String | Choose a date | A string for the label of the input field |
microcopy | Object | - | Translatable strings for the microcopy for the calendar. All properties must be present to be valid. |
microcopy.today | String | Today: {date} | String representation of Today: {date} . Must include {date} , which will be replaced with the localized date. |
microcopy.next | String | Next Month | String representation of Next Month |
microcopy.previous | String | Next Month | String representation of Previous Month |
microcopy.open | String | Open Calendar | String representation of Open Calendar |
microcopy.cancel | String | Cancel | String representation of Cancel |
inputs | Object | | Input names (so multiple datepickers can be used in the same form) |
inputs.local | String | date-local | Input name and ID for the visible, read-only input field |
inputs.day | String | date-day | Input name for the hidden numeric day input |
inputs.month | String | date-month | Input name for the hidden numeric month input |
inputs.year | String | date-year | Input name for the hidden numeric year input |