Interface NotebooksCreateRequestNotebookCreateBodyInProject

Payload for creating a notebook in a project.

interface NotebooksCreateRequestNotebookCreateBodyInProject {
    description?: string;
    file_reference: string;
    kernel?: WatsonXAI.NotebookKernel;
    name: string;
    originates_from?: WatsonXAI.NotebookOrigin;
    project: string;
    runtime: WatsonXAI.NotebookRuntime;

Hierarchy (view full)


description?: string

A more verbose description of the notebook.

file_reference: string

The reference to the file in the object storage.

A notebook kernel.

name: string

The name of the new notebook.

originates_from?: WatsonXAI.NotebookOrigin

The notebook origin.

project: string

The guid of the project in which to create the notebook.

A notebook runtime.