Status of the training job.


auto_update_model?: boolean

This field must not be set while creating a fine tuning job with InstructLab.

If set to true then the result of the training, if successful, will be uploaded to the repository as a model.

User defined properties specified as key-value pairs.

This field must not be set while creating a fine tuning job with InstructLab.

The parameters for the job. Note that if verbalizer is provided then response_template must also be provided (and vice versa).

results_reference: WatsonXAI.ObjectLocation

The training results. Normally this is specified as type=container which means that it is stored in the space or project.

Status of the training job.

test_data_references?: WatsonXAI.ObjectLocation[]

This field must not be set while creating a fine tuning job with InstructLab.

The holdout/test datasets.

training_data_references: WatsonXAI.ObjectLocation[]

The training datasets.

type?: string

The type of Fine Tuning training. The type is set to ilab for InstructLab training.