Parameters for the listFoundationModelSpecs operation.

interface ListFoundationModelSpecsParams {
    filters?: string;
    headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders;
    limit?: number;
    start?: string;
    techPreview?: boolean;


filters?: string

A set of filters to specify the list of models, filters are described as the pattern shown below.

 pattern: tfilter[,tfilter][:(or|and)]
 tfilter: filter | !filter
   filter: Requires existence of the filter.
   !filter: Requires absence of the filter.
 filter: one of
   modelid_*:     Filters by model id.
                  Namely, select a model with a specific model id.
   provider_*:    Filters by provider.
                  Namely, select all models with a specific provider.
   source_*:      Filters by source.
                  Namely, select all models with a specific source.
   input_tier_*:  Filters by input tier.
                  Namely, select all models with a specific input tier.
   output_tier_*: Filters by output tier.
                  Namely, select all models with a specific output tier.
   tier_*:        Filters by tier.
                  Namely, select all models with a specific input or output tier.
   task_*:        Filters by task id.
                  Namely, select all models that support a specific task id.
   lifecycle_*:   Filters by lifecycle state.
                  Namely, select all models that are currently in the specified lifecycle state.
   function_*:    Filters by function.
                  Namely, select all models that support a specific function.
headers?: OutgoingHttpHeaders
limit?: number

How many resources should be returned. By default limit is 100. Max limit allowed is 200.

start?: string

Token required for token-based pagination. This token cannot be determined by end user. It is generated by the service and it is set in the href available in the next field.

techPreview?: boolean

See all the Tech Preview models if entitled.