Module Wcs_lib.Wcs_j

Watson Conversation Service data structures.

Data srcutures used in Watson Conversation Service.

Based on the documentation available at:

Version 2017-05-26.

type workspace_status = Wcs_t.workspace_status =
| Ws_non_existent
| Ws_training
| Ws_failed
| Ws_available
| Ws_unavailable
type json = Json_t.json

Type of arbitraty JSON values.

type workspace_response = Wcs_t.workspace_response = {
ws_rsp_name : string option;
ws_rsp_description : string option;
ws_rsp_language : string option;
ws_rsp_metadata : json option;
ws_rsp_created : string option;
ws_rsp_updated : string option;
ws_rsp_workspace_id : string;

A workspace metadata.

type spel = Wcs_t.spel

Type of Spel expressions.

type selector = Wcs_t.selector =
| Goto_user_input
| Goto_client
| Goto_condition
| Goto_body

Goto selector.

type json_spel = Json_spel_t.json_spel

Type of arbitraty JSON values with embedded Spel expressions.

type output_def = Wcs_t.output_def

Type of outputs of a dialog node.

type next_step = Wcs_t.next_step = {
next_behavior : string;
next_selector : selector;
next_dialog_node : string;

Type of goto definitions.

type intent_example = Wcs_t.intent_example = {
ex_text : string;
ex_created : string option;
ex_updated : string option;

Type of intent examples.

type intent_def = Wcs_t.intent_def = {
i_def_intent : string;
i_def_description : string option;
i_def_examples : intent_example list;
i_def_created : string option;
i_def_updated : string option;

Type of intent definitions.

type entity_value = Wcs_t.entity_value = {
e_val_value : string;
e_val_metadata : json option;
e_val_synonyms : string list;
e_val_created : string option;
e_val_updated : string option;

Type of entity values.

type entity_def = Wcs_t.entity_def = {
e_def_entity : string;
e_def_description : string option;
e_def_metadata : json option;
e_def_source : string option;
e_def_open_list : bool option;
e_def_values : entity_value list;
e_def_created : string option;
e_def_updated : string option;
e_def_fuzzy_match : bool option;

Type of entity definitions.

type dialog_node_type = Wcs_t.dialog_node_type =
| Node_standard
| Node_response_condition
| Node_frame
| Node_event_handler
| Node_slot

Dialog node type.

type dialog_node_event_name = Wcs_t.dialog_node_event_name =
| Evt_focus
| Evt_input
| Evt_nomatch
| Evt_filled
| Evt_generic
type dialog_node = Wcs_t.dialog_node = {
node_dialog_node : string;
node_type_ : dialog_node_type option;
node_description : string option;
node_conditions : spel option;
node_parent : string option;
node_previous_sibling : string option;
node_output : output_def option;
node_context : json_spel option;
node_metadata : json option;
node_next_step : next_step option;
node_child_input_kind : string option;
node_created : string option;
node_updated : string option;
node_event_name : dialog_node_event_name option;
node_variable : string option;

Type of dialog nodes.

type workspace = Wcs_t.workspace = {
ws_name : string option;
ws_description : string option;
ws_language : string option;
ws_metadata : json option;
ws_counterexamples : intent_example list;
ws_dialog_nodes : dialog_node list;
ws_entities : entity_def list;
ws_intents : intent_def list;
ws_created : string option;
ws_updated : string option;
ws_modified : string option;
ws_created_by : string option;
ws_modified_by : string option;
ws_workspace_id : string option;
ws_status : workspace_status option;

Type of workspaces

type version = Wcs_t.version =
| V_2017_05_26

Supported versions

type sort_workspace_criteria = Wcs_t.sort_workspace_criteria =
| Sort_name_incr
| Sort_modified_incr
| Sort_workspace_id_incr
| Sort_name_decr
| Sort_modified_decr
| Sort_workspace_id_decr

Sorting criteria for list of workspaces.

type sort_logs_criteria = Wcs_t.sort_logs_criteria =
| Sort_request_timestamp_incr
| Sort_request_timestamp_decr

Sorting criteria for logs.

type pagination_response = Wcs_t.pagination_response = {
pag_refresh_url : string option;
pag_next_url : string option;
pag_total : int option;
pag_matched : int option;

Pagination information

type log_message = Wcs_t.log_message = {
log_msg__level : string;
log_msg__msg : string;
type output = Wcs_t.output = {
out_log_messages : log_message list;
out_text : string list;
out_nodes_visited : string list;
out_error : string option;
type intent = Wcs_t.intent = {
i_intent : string;
i_confidence : float;
type input = Wcs_t.input = {
in_text : string;
type entity = Wcs_t.entity = {
e_entity : string;
e_location : int list;
e_value : string;
e_confidence : float;
type message_response = Wcs_t.message_response = {
msg_rsp_input : input;
msg_rsp_alternate_intents : bool;
msg_rsp_context : json;
msg_rsp_entities : entity list;
msg_rsp_intents : intent list;
msg_rsp_output : output;
type message_request = Wcs_t.message_request = {
msg_req_input : input;
msg_req_alternate_intents : bool;
msg_req_context : json option;
msg_req_entities : entity list option;
msg_req_intents : intent list option;
msg_req_output : output option;
type log_entry = Wcs_t.log_entry = {
log_request : message_request;
log_response : message_response;
log_log_id : string;
log_request_timestamp : string;
log_response_timestamp : string;
type logs_response = Wcs_t.logs_response = {
logs_rsp_logs : log_entry list;
logs_rsp_pagination : pagination_response;
type logs_request = Wcs_t.logs_request = {
logs_filter : string option;
logs_sort : sort_logs_criteria option;
logs_page_limit : int option;
logs_cursor : string option;

Request for the list the events from the log of a workspace.

type list_workspaces_response = Wcs_t.list_workspaces_response = {
list_ws_rsp_workspaces : workspace_response list;
list_ws_rsp_pagination : pagination_response;

Response to the list of workspaces request.

type list_workspaces_request = Wcs_t.list_workspaces_request = {
list_ws_req_page_limit : int option;
list_ws_req_include_count : bool option;
list_ws_req_sort : sort_workspace_criteria option;
list_ws_req_cursor : string option;

Request the list of workspaces.

type get_workspace_request = Wcs_t.get_workspace_request = {
get_ws_req_workspace_id : string;
get_ws_req_export : bool option;
type credential = Wcs_t.credential = {
cred_url : string;
cred_password : string;
cred_username : string;

Watson Conversation Service credentials.

type create_response = Wcs_t.create_response = {
crea_rsp_name : string option;
crea_rsp_description : string option;
crea_rsp_language : string option;
crea_rsp_metadata : json option;
crea_rsp_created : string option;
crea_rsp_updated : string option;
crea_rsp_workspace_id : string option;
type context = Wcs_t.context = {
ctx_conversation_id : string;
ctx_system : json;
type action_def = Wcs_t.action_def = {
act_def_name : string;
act_def_agent : string;
act_def_type_ : string;
act_def_parameters : json_spel;
act_def_result_variable : string option;
type action = Wcs_t.action = {
act_name : string;
act_agent : string;
act_type_ : string;
act_parameters : json;
act_result_variable : string option;
val write_workspace_status : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> workspace_status ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type workspace_status.

val string_of_workspace_status : ?⁠len:int ‑> workspace_status ‑> string

Serialize a value of type workspace_status into a JSON string.

val read_workspace_status : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> workspace_status

Input JSON data of type workspace_status.

val workspace_status_of_string : string ‑> workspace_status

Deserialize JSON data of type workspace_status.

val write_json : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> json ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type json.

val string_of_json : ?⁠len:int ‑> json ‑> string

Serialize a value of type json into a JSON string.

val read_json : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> json

Input JSON data of type json.

val json_of_string : string ‑> json

Deserialize JSON data of type json.

val write_workspace_response : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> workspace_response ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type workspace_response.

val string_of_workspace_response : ?⁠len:int ‑> workspace_response ‑> string

Serialize a value of type workspace_response into a JSON string.

val read_workspace_response : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> workspace_response

Input JSON data of type workspace_response.

val workspace_response_of_string : string ‑> workspace_response

Deserialize JSON data of type workspace_response.

val write_spel : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> spel ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type spel.

val string_of_spel : ?⁠len:int ‑> spel ‑> string

Serialize a value of type spel into a JSON string.

val read_spel : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> spel

Input JSON data of type spel.

val spel_of_string : string ‑> spel

Deserialize JSON data of type spel.

val write_selector : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> selector ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type selector.

val string_of_selector : ?⁠len:int ‑> selector ‑> string

Serialize a value of type selector into a JSON string.

val read_selector : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> selector

Input JSON data of type selector.

val selector_of_string : string ‑> selector

Deserialize JSON data of type selector.

val write_json_spel : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> json_spel ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type json_spel.

val string_of_json_spel : ?⁠len:int ‑> json_spel ‑> string

Serialize a value of type json_spel into a JSON string.

val read_json_spel : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> json_spel

Input JSON data of type json_spel.

val json_spel_of_string : string ‑> json_spel

Deserialize JSON data of type json_spel.

val write_output_def : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> output_def ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type output_def.

val string_of_output_def : ?⁠len:int ‑> output_def ‑> string

Serialize a value of type output_def into a JSON string.

val read_output_def : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> output_def

Input JSON data of type output_def.

val output_def_of_string : string ‑> output_def

Deserialize JSON data of type output_def.

val write_next_step : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> next_step ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type next_step.

val string_of_next_step : ?⁠len:int ‑> next_step ‑> string

Serialize a value of type next_step into a JSON string.

val read_next_step : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> next_step

Input JSON data of type next_step.

val next_step_of_string : string ‑> next_step

Deserialize JSON data of type next_step.

val write_intent_example : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> intent_example ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type intent_example.

val string_of_intent_example : ?⁠len:int ‑> intent_example ‑> string

Serialize a value of type intent_example into a JSON string.

val read_intent_example : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> intent_example

Input JSON data of type intent_example.

val intent_example_of_string : string ‑> intent_example

Deserialize JSON data of type intent_example.

val write_intent_def : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> intent_def ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type intent_def.

val string_of_intent_def : ?⁠len:int ‑> intent_def ‑> string

Serialize a value of type intent_def into a JSON string.

val read_intent_def : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> intent_def

Input JSON data of type intent_def.

val intent_def_of_string : string ‑> intent_def

Deserialize JSON data of type intent_def.

val write_entity_value : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> entity_value ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type entity_value.

val string_of_entity_value : ?⁠len:int ‑> entity_value ‑> string

Serialize a value of type entity_value into a JSON string.

val read_entity_value : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> entity_value

Input JSON data of type entity_value.

val entity_value_of_string : string ‑> entity_value

Deserialize JSON data of type entity_value.

val write_entity_def : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> entity_def ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type entity_def.

val string_of_entity_def : ?⁠len:int ‑> entity_def ‑> string

Serialize a value of type entity_def into a JSON string.

val read_entity_def : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> entity_def

Input JSON data of type entity_def.

val entity_def_of_string : string ‑> entity_def

Deserialize JSON data of type entity_def.

val write_dialog_node_type : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> dialog_node_type ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type dialog_node_type.

val string_of_dialog_node_type : ?⁠len:int ‑> dialog_node_type ‑> string

Serialize a value of type dialog_node_type into a JSON string.

val read_dialog_node_type : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> dialog_node_type

Input JSON data of type dialog_node_type.

val dialog_node_type_of_string : string ‑> dialog_node_type

Deserialize JSON data of type dialog_node_type.

val write_dialog_node_event_name : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> dialog_node_event_name ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type dialog_node_event_name.

val string_of_dialog_node_event_name : ?⁠len:int ‑> dialog_node_event_name ‑> string

Serialize a value of type dialog_node_event_name into a JSON string.

val read_dialog_node_event_name : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> dialog_node_event_name

Input JSON data of type dialog_node_event_name.

val dialog_node_event_name_of_string : string ‑> dialog_node_event_name

Deserialize JSON data of type dialog_node_event_name.

val write_dialog_node : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> dialog_node ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type dialog_node.

val string_of_dialog_node : ?⁠len:int ‑> dialog_node ‑> string

Serialize a value of type dialog_node into a JSON string.

val read_dialog_node : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> dialog_node

Input JSON data of type dialog_node.

val dialog_node_of_string : string ‑> dialog_node

Deserialize JSON data of type dialog_node.

val write_workspace : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> workspace ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type workspace.

val string_of_workspace : ?⁠len:int ‑> workspace ‑> string

Serialize a value of type workspace into a JSON string.

val read_workspace : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> workspace

Input JSON data of type workspace.

val workspace_of_string : string ‑> workspace

Deserialize JSON data of type workspace.

val write_version : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> version ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type version.

val string_of_version : ?⁠len:int ‑> version ‑> string

Serialize a value of type version into a JSON string.

val read_version : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> version

Input JSON data of type version.

val version_of_string : string ‑> version

Deserialize JSON data of type version.

val write_sort_workspace_criteria : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> sort_workspace_criteria ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type sort_workspace_criteria.

val string_of_sort_workspace_criteria : ?⁠len:int ‑> sort_workspace_criteria ‑> string

Serialize a value of type sort_workspace_criteria into a JSON string.

val read_sort_workspace_criteria : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> sort_workspace_criteria

Input JSON data of type sort_workspace_criteria.

val sort_workspace_criteria_of_string : string ‑> sort_workspace_criteria

Deserialize JSON data of type sort_workspace_criteria.

val write_sort_logs_criteria : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> sort_logs_criteria ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type sort_logs_criteria.

val string_of_sort_logs_criteria : ?⁠len:int ‑> sort_logs_criteria ‑> string

Serialize a value of type sort_logs_criteria into a JSON string.

val read_sort_logs_criteria : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> sort_logs_criteria

Input JSON data of type sort_logs_criteria.

val sort_logs_criteria_of_string : string ‑> sort_logs_criteria

Deserialize JSON data of type sort_logs_criteria.

val write_pagination_response : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> pagination_response ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type pagination_response.

val string_of_pagination_response : ?⁠len:int ‑> pagination_response ‑> string

Serialize a value of type pagination_response into a JSON string.

val read_pagination_response : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> pagination_response

Input JSON data of type pagination_response.

val pagination_response_of_string : string ‑> pagination_response

Deserialize JSON data of type pagination_response.

val write_log_message : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> log_message ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type log_message.

val string_of_log_message : ?⁠len:int ‑> log_message ‑> string

Serialize a value of type log_message into a JSON string.

val read_log_message : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> log_message

Input JSON data of type log_message.

val log_message_of_string : string ‑> log_message

Deserialize JSON data of type log_message.

val write_output : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> output ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type output.

val string_of_output : ?⁠len:int ‑> output ‑> string

Serialize a value of type output into a JSON string.

val read_output : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> output

Input JSON data of type output.

val output_of_string : string ‑> output

Deserialize JSON data of type output.

val write_intent : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> intent ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type intent.

val string_of_intent : ?⁠len:int ‑> intent ‑> string

Serialize a value of type intent into a JSON string.

val read_intent : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> intent

Input JSON data of type intent.

val intent_of_string : string ‑> intent

Deserialize JSON data of type intent.

val write_input : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> input ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type input.

val string_of_input : ?⁠len:int ‑> input ‑> string

Serialize a value of type input into a JSON string.

val read_input : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> input

Input JSON data of type input.

val input_of_string : string ‑> input

Deserialize JSON data of type input.

val write_entity : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> entity ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type entity.

val string_of_entity : ?⁠len:int ‑> entity ‑> string

Serialize a value of type entity into a JSON string.

val read_entity : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> entity

Input JSON data of type entity.

val entity_of_string : string ‑> entity

Deserialize JSON data of type entity.

val write_message_response : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> message_response ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_response.

val string_of_message_response : ?⁠len:int ‑> message_response ‑> string

Serialize a value of type message_response into a JSON string.

val read_message_response : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> message_response

Input JSON data of type message_response.

val message_response_of_string : string ‑> message_response

Deserialize JSON data of type message_response.

val write_message_request : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> message_request ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type message_request.

val string_of_message_request : ?⁠len:int ‑> message_request ‑> string

Serialize a value of type message_request into a JSON string.

val read_message_request : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> message_request

Input JSON data of type message_request.

val message_request_of_string : string ‑> message_request

Deserialize JSON data of type message_request.

val write_log_entry : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> log_entry ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type log_entry.

val string_of_log_entry : ?⁠len:int ‑> log_entry ‑> string

Serialize a value of type log_entry into a JSON string.

val read_log_entry : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> log_entry

Input JSON data of type log_entry.

val log_entry_of_string : string ‑> log_entry

Deserialize JSON data of type log_entry.

val write_logs_response : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> logs_response ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type logs_response.

val string_of_logs_response : ?⁠len:int ‑> logs_response ‑> string

Serialize a value of type logs_response into a JSON string.

val read_logs_response : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> logs_response

Input JSON data of type logs_response.

val logs_response_of_string : string ‑> logs_response

Deserialize JSON data of type logs_response.

val write_logs_request : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> logs_request ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type logs_request.

val string_of_logs_request : ?⁠len:int ‑> logs_request ‑> string

Serialize a value of type logs_request into a JSON string.

val read_logs_request : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> logs_request

Input JSON data of type logs_request.

val logs_request_of_string : string ‑> logs_request

Deserialize JSON data of type logs_request.

val write_list_workspaces_response : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> list_workspaces_response ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_workspaces_response.

val string_of_list_workspaces_response : ?⁠len:int ‑> list_workspaces_response ‑> string

Serialize a value of type list_workspaces_response into a JSON string.

val read_list_workspaces_response : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> list_workspaces_response

Input JSON data of type list_workspaces_response.

val list_workspaces_response_of_string : string ‑> list_workspaces_response

Deserialize JSON data of type list_workspaces_response.

val write_list_workspaces_request : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> list_workspaces_request ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type list_workspaces_request.

val string_of_list_workspaces_request : ?⁠len:int ‑> list_workspaces_request ‑> string

Serialize a value of type list_workspaces_request into a JSON string.

val read_list_workspaces_request : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> list_workspaces_request

Input JSON data of type list_workspaces_request.

val list_workspaces_request_of_string : string ‑> list_workspaces_request

Deserialize JSON data of type list_workspaces_request.

val write_get_workspace_request : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> get_workspace_request ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type get_workspace_request.

val string_of_get_workspace_request : ?⁠len:int ‑> get_workspace_request ‑> string

Serialize a value of type get_workspace_request into a JSON string.

val read_get_workspace_request : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> get_workspace_request

Input JSON data of type get_workspace_request.

val get_workspace_request_of_string : string ‑> get_workspace_request

Deserialize JSON data of type get_workspace_request.

val write_credential : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> credential ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type credential.

val string_of_credential : ?⁠len:int ‑> credential ‑> string

Serialize a value of type credential into a JSON string.

val read_credential : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> credential

Input JSON data of type credential.

val credential_of_string : string ‑> credential

Deserialize JSON data of type credential.

val write_create_response : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> create_response ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type create_response.

val string_of_create_response : ?⁠len:int ‑> create_response ‑> string

Serialize a value of type create_response into a JSON string.

val read_create_response : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> create_response

Input JSON data of type create_response.

val create_response_of_string : string ‑> create_response

Deserialize JSON data of type create_response.

val write_context : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> context ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type context.

val string_of_context : ?⁠len:int ‑> context ‑> string

Serialize a value of type context into a JSON string.

val read_context : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> context

Input JSON data of type context.

val context_of_string : string ‑> context

Deserialize JSON data of type context.

val write_action_def : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> action_def ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type action_def.

val string_of_action_def : ?⁠len:int ‑> action_def ‑> string

Serialize a value of type action_def into a JSON string.

val read_action_def : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> action_def

Input JSON data of type action_def.

val action_def_of_string : string ‑> action_def

Deserialize JSON data of type action_def.

val write_action : Bi_outbuf.t ‑> action ‑> unit

Output a JSON value of type action.

val string_of_action : ?⁠len:int ‑> action ‑> string

Serialize a value of type action into a JSON string.

val read_action : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state ‑> Lexing.lexbuf ‑> action

Input JSON data of type action.

val action_of_string : string ‑> action

Deserialize JSON data of type action.