This is an introductory notebook to walk through all the functionalities of the ZShot plugin for Spacy.
from typing import Iterable
import spacy
from spacy.tokens import Doc
from spacy import displacy
from zshot.utils.data_models import Entity, Span
from zshot.mentions_extractor import (MentionsExtractor, MentionsExtractorSpacy, MentionsExtractorFlair,
MentionsExtractorTARS, MentionsExtractorSMXM)
from zshot.mentions_extractor.utils import ExtractorType
from zshot.linker import Linker, LinkerSMXM, LinkerTARS, LinkerBlink
from zshot import PipelineConfig
from datasets import Split
Create the Spacy model with the ZShot component¶
The first thing is to create the Spacy Model (a.k.a. nlp
) with the ZShot component to perform zero-shot NERC.
In order to do that, a nlp
model has to be created first. Depending on the language, there are several models available:
: Spacy blank model. It has no trained
: Spacy small model. It is faster than other but use to have less vocabulary and worse
: Spacy medium model. Slower than small models but with more vocabulary and better performance.lg
: Spacy large model. Slower than medium models but with more vocabulary and better performance.trf
: Spacy model based on Transformers. Slower that large models but with better performance.
Note: For most of these models there will be also several options available, depending on the source of the data they were trained on
Wich one should you use? Well, it depends on the mentions extractor and the linker you are going to use. If you rare going to use some Spacy-based mentions extractor you can't use the blank
model. For the rest of mentions extractors and linker you can select the one that suits you the best.
In this example the model based on transformers is going to be used.
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_trf")
There are three main steps in order to create the ZShot component:
1. Add the entities
to be extracted. They are zero-shot models not wizards, they don't know what you want.
2. Select the mentions extractor
to use. The mentions extractor
will extract broad mentions without a specific entity
3. Select the linker
to use. The linker
will link the mentions extracted by the mentions extractor
and will link them to a specific entity
. Some of the linkers
are end2end
, this is, they don't need a mentions extractor
and therefore this field can be left empty.
Select Entities¶
In order to specify the entities you can use the Entity
class provided, that will have a label and a description. This description may be used by some linkers to improve the performance.
entities = [
Entity(name="company", description="The name of a company"),
Entity(name="location", description="A physical location"),
Entity(name="chemical compound", description="Any of a large class of chemical compounds in " \
"which one or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, " \
"most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen")
You can also use python dict
(e.g.: loaded from a JSON).
entities = [
'name': "company",
'description': "The name of a company"
'name': "location",
'description': "A physical location"
'name': "chemical compound",
'description': " Any of a large class of chemical compounds in " \
"which one or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, " \
"most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen"
Or, if the linker
you're going to use doesn't require the descriptions, you can use a list
of strings containing the labels.
entities = [
"chemical compound"
Select Mention Extractor¶
The mentions_extractor
is the component that will extract broad mentions without a specific entity
Currently, 4 different mentions_extractor
are provided:
To create a mentions_extractor
just instantiate the class with the version to be used. There are two different versions for the SpaCy and Flair mentions_extractor
- NER-Based: Will use a NER model to extract the mentions.
- POS-Based: Will use PoS tagging to extract the mentions.
You can obtain them from the ExtractorType
# Using Spacy NER Mentions Extractor
mentions_extractor = MentionsExtractorSpacy(ExtractorType.NER)
# Using Spacy PoS Mentions Extractor
mentions_extractor = MentionsExtractorSpacy(ExtractorType.POS)
# Using Flair NER Mentions Extractor
mentions_extractor = MentionsExtractorFlair(ExtractorType.NER)
# Using Flair PoS Mentions Extractor
mentions_extractor = MentionsExtractorFlair(ExtractorType.POS)
The MentionsExtractorSMXM
will use descriptions of the mentions to extract them. Seethis
The MentionsExtractorTARS
will use the labels of the mentions to extract them. See this
Both MentionsExtractorSMXM
and MentionsExtractorTARS
will use the mentions specified in the zshot.PipelineConfig
, which is a list of zshot.data_models.Entity
nlp = spacy.blank("en")
nlp_config = PipelineConfig(
Entity(name="company", description="The name of a company"),
Entity(name="location", description="A physical location"),
Entity(name="chemical compound", description="Any of a large class of chemical compounds in which one or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen")
nlp.add_pipe("zshot", config=nlp_config, last=True)
Select Linker¶
The linker
is the component that will link the extracted mentions to a specific entity
. Some of them are end2end
, this is, they don't need and won't use the mentions_extractor
Currently, 4 different linker
are provided:
: See thisLinkerRegen
See thisLinkerSMXM
model that uses descriptions. See thisLinkerTARS
model. See this
linker = LinkerTARS()
Create the Pipeline Config¶
Once that the entities
, the mentions_extractor
and the linker
are selected, the PipelineConfig
can be created to configure the ZShot component.
config = PipelineConfig(
Or you can create everything on the fly:
config = PipelineConfig(
Entity(name="company", description="The name of a company"),
Entity(name="location", description="A physical location"),
Entity(name="chemical compound", description="Any of a large class of chemical compounds in which one or more atoms of carbon are covalently linked to atoms of other elements, most commonly hydrogen, oxygen, or nitrogen")
Create the component¶
Once the PipelineConfg
has been created it's time to create the ZShot component and add it to the nlp
pipe. Use the last=True
option to assure the model is added to the end of the pipe, as some components have to be executed first.
nlp.add_pipe("zshot", config=config, last=True)
Now you can use the nlp
model as always to see the entities extracted!
text_acetamide = "CH2O2 is a chemical compound similar to Acetamide used in International Business " \
"Machines Corporation (IBM) to create new materials that act like PAGs."
doc = nlp(text_acetamide)
displacy.render(doc, style="ent")
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, "-", ent.label_)
CH2O2 - chemical compound
Acetamide - chemical compound
International Business Machines Corporation - company
IBM - company
Use our display¶
If you don't like the gray color of displacy, or you want different colors for each entity, you can use our displacy tool
from zshot import displacy
text_acetamide = "CH2O2 is a chemical compound similar to Acetamide used in International Business " \
"Machines Corporation (IBM) to create new materials that act like PAGs."
doc = nlp(text_acetamide)
displacy.render(doc, style="ent")
Use your own component¶
If you want to implement your own mentions_extractor
or linker
and use it with ZShot you can do it. To make it easier for the user to implement a new component, some base classes are provided that you have to extend with your code.
It is as simple as create a new class extending the base class (MentionsExtractor
or Linker
). You will have to implement the predict method, which will receive the Spacy Documents and will return a list of zshot.utils.data_models.Span
for each document.
Let's create a simple mentions_extractor
that will extract as mentions all words that contain the letter s:
class SimpleMentionExtractor(MentionsExtractor):
def predict(self, docs: Iterable[Doc], batch_size=None):
spans = [[Span(tok.idx, tok.idx + len(tok)) for tok in doc if "s" in tok.text] for doc in docs]
return spans
Now, let's create a new nlp
model with a ZShot component with the new mentions_extractor
new_nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_trf")
config = PipelineConfig(
new_nlp.add_pipe("zshot", config=config, last=True)
And let's try it:
text_acetamide = "CH2O2 is a chemical compound similar to Acetamide used in International Business " \
"Machines Corporation (IBM) to create new materials that act like PAGs."
doc = new_nlp(text_acetamide)
[is, similar, used, Business, Machines, materials, PAGs]
If you have a new ZShot component maybe you want to evaluate it over some famous benchmarks to get an idea of the performance of your model.
ZShot evaluation package contains all you need to do it. It makes it easy for the user to evaluate the component over a Zero-Shot dataset.
The list of the datasets available at the moment is: - OntoNotes. See this - MedMentions. See this
Now you can use the evaluate
function to evaluate your nlp
over a dataset.
You can evaluate one or more dataset, and using just one or more splits.
def evaluate(nlp: spacy.Language,
datasets: Union[str, List[str]],
splits: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None) -> str:
""" Evaluate a spacy zshot model
:param nlp: Spacy Language pipeline with ZShot components
:param datasets: Dataset or list of datasets to evaluate
:param splits: Optional. Split or list of splits to evaluate. All splits available by default
:return: Result of the evaluation. String containing a table with the result
from zshot.evaluation.zshot_evaluate import evaluate
from datasets import Split
evaluation = evaluate(new_nlp, "ontonotes",