Managing z/OS resources with IBM RSE API Plug-in for Zowe CLI tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates some features of IBM RSE API Plug-in for Zowe CLI (RSE CLI plug-in) and includes exercises to help you become familiar with managing z/OS resources via command-line operations and the Zowe Explorer VS Code extension.

Learning objectives

This tutorial does not cover all features of the RSE CLI plug-in, but demonstrates the approaches that you can apply when managing z/OS resources.

By completing the tutorial, you learn about the following approaches to manage z/OS resources with the RSE CLI plug-in:

Tutorial scenario

The tutorial scenario is based on a fictitious company that has applications written in COBOL. The company does not have z/OSMF configured on z/OS. As an alternative, they have installed and configured IBM Remote System Explorer API (RSE API) on z/OS. They want to use the RSE CLI plug-in to interact with z/OS by using RSE API instead of using z/OSMF.

In this scenario, you will:

  • Import application code to your local machine.
  • Submit JCL files to run jobs on z/OS.
  • List data sets.
  • Upload files to data sets.
  • Check job status.
  • Download output files of jobs.

Time required

It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete each approach. If you explore other features related to this tutorial, it can take longer to complete.


This tutorial is for mainframe developers who want to use the RSE API support provided by the RSE CLI plug-in as an alternative to using z/OSMF to manage z/OS resources.


Before getting started with the tutorial, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Create an RSE profile. For instructions, see Creating an RSE profile via command line, or Setting up and using RSE profiles to create the profile via Zowe Explorer.

  2. Clone the sample repositoryopen in new window and switch to the tutorial-complete Git branch that has the final updated set of programs and support files to perform the tasks described in this tutorial by following these steps:

    1. Clone the sample repository by issuing the following command in a command-line window:

      git clone
    2. cd into the zopeneditor-sample directory that was just cloned.

    3. Switch to the tutorial-complete Git branch with the command:

      git checkout tutorial-complete

Approach 1: Using the Zowe Explorer VS Code extension to manage z/OS resources

This section describes the procedure of managing z/OS resources with the Zowe Explorer VS Code extension.

To get set up with VS Code, ensure that IBM Z Open Editor VS Code extension and Zowe Explorer VS Code extension are installed. For more information, see Using RSE support in Zowe Explorer VS Code extension.

  1. Open VS Code, select File > Open Folder (Windows) or File > Open... (Mac) from the top menu bar, and select the folder zopeneditor-sample that was cloned.

    zopeneditor-sample in VS Code

    In the lower left corner, make sure the Git branch that is selected is the tutorial-complete branch. If it is not on that branch, click the Git branch that is shown and select tutorial-complete or origin/tutorial-complete branch from the list of available branches.

  2. Open the JCL folder within VS Code and click ALLOCATE.jcl to edit the ALLOCATE.jcl file on line 16 and set the HLQ.


  3. Click Terminal from the top VS Code menu bar, and then select New Terminal to open the terminal.

  4. Submit the local ALLOCATE.jcl file by entering this command in the terminal:

    zowe rse submit local-file "./JCL/ALLOCATE.jcl"
  5. After the job is submitted, click the Zowe icon on the left side of VS Code. In the DATA SETS view, click the + symbol to add the RSE profile to the view. Repeat this with the JOBS view.

    Once the RSE profile shows up in the view window, click the magnifying glass next to the RSE profile name and enter HLQ.SAMPLE* in the search bar. You need to replace HLQ with the modification to it as you did in ALLOCATE.jcl. The data sets created by ALLOCATE.jcl should be listed in the Data Sets View.

  6. You can check the job from the JCL that was submitted by clicking the magnifying glass next to the RSE profile in the JOBS view and entering the HLQ that was added to ALLOCATE.jcl into the search bar as the filter. You can view the spool files by opening the Job name ZDEALLC and clicking the spool file to open it in the Editor.

    Adding RSE profiles to Zowe Explorer and viewing Data Sets and Jobs

  7. Upload the COBOL and copybook files into the created data sets, HLQ.SAMPLE.COBOL, HLQ.SAMPLE.COBCOPY, and HLQ.SAMPLE.COPYLIB, after you replace HLQ with the value entered in ALLOCATE.jcl. Right-click the data set and select the member to upload. In the zopeneditor-sample directory that was cloned, choose the files in the COBOL directory for the HLQ.SAMPLE.COBOL data set and the files in the COPYBOOK directory for the HLQ.SAMPLE.COBCOPY data set.

    Upload Cobol and Copybook files into Data Sets Using VS Code

  8. Copy and paste the following files in the RESOURCES directory of zopeneditor-sample into the appropriate sequential data set with in the Zowe Explorer Data Sets View, replacing HLQ with the value entered in ALLOCATE.jcl. Save the files in Zowe Explorer Data Sets View so they can be uploaded to z/OS.

    • RESOURCES/SAMPLE.CUSTFILE into the sequential data set HLQ.SAMPLE.CUSTFILE

    • RESOURCES/SAMPLE.TRANFILE into the sequential data set HLQ. SAMPLE TRANFILE

    Copy and Paste Sequential Data Sets to Save on z/OS

  9. In the JCL directory of zopeneditor-sample, repeat the modification to the RUN.jcl on line 30 and set the HLQ with the same one used in ALLOCATE.jcl. You might or might not need to modify the other symbolics depending on the compile and link libraries your host system uses. You might or might not change the SPACE1 and SPACE2 symbolics, and save the file.

  10. Click Terminal from the top VS Code menu bar, then select New Terminal to open the terminal.

  11. Submit the local RUN.jcl file by entering this command in the terminal:

    zowe rse submit local-file "./JCL/RUN.jcl"
  12. View the status of the Job for the submission of RUN.jcl by refreshing the Zowe Explorer's Jobs View and selecting the Job Name ZDERUN.

  13. After the job completes, refresh Zowe Explorer's Data Sets View to see the new data sets that were created by the RUN.jcl. These data sets include the following files, replacing HLQ with the value entered in the RUN.jcl.


    You can view the files by clicking them to open in the Editor.

  14. To download the resulting files from the job, click Terminal from the top VS Code menu bar, then open a terminal by selecting New Terminal and enter the following commands replacing HLQ with the value entered in the RUN.jcl.

    zowe rse download data-set "HLQ.SAMPLE.CUSTOUT"
    zowe rse download data-set "HLQ.SAMPLE.CUSTRPT"

    Switch back to the Files view to the opened folder zopeneditor-sample and the downloaded files will be in a folder named after the HLQ value entered in the commands above.

    Download Data Set Location

Approach 2: Using a command-line terminal to manage z/OS resources

This section describes the procedure of how you manage z/OS resources in a command-line terminal.

  1. Edit the ALLOCATE.jcl file on line 16 and set the HLQ.

  2. Submit the JCL to run on z/OS with the following command:

    zowe rse submit local-file "./JCL/ALLOCATE.jcl"

    The output of the job submission will be printed in the terminal displaying the job id, return code, job name, and status of the job.

  3. List the data sets that were created by the JCL replacing HLQ with the value set in ALLOCATE.jcl.

    zowe rse list data-set HLQ.SAMPLE*

    The output should be as follows:

  4. Upload the files from the cloned repository into the newly created data sets, replacing HLQ with the value set in ALLOCATE.jcl.

    zowe rse upload dir-to-pds "./COBOL" "HLQ.SAMPLE.COBOL"
    zowe rse upload dir-to-pds "./COPYBOOK" "HLQ.SAMPLE.COBCOPY"
    zowe rse upload file-to-data-set "./RESOURCES/SAMPLE.CUSTFILE" "HLQ.SAMPLE.CUSTFILE"
    zowe rse upload file-to-data-set "./RESOURCES/SAMPLE.TRANFILE" "HLQ.SAMPLE.TRANFILE"

    Make sure that the terminal response is success: true for all the uploads.

  5. Perform the same modification to the RUN.jcl on line 30 and set the HLQ with the same one used in ALLOCATE.jcl.

    You might or might not need to modify the other symbolics depending on the compile and link libraries your host system uses. You might or might not change the SPACE1 and SPACE2 symbolics, and save the file.

  6. Submit the RUN.jcl with the following command:

    zowe rse submit local-file "./JCL/RUN.jcl"

    The response will include the jobid. To check the completion of the job, replace the jobid in the following command with the returned job ID and run it in the terminal window:

    zowe rse view job-status-by-jobid jobid
  7. When the status of the job is complete, download the files that result from the job with the following commands:

    zowe rse download data-set "HLQ.SAMPLE.CUSTOUT"
    zowe rse download data-set "HLQ.SAMPLE.CUSTRPT"

    To see the downloaded files enter the command ls (Mac) or dir (Windows).

Approach 3: Using a script to automate command-line operations against z/OS resources

You can do the same actions as described in approach 1 in a shell script. This section describes how to create and use the script.

  1. Edit the ALLOCATE.jcl file on line 16 and set the HLQ.

  2. Perform the same modification to the RUN.jcl on line 30 and set the HLQ with the same one used in ALLOCATE.jcl. You might or might not need to modify the other symbolics depending on the compile and link libraries your host system uses. You might or might not change the SPACE1 and SPACE2 symbolics, and save the file.

  3. The script is located in the SCRIPTS directory of the cloned repo. Edit the HLQ variable in the code on line 12 to match the modification to the JCL files.

  4. Open a terminal in VS Code and enter SCRIPTS/

    Using Command Line Operations in a Script

Alternatively, you can run this script with Zowe CLI, which uses z/OSMF on the host instead of RSE API. To adapt the script for use in Zowe CLI, change the values of the variables FILES_CMD and JOBS_CMD in the script to the following:

  • FILES_CMD="files"
  • JOBS_CMD="jobs"

The RSE CLI plug-in also has support for Interactive TSO commands, you can read more about this under Run interactive TSO commands.

Last Updated:
Contributors: BillieJean-Simmons, Shi Kun Li, Min Huang, Lauren Li, Billie Simmons, Greg Lambert, Gregory Lambert