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Field - perf_flg_2

Performance section flag byte


Performance section flag byte

Flag fields

This is a flag field with the following bit fields:

Field Bit-Position Description
asp 0 Address space was designated storage-critical
sme 1 Address space cannot be managed to trxn goals
cpr 2 Address space is currently CPU-protected
spr 3 Address space is currently stg-protected
pin 4 The following fields contain incomplete data: (SRM could not deliver deltas or values for this interval) SMF30CSU SMF30MSO SMF30SPR SMF30ESU SMF30PFL SMF30SQT SMF30ETA SMF30PFR SMF30SRB SMF30ETC SMF30RCN SMF30SRV SMF30GRN SMF30RES SMF30SUS SMF30HQT SMF30RQT SMF30TAT SMF30IO SMF30RTR SMF30TRS SMF30JPN SMF30SCN SMF30WLM SMF30JQT SMF30SME SMF30CRM SMF30SRV_L SMF30CSU_L SMF30SRB_L SMF30IO_L SMF30MSO_L SMF30ESU_L
crm 5 The address space matched a classification rule which specified “manage region using goals of both”, which means it is managed towards the velocity goal of the region. But, transaction completions are reported and used for management of the transaction service classes with response time goals. This option should only be used with CICS TORs, the associated AORs should remain at the default “manage region using goals of transaction”. */