Source code for lnn.symbolic.logic.formula

# Copyright 2023 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# flake8: noqa: E501

import logging
import itertools
import typing
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Iterator, Set, List, Dict

from abc import ABC

from .variable import Variable
from .. import _trace
from ... import _utils, _exceptions, utils
from ...constants import Fact, World

import copy
import torch
import numpy as np

subclasses: typing.Dict[str, object] = {}

def _isinstance(obj, class_str) -> bool:
    Returns True if an object is an instance of a class give that class name as a
    string, otherwise False. The check is performed using the subclasses dictionary.
    To see what the subclasses dictionary is populated with, refer to the init file of
    this module.
    return isinstance(obj, subclasses[class_str])

[docs]class Formula(ABC): r"""Symbolic container for a generic formula.""" def __init__( self, *formulae: "Formula", name: Optional[str] = "", arity: int = None, **kwds ): # construct edge and operand list for each formula self.edge_list = list() self.operands: List[Formula] = list() # formula arity self.arity: int = arity # inherit propositional, variables, and graphs self.propositional: bool = kwds.get("propositional") self.variables: Tuple[Variable, ...] = kwds.get("variables") self._inherit_from_subformulae(*formulae) # formula naming if _isinstance(self, "_LeafFormula"): self.structure: str = name str = name else: self.structure: str = self._formula_structure(True) str = ( name if name else self._formula_structure(True, lambda x: ) # formula grounding table maps grounded objects to table rows self.grounding_table = None if self.propositional else dict() # placeholder for neural variables and functions self.neuron = None self.func = None self.func_inv = None self.formula_number = None self.operands_by_number = list() self.congruent_nodes = list() ## # External function definitions ## def add_facts(self, *args, **kwds): raise NameError(f"`add_facts` is deprecated, use `add_data` instead")
[docs] def add_data( self, data: Union[ Union[bool, Fact, float, Tuple[float, float]], Dict[ Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], Union[bool, Fact, float, Tuple[float, float]], ], ], ): r"""Add data to the formula in the form of classical facts or belief bounds. Data given is a Fact or belief bounds assumes a propositional formula. Data given in a dict assumes a first-order logic formula, keyed by the grounding and a value given as a Fact or belief bounds. Parameters ---------- data : Fact, belief bounds or dict For propositional formulae, truths is given as either Facts or belief bounds. These beliefs can be given as a bool, float or a float-range, i.e. a tuple of 2 floats. For first-order logic formula, inputs truths are given as a dict. It is keyed by the grounding (a str for unary formlae or tuple of strings of larger arities), with values also as Facts or bounds on beliefs. Examples -------- ```python # propositional P, Q = Propositions("P", "Q") P.add_data(Fact.TRUE) Q.add_data((.1, .4)) ``` ```python # first-order logic Person = Predicate("Person") Person.add_data({ "Barack Obama": Fact.TRUE, "Bo": (.1, .4) }) # FOL with arity > 2 BD = Predicate("Birthdate", 2) BD.add_data({ ("Barack Obama", "04 August 1961"): Fact.TRUE, ("Bo", "09 October 2008"): (.6, .75) }) ``` """ if self.propositional: # Propositional facts if isinstance(data, bool): data = Fact.TRUE if data else Fact.FALSE _exceptions.AssertBounds(data) self.neuron.add_data(data) return # FOL facts if not isinstance(data, dict): # facts given per grounding raise Exception( "FOL facts should be from [dict, set], " f'"{self}" received {type(data)}' ) # replace fact keys (str -> tuple[str]) groundings = tuple(data.keys()) for g in groundings: bounds = data.pop(g) if isinstance(bounds, bool): bounds = Fact.TRUE if bounds else Fact.FALSE data[self._ground(g)] = bounds # add missing groundings to `grounding_table` groundings = tuple(data.keys()) self._add_groundings(*groundings) # set facts for all groundings table_facts = {self.grounding_table[g]: data[g] for g in groundings} self.neuron.add_data(table_facts)
[docs] def add_labels( self, labels: Union[ Union[Fact, Tuple[float, float]], Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], Union[Fact, Tuple[float, float]]], ], ): r"""Store labels as data within the symbolic container. Labels given is a Fact or belief bounds assumes a propositional formula. Labels given in a dict assumes a first-order logic formula, keyed by the grounding and a value given as a Fact or belief bounds. Parameters ---------- labels : Fact, belief bounds or dict For propositional formulae, facts are given as either Facts or bounds on beliefs (a tuple of 2 floats). For first-order logic formula, inputs are given as a dict. It is keyed by the grounding (a str for unary formlae or tuple of strings of larger arities), with values also as Facts or bounds on beliefs. Examples -------- ```python # propositional P, Q = Propositions("P", "Q") P.add_labels(Fact.TRUE) Q.add_labels((.1, .4)) ``` ```python # first-order logic Person = Predicate("Person") Person.add_labels({ "Barack Obama": Fact.TRUE, "Bo": (.1, .4) }) # FOL with arity > 2 BD = Predicate("Birthdate", 2) BD.add_labels({ ("Barack Obama", "04 August 1961"): Fact.TRUE, ("Bo", "09 October 2008"): (.6, .75) }) ``` """ if self.propositional: # Propositional labels _exceptions.AssertBounds(labels) self.labels = _utils.fact_to_bounds(labels, self.propositional) else: # FOL labels if not hasattr(self, "labels"): self.labels = dict() if isinstance(labels, dict): # labels given per grounding _labels = copy.copy(labels) for g in tuple(_labels.keys()): # set labels for groundings, replace str keys -> Groundings self.labels[self._ground(g)] = _utils.fact_to_bounds( _labels.pop(g), self.propositional ) else: raise Exception( "FOL facts should be from [dict, set], " f'"{self}" received {type(labels)}' )
[docs] def flush(self): r"""Set all facts in formula to `Fact.UNKNOWN`.""" self.neuron.flush()
def get_facts(self, *args, **kwds): raise NameError(f"`get_facts` is deprecated, use `get_data` instead")
[docs] def get_data( self, *groundings: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], tuple[str]] ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Returns the current beliefs of the formula. Uses the given groundings or the entire `groundind_table` to slice out the current belief bounds from the `bounds_table`. Parameters ------- ``*groundings``: str or tuple of str NB - if unspecified, defaults to returning all the facts for the given formula. If specified, the table will be ordered according to the input grounding order. """ if self.propositional or len(groundings) == 0: return self.neuron.get_data() table_rows = [self.grounding_table.get(self._ground(g)) for g in groundings] return self.neuron.get_data(table_rows, default=True)
[docs] def get_labels(self, *groundings: str) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Returns the stored labels from the symbolic container.""" if self.propositional or len(groundings) == 0: return self.labels result = torch.stack([self.labels.get(self._ground(g)) for g in groundings]) return result[0] if len(groundings) == 1 else result
@property def groundings(self) -> Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]]: r"""Returns the groundings to the user as str or tuple of str.""" if self.grounding_table: return set(self.grounding_table.keys()) return set() @property def is_classically_resolved(self): r"""Checks if the query node is in a classical state besides `Fact.UNKNOWN`.""" if self.propositional and _utils.is_classical_proposition( tuple(self.get_data().tolist()) ): return True return False
[docs] def is_contradiction( self, bounds: torch.Tensor = None, stacked=False ) -> torch.BoolTensor: r"""Check if there are any bounds in contradiction.""" return self.contradicting_bounds(bounds, stacked).any()
[docs] def contradicting_bounds( self, bounds: torch.Tensor = None, stacked=False ) -> torch.BoolTensor: r"""Check which bounds are in contradiction.""" if stacked: tensor = torch.logical_or( self.neuron.is_contradiction(bounds[..., 0]), self.neuron.is_contradiction(bounds[..., 1]), ) return tensor.type(torch.bool) return self.neuron.is_contradiction(bounds)
[docs] def contradicting_stacked_bounds( self, bounds: torch.Tensor = None ) -> torch.BoolTensor: r"""Check if bounds are in contradiction."""
[docs] def is_equal(self, other: "Formula") -> bool: r"""Returns True if two nodes are symbolically equivalent. Formulae can be symbolically equivalent yet neurally different, example: ```python f = And(A, B, activation={"type": NeuralActivation.Lukasiewicz}) g = And(A, B, activation={"type": NeuralActivation.Godel}) ``` The above will return `True`, since `f` is symbolically equivalent to `g` despite different neural configurations. """ if self is other: return True result = list() for f in self.congruent_nodes: if _isinstance(f, "Congruent"): result += [ other.structure == operand.structure for operand in f.operands ] return any(result)
def is_unweighted(self) -> bool: return all([self.neuron.bias == w for w in self.neuron.weights]) def negation_absorption( self, store: bool = True ) -> (List[int], Tuple[Tuple["Formula"]]): n_negations = [] edge_replace = [] operands = [] def recurse(formula): for operand in formula.operands: if _isinstance(operand, "Not"): recurse(operand) root_idx = len(n_negations) - 1 n_negations[root_idx] += 1 condition = [True] * len(self.neuron.weights) condition[root_idx] = bool(root_idx % 2) if store: self.neuron.update_weights_where( condition, -self.neuron.weights ) self.operands[root_idx] = self.operands[root_idx].operands[0] edge_replace.append( (self.edge_list[root_idx], (self, self.operands[root_idx])) ) else: n_negations.append(0) operands.append(operand) recurse(self) if store: if edge_replace:"ABSORBED NEGATIONS INTO WEIGHTS FOR: '{}'") return edge_replace, n_negations else: return operands, edge_replace, n_negations def named_parameters(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, torch.Tensor]]: return self.neuron.named_parameters() def parameters(self) -> Iterator[torch.Tensor]: return self.neuron.parameters() def params( self, *params: str, detach: bool = False ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, List[torch.Tensor]]: result = list() for param in params: if param in dict(self.neuron.named_parameters()): result.append( getattr(self.neuron, param).clone().detach() if detach else getattr(self.neuron, param) ) else: raise ValueError(f"{self} has no attribute: {param}") return result[0] if len(params) == 1 else result
[docs] def print( self, header_len: int = 50, roundoff: int = 5, params: bool = False, grads: bool = False, numbering: bool = False, ): r"""Print the states of groundings in a formula. ``` OPEN Proposition: A UNKNOWN (L, U) CLOSED Proposition: B FALSE (L, U) OPEN Predicate: P1 (x) "const_1" TRUE (L, U) "const_2" CONTRADICTION (L, U) "const_3" FALSE (L, U) OPEN Predicate: P2 (x, y) ("const_1", "const_5") TRUE (L, U) ("const_2", "const_6") CONTRADICTION (L, U) ("const_3", "const_7") FALSE (L, U) OPEN And: And_0 (x, y) Bindings: P1 (x: "const_1"), P2 (x: 'const_2', y: ['const_3', ...]) ('const_1', 'const_3') TRUE (L, U) ('const_2', 'const_3') CONTRADICTION (L, U) ('const_1', 'const_7') FALSE (L, U) TRUE Forall: Forall_0 (y) UNKNOWN (L, U) ``` """ def state_wrapper(grounding: Tuple[str]): return f"{grounding}" def round_bounds(grounding=None): data = self.get_data(grounding) if len(data.shape) > 1: data = data[0] return tuple([round(r, roundoff) for r in data.tolist()]) header = ( f"{str(self.world_state(True))} " f"{self.__class__.__name__}" f": {}" ) if params: params = dict() for name, symbol in _utils.param_symbols.items(): if hasattr(self.neuron, name): val = getattr(self.neuron, name) params[symbol] = f"{np.around(val.tolist(), roundoff)}" + ( f" grads {np.around(val.grad.tolist(), roundoff)}" if grads and val.grad is not None else "" ) params = "params " + ", ".join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in params.items()]) else: params = "" number = ( f"{self.formula_number} {self.operands_by_number}: " if self.formula_number is not None and numbering else "" ) # print propositional node - single bounds if self.propositional: states = ( f"{header:<{header_len}} " f"{self.state().name:>13} " f"{round_bounds()}\n" f"{params}" ) print(f"{number}{states}") # print FOL node - table of bounds else: facts = ( [""] if self.grounding_table is None else ( [ ( f"{state_wrapper(g):{header_len}} " f"{self.state(g).name:>13} " f"{round_bounds(g)}\n" ) for g in self.grounding_table ] ) ) binder = list() for op_idx, op in enumerate(self.operands): if not self.propositional and self._has_bindings(op_idx): for i in range(len(self.var_remap[op_idx])): if None not in self.bindings[op_idx][i]: binder.append( f"{str(op)} " "{" f"{str(self.operand_map[op_idx][i])}: " f"{list(map(str, self.bindings[op_idx][i]))}" "}" ) bind_str = ("\nBindings: " + ", ".join(binder)) if binder else "" header = f"{header} {bind_str}" params = f"\n{params}" if params else "" header = f"{header}{params}" result = f"{header}\n" + "".join(facts) print(f"{number}{result}")
def project_params(self): self.neuron.project_params() def rename(self, name: str): = name def reset_bounds(self): self.neuron.reset_bounds() def reset_world(self, world: World): _exceptions.AssertBoundsLen(world) = world if isinstance(world, tuple) else world.value self.neuron.reset_world(world) def set_formula_number(self, idx) -> int: self.formula_number = idx for operand in self.operands: if operand.formula_number is None: idx = operand.set_formula_number(idx + 1) self.operands_by_number.append(operand.formula_number) return idx
[docs] def set_negative_weights( self, is_negative: bool = True, store: bool = True ) -> (List[int], Tuple[Tuple["Formula"]]): """absorb `Not` into weights and allow negative computation""" self.neuron.set_negative_weights(is_negative) return self.negation_absorption(store=store)
[docs] def set_propositional(self, propositional: bool): r"""Set's the neuron's world parameter.""" self.propositional = propositional
@property def shape(self) -> torch.Size: return self.neuron.bounds_table.shape
[docs] def state( self, groundings: Union[ str, Tuple[str, ...], List[str], List[Tuple[str, ...]] ] = None, to_bool: bool = False, bounds: torch.Tensor = None, ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], torch.Tensor]]: r"""Returns the state of a single grounded fact. if to_bool flag is True, will map classical Facts to bool: i.e. {Fact.True: True, FALSE': False} The rest of the node states will return as str Notes ----- see section [F.2]( for more information on node states """ if self.propositional: result = self.neuron.state() else: if bounds is None: if groundings is None or isinstance(groundings, list): result = { g: self.state(g) for g in ( self.grounding_table if groundings is None else groundings ) } return result groundings = self._ground(groundings) bounds = self.get_data(groundings) if len(bounds) == 0: raise LookupError(f"grounding {groundings} not found in {str(self)}") result = self.neuron.state(bounds[None, :])[0] result = _utils.node_state(result) return utils.fact_to_bool(result) if to_bool else result
@property def unique_var_map(self) -> Dict: result = {u: i for i, u in enumerate(self.unique_vars)} if _isinstance(self, "_Quantifier"): for idx, v in enumerate(self.variables): result[v] = idx + len(self.unique_vars) return result @property def world(self) -> World: r"""Proxy to get the neuron's world parameter.""" return @world.setter def world(self, new_world: Union[Tuple, World]): r"""Proxy to set the neuron's world parameter.""" = new_world
[docs] def world_state(self, name=False): r"""Returns the state of the `world` variable.""" try: w = World( return if name else w except ValueError: return
def And(self, *formulae: "Formula", **kwds) -> "And": return subclasses["And"](*self._formula_vars(self, *formulae), **kwds) def Or(self, *formulae: "Formula", **kwds) -> "Or": return subclasses["Or"](*self._formula_vars(self, *formulae), **kwds) def Implies(self, formula: "Formula", **kwds) -> "Implies": return subclasses["Implies"](*self._formula_vars(self, formula), **kwds) def Not(self, **kwds) -> "Not": return subclasses["Not"](*self._formula_vars(self), **kwds) def Iff(self, formula: "Formula", **kwds) -> "Iff": return subclasses["Iff"](*self._formula_vars(self, formula), **kwds) def Exists(self, **kwds) -> "Exists": return subclasses["Exists"](self.unique_vars, self, **kwds) def Forall(self, **kwds) -> "Forall": return subclasses["Forall"](*self.unique_vars, self, **kwds) ## # Internal function definitions ## def __call__( self, *variables: Variable, ) -> Tuple[ "Formula", List[Variable], Tuple[Variable, ...], Tuple[Union[List[tuple[str]], List[None]]], ]: r"""Variable remapping between operator and operand variables. Examples -------- FOL formulae that appear in connectives are callable: Note `A`, `B` in the `And` ```python x = Variable('x') model['A'] = Predicate('A') model['B'] = Predicate('B') model['AB'] = And(A(x), B(x)) ``` Returns ------- Formula: reference to the child object variables: tuple of child's Variables var_remap: tuple of parent-to-child remapping Variables bindings: tuple of parent-to-child groundings to bind inference to single groundings """ if len(variables) != self.num_unique_vars: raise Exception( f"please check if the FOL arity of {self} is correctly set " "for the number of variables " f"variables length ({len(variables)}) must be the same " f"length as `num_unique_vars` ({self.num_unique_vars})" ) bindings = list() bind = dict() variable_objects = list() for v in variables: if isinstance(v, str): bindings.append([self._ground(v, arity_match=False)]) continue elif isinstance(v, Variable): variable_objects.append(v) else: raise TypeError(f"expected variable, received {type(v)}") if v in bind: if isinstance(bind[v], str): # a single binding bindings.append([self._ground(bind[v], arity_match=False)]) elif isinstance(bind[v], list): # multiple bindings bindings.append( [self._ground(g, arity_match=False) for g in bind[v]] ) elif isinstance(bind[v], Function): # A single function bindings.append([bind[v]]) elif isinstance(bind[v], tuple): # A bound function bindings.append([bind[v]]) else: raise TypeError( f"bindings expected as str, " f"Function or list of str or " f"Function, received {type(bind[v])}" ) else: bindings.append([None]) return self, self.variables, tuple(variable_objects), bindings def __str__(self) -> str: return def __eq__(self, other): eq_condition = (self.structure == other.structure) and ( self.neuron == other.neuron ) return eq_condition def __hash__(self): return hash(self.structure) def _add_groundings(self, *groundings: tuple[str]): r"""Adds missing groundings to `grounding_table` for those not yet stored. Examples -------- ```python # for formulae with arity == 1: formula._add_groundings(tuple_1, tuple_2) ``` ```python # for formulae with arity > 1: groundings = ((tuple_1, tuple_7), (tuple_2, tuple_8)) formula._add_groundings(*groundings) ``` Warning ------- groundings must be given in grounded form: `self._ground(grounding)` """ missing_groundings = {g for g in groundings if g not in self.grounding_table} if len(missing_groundings) == 0: self._has_new_groundings = False return self._has_new_groundings = True table_rows = self.neuron.extend_groundings(len(missing_groundings)) self.grounding_table.update( {g: table_rows[i] for i, g in enumerate(missing_groundings)} ) def _formula_structure(self, as_int, get_str=lambda x: x.structure) -> str: r"""Determine a name for input formula(e).""" def subformula_structure( subformula: Formula, operator: str = None, subformula_vars: Tuple = None, root_var_remap: dict = None, ) -> str: if subformula_vars is None: root_var_remap = dict( (k, k) for k in ( self.expanded_unique_vars if _isinstance(self, "_Quantifier") else self.unique_vars ) ) else: if _isinstance(subformula, "_Quantifier"): for v in subformula.expanded_unique_vars: if v not in root_var_remap: root_var_remap[v] = v if subformula_vars != subformula.unique_vars: root_var_remap = dict( ( ( subformula.unique_vars[i], root_var_remap[subformula_vars[i]], ) if subformula.unique_vars[i] != subformula_vars[i] else (subformula_vars[i], subformula_vars[i]) for i in range(len(subformula_vars)) ) ) result = [ ( f"{}(" + _utils.list_to_str( [ root_var_remap[v] if not as_int else subformula.unique_var_map[root_var_remap[v]] if _isinstance(subformula, "_Quantifier") else self.unique_var_map[root_var_remap[v]] for v in [ subformula.expanded_unique_vars[_] if _isinstance(subformula, "_Quantifier") else subformula.unique_vars[_] for _ in subformula.operand_map[i] ] ] if subformula.operand_map[i] else [] ) + ")" ) if _isinstance(f, "Predicate") else f"{}" if _isinstance(f, "Proposition") else f"{f.structure}" if _isinstance(f, "_Quantifier") else ( "(" + subformula_structure( f, f.connective_str, subformula.var_remap[i], root_var_remap ) + ")" ) if _isinstance(f, "_ConnectiveNeuron") else ( f"{f.connective_str}" + subformula_structure( f, None, subformula.var_remap[i], root_var_remap ) ) if _isinstance(f, "Not") else "" for i, f in enumerate(subformula.operands) ] return f" {operator} ".join(result) if operator else "".join(result) if _isinstance(self, "_Quantifier"): quantified_idxs = _utils.list_to_str( [self.unique_var_map[v] for v in self.variables], "," ) return ( f"({self.connective_str}{quantified_idxs}, " f"{subformula_structure(self)})" ) elif _isinstance(self, "Not"): return ( f"{self.connective_str}{get_str(self.operands[0])}" if self.propositional else f"{self.connective_str}{subformula_structure(self)}" ) return ( ( "(" + f" {self.connective_str} ".join([get_str(f) for f in self.operands]) + ")" ) if self.propositional else f"({subformula_structure(self, self.connective_str)})" ) @staticmethod def _formula_vars(*formulae: "Formula") -> List[Union["Formula", Tuple]]: r"""Returns a list of formulae as wither called (when predicates) or uncalled as connectives. """ variables = list( Variable(f"?{i}") for i in range(max([f.arity for f in formulae])) ) return [ f(*variables[: f.arity]) if (not f.propositional and _isinstance(f, "Predicate")) else f for f in formulae ] def _ground( self, grounding: Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], tuple[str]], arity_match: bool = True, ) -> tuple[str]: r"""Returns a single grounded object given a grounding in str form. If the grounding is already an internal "Grounding" object, it will simply be returned to the user as is. Examples -------- ```python # for arity == 1 self._ground('str_1') ``` ```python # for arity > 1 grounding = ('str_1', 'str_2', ...) self._ground(grounding) ``` Warning ------- This function can only ground one object at a time due to tuple confusion for multiple objects """ if isinstance(grounding, tuple): return grounding if isinstance(grounding, str): return (grounding,) if Formula._is_grounded(grounding): return grounding if isinstance(grounding, tuple): if not all([type(g) in [str, None] for g in grounding]): raise Exception( "expected groundings as tuple of str for num_unique_vars " f" > 1, received {type(grounding)} {grounding}" ) if len(grounding) != self.num_unique_vars and arity_match: raise Exception( "expected grounding length to be of " f"arity {self.num_unique_vars}, received {grounding}" ) else: if self.num_unique_vars != 1 and arity_match: raise Exception( f"{self} received str as grounding, expected grounding " f"({grounding}) as a tuple of len {self.num_unique_vars}" ) return grounding @property def _groundings(self) -> Set[tuple[str]]: """Internal usage to extract groundings""" return set(self.grounding_table.keys()) def _has_bindings(self, slot: int = None) -> bool: r"""Returns True if Formula has any bindings.""" if isinstance(slot, int): return ( True if self.bindings[slot] and any( [ self.bindings[slot][i][j] for i in range(len(self.bindings[slot])) for j in range(len(self.bindings[slot][i])) ] ) else False ) return any([self._has_bindings(i) for i in range(len(self.bindings))]) def _inherit_from_subformulae(self, *subformula: Union["Formula", Tuple]): r"""Builds the local context for a formula using subformulae. provides manual variable remapping if given with variables: i.e. Formula used as a function via `__call__` alternatively inherits remapping from operands if formula is not called """ # inheritance variables subformulae = list() _operand_vars: List[Union[Tuple[Variable, ...], None]] = [None] * self.arity _var_remap: List[Union[Tuple[Variable, ...], None]] = [None] * self.arity _bindings: List[Union[Tuple[tuple[str], ...], None]] = [None] * self.arity for slot, f in enumerate(subformula): # variable remapping from `called` operands: # # ```python # P = Predicate("P", arity=2) # Q = Predicate("P", arity=2) # And(P(x, y), Q(y, z)) # ``` if isinstance(f, tuple): subformulae.append(f[0]) _operand_vars[slot] = f[1] _var_remap[slot] = f[2] _bindings[slot] = f[3] self.edge_list.append((self, f[0])) self.operands.append(f[0]) # automatically inherit variable remapping from `uncalled` operands # for higher level connective formulae: # # ```python # Implies(And(...), Or(...)) # ``` else: if not f.propositional: _var_remap[slot] = f.unique_vars _operand_vars[slot] = f.unique_vars _bindings[slot] = [[None]] * len(f.unique_vars) subformulae.append(f) self.edge_list.append((self, f)) self.operands.append(f) self.operands: Tuple[Formula] = tuple(self.operands) # set class variables as read-only tuples self.operand_vars: Tuple[Tuple[Variable, ...], ...] = tuple(_operand_vars) self.var_remap: Tuple[Tuple[Variable, ...], ...] = tuple(_var_remap) self.bindings: Tuple[Tuple[tuple[str], ...], ...] = tuple(_bindings) # inherit propositional flag from children if self.propositional is None: if _isinstance(self, "_Quantifier"): self.set_propositional( not subclasses["_Quantifier"]._has_free_variables( self.variables, self.operands[0] ) ) else: self.set_propositional( False if any([not f.propositional for f in subformulae]) else True ) # inherit variables from children if _isinstance(self, "_Quantifier") or ( not self.propositional and not _isinstance(self, "_LeafFormula") ): remap = self.var_remap if _isinstance(self, "_Quantifier") and hasattr(self, "variables"): remap = ( subclasses["_Quantifier"]._unique_variables_overlap( self.variables, self.var_remap[0] ), ) self._update_variables(*remap) self._update_map() # expand formula graph to include all subformulae if subformulae: self.edge_list.extend([edge for f in subformulae for edge in f.edge_list]) @staticmethod def _is_grounded(groundings: Union[tuple[str], str, Tuple[str, ...]]) -> bool: r"""Returns True if the grounding is given in internal "Grounded" form.""" return isinstance(groundings, tuple) @staticmethod def _unique_variables(*variables: Tuple[Variable, ...]) -> Tuple: r"""Combines all predicate variables into a unique tuple the tuple is sorted by the order of appearance of variables in the operands. """ result = list() for op_vars in variables: if op_vars: for v in op_vars: if v not in result: result.append(v) return tuple(result) def _update_map(self) -> None: r"""Update the 'operand_map' to map parent groundings to operand groundings.""" self.operand_map: List[Tuple] = [None] * len(self.operand_vars) for op_idx in range(len(self.var_remap)): if self.var_remap[op_idx]: op_map = [ self.unique_vars.index(op_var) if op_var in self.unique_vars else self.variables.index(op_var) + len(self.unique_vars) for op_var in self.var_remap[op_idx] ] self.operand_map[op_idx] = tuple(op_map) def _update_variables(self, *variables: Tuple[Variable, ...]) -> None: r""" **Notes** If the formula grounding_arity is not specified, it will be inherited from the variables. If variables are not specified, both the `grounding_arity` and variables are inherited from groundings """ self.unique_vars = Formula._unique_variables(*variables) self.num_unique_vars = len(self.unique_vars) def _contradiction_loss(self, coeff: float = None) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Contradiction loss.""" if coeff is None: coeff = 1 bounds = self.get_data() x = bounds[..., 0] - bounds[..., 1] return (self.contradicting_bounds() * coeff * x).sum() def _uncertainty_loss(self, coeff: float = None) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Uncertainty loss.""" if coeff is None: coeff = 0 bounds = self.get_data() x = bounds[..., 1] - bounds[..., 0] return (self.is_contradiction().logical_not() * coeff * x).sum() def _supervised_loss(self, coeff: float = None) -> Union[None, torch.Tensor]: r"""Supervised loss.""" if coeff is None: coeff = 1 loss = torch.nn.MSELoss() if ( not hasattr(self, "labels") or (self.propositional and not self.labels.numel()) or (not self.propositional and not self.labels) ): return labels = self.get_labels() if self.propositional: return coeff * loss(self.get_data(), labels) groundings = [g for g in labels if g in self.grounding_table] if len(groundings) == 0: return return coeff * loss(self.get_data(*groundings), self.get_labels(*groundings)) increment_param_history = _trace.increment_param_history