Source code for lnn.symbolic.logic.n_ary_operator

# Copyright 2023 IBM Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

# flake8: noqa: E501

import logging
from typing import Union, Tuple, Set, Dict

import torch

from .connective_formula import _ConnectiveFormula
from .formula import Formula
from .node_activation import _NodeActivation
from .. import _gm
from ... import _utils
from ...constants import Fact


class _NAryOperator(_ConnectiveFormula):
    r"""N-ary connective operator"""

    def __init__(self, *formula, **kwds):
        super().__init__(*formula, arity=len(formula), **kwds)

[docs]class Congruent(_NAryOperator): r"""Symbolic Congruency This is used to define nodes that are symbolically equivalent to one another (despite the possibility of neural differences) """ def __init__(self, *formulae: Formula, **kwds): self.connective_str = "≅" super().__init__(*formulae, **kwds) kwds.setdefault("propositional", self.propositional) self.neuron = _NodeActivation()(**kwds.get("activation", {}), **kwds) def __contains__(self, item): return True if item in self.congruent_nodes else False
[docs] def add_data(self, facts: Union[Fact, Tuple, Set, Dict]): """Should not be called by the user""" raise AttributeError( "Should not be called directly by the user, instead use " "`congruent_node.upward()` to evaluate the facts from the operands" )
def upward( self, groundings: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, **kwds ) -> float: r"""Upward inference from the operands to the operator. Parameters ---------- groundings : str or tuple of str restrict upward inference to a specific grounding or row in the truth table Returns ------- tightened_bounds : float The amount of bounds tightening or new information that is leaned by the inference step. """ upward_bounds = _gm.upward_bounds(self, self.operands, groundings) if upward_bounds is None: # contradiction arresting return input_bounds, groundings = upward_bounds grounding_rows = ( None if self.propositional else ( self.grounding_table.values() if groundings is None else [self.grounding_table.get(g) for g in groundings] ) ) input_bounds = torch.stack( [ input_bounds[..., 0, :].max(-1)[0], input_bounds[..., 1, :].max(-1)[0], ], dim=-1, ) result = self.neuron.aggregate_bounds(grounding_rows, input_bounds) if result: "↑ BOUNDS UPDATED " f"TIGHTENED:{result} " f"FOR:'{}' " f"FORMULA:{self.formula_number} " ) return result
[docs] def downward( self, index: int = None, groundings: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, **kwds, ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, None]: r"""Downward inference from the operator to the operands. Parameters ---------- index : int, optional restricts downward inference to an operand at the specified index. If unspecified, all operands are updated. groundings : str or tuple of str, optional restrict upward inference to a specific grounding or row in the truth table Returns ------- tightened_bounds : float The amount of bounds tightening or new information that is leaned by the inference step. """ downward_bounds = _gm.downward_bounds(self, self.operands, groundings) if downward_bounds is None: # contradiction arresting return parent, _, groundings = downward_bounds op_indices = ( enumerate(self.operands) if index is None else ([(index, self.operands[index])]) ) result = 0 for op_index, op in op_indices: if op.propositional: op_grounding_rows = None else: if groundings is None: op_grounding_rows = op.grounding_table.values() else: op_grounding_rows = [None] * len(groundings) for g_i, g in enumerate(groundings): op_g = [ str(g.partial_grounding[slot]) for slot in self.operand_map[op_index] ] op_g = tuple(op_g) op_grounding_rows[g_i] = op.grounding_table.get(op_g) op_aggregate = op.neuron.aggregate_bounds(op_grounding_rows, parent) if op_aggregate: "↓ BOUNDS UPDATED " f"TIGHTENED:{op_aggregate} " f"FOR:'{}' " f"FROM:'{}' " f"FORMULA:{op.formula_number} " f"PARENT:{self.formula_number} " ) result = result + op_aggregate return result
def extract_congruency(self, *formulae): for idx, formula in enumerate(formulae): if self not in formula.congruent_nodes: formula.congruent_nodes.append(self) def set_congruency(self): for formula in self.operands: if self not in formula.congruent_nodes: formula.congruent_nodes.append(self) def upward( self, groundings: Set[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]]] = None, **kwds ) -> float: upward_bounds = _gm.upward_bounds(self, self.operands, groundings) if upward_bounds is None: # contradiction arresting return input_bounds, groundings = upward_bounds grounding_rows = ( None if self.propositional else ( self.grounding_table.values() if groundings is None else [self.grounding_table.get(g) for g in groundings] ) ) input_bounds = torch.stack( [ input_bounds[..., 0, :].max(-1)[0], input_bounds[..., 1, :].min(-1)[0], ], dim=-1, ) result = self.neuron.aggregate_bounds(grounding_rows, input_bounds) if result: "↑ BOUNDS UPDATED " f"TIGHTENED:{result} " f"FOR:'{}' " f"FORMULA:{self.formula_number} " ) return result