Create dropzone for drop events of files
Deregister callback to remove it from the callbacks getting transfer data
Deregister callback to remove it from the callbacks getting removed transfer data
Deregister callback to remove it from the callbacks getting Safari extension events
Deregister callback to remove it from the callbacks getting connection events
Function to get a list of all transfers
Function to get information about the IBM Aspera instance
Function to get latest installer information
Function to get URLs for installer management.
Function to get information for a specific transfer
Global information about IBM Aspera
Function to initialize IBM Aspera
Initialize drag and drop
Function to get whether IBM Aspera is running on Safari
Function to launch IBM Aspera
Function to modify a running transfer
Register callback for the transfer activity monitor
Register callback for removed transfers from the app
Register callback for Safari extension status events
Register callback for connection status events from the app
Remove dropzone for drop events of files
Function to remove a transfer
Function to resume a transfer
Function to set custom branding for IBM Aspera
Function to show the transfer's download directory in Finder or Windows Explorer
Function to display the IBM Aspera preferences page
Function to display a file dialog for the user to select files.
Function to display a folder dialog for the user to select folders.
Function to initiate a transfer
Function to stop a transfer
Function to test the IBM Aspera status
Check if IBM Aspera is ready to be used and has been verified.
a boolean indicating if SDK can be used for requests
Activity tracking for watching transfers