Coding Guidelines


  • Use docstrings for commenting modules, functions, classes, and method definitions according to the numpydoc docstring guide.

  • Add a newline after a docstring.

  • Do not use docstrings for other comments.

    Example (correct):

    # This …

    Example (wrong):

    """This …"""
  • Start comments with lowercase if they are not complete sentences.

Each source code file must have the following copyright header ($COMMIT_YEAR_RANGE must be matched by the regular expression (\d\d\d\d)(, (\d\d\d\d))* and specify the years of creation and last modification according to Git):

#  Copyright $COMMIT_YEAR_RANGE IBM Corporation
#  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#  limitations under the License.

There is a script to automatically correct copyright headers (Development Guide).


  • When raising an Exception, use the CloudPakOperationsCLIException class or IBMCloudExceptionClass class.
  • Error messages must be complete sentences with a full stop or incomplete sentences without a full stop.


To avoid circular imports, a module contained in one of the packages shown in the table below is only allowed to import other modules of the following categories:

  • modules from the same package or other packages in the same row if no circular import is created
  • modules from other packages in rows below the row containing the package of the module
1st level packages 2nd level packages 3rd level packages
cpo cpo.commands cpo.commands.adm

For example, a module contained in the cpo.config package is allowed to import modules from the cpo.utils package but must not import modules from the cpo.lib package.

Line length


Methods to display output on the console

There are two methods to display output on the console:

The root logger of the logging package is configured to prefix each message of a log record with the current timestamp and the log level of the log record using colored output:



Use the following decision criteria when to use which method:

  • Use click.echo() when printing the current timestamp and the log level is not appropriate. For example, when …

    • … printing output that may be consumed by other programs (example: cpo cluster current).
    • … printing output that is formatted (example: cpo cluster ls).
    • … printing output that is important for subsequent user interaction.
  • Use the logging package when printing the current timestamp and the log level is appropriate:

    • Use logging.debug() to print debug messages.
    • Use to print informational messages, which are shown by default when using the @loglevel_command decorator. For example, when printing information about a subsequently executed longer-running command.
    • Use logging.warning() to print warnings.

    Instead of using logging.error() or logging.critical(), raising an exception is probably more appropriate in most cases.

Click support

The advantage of the logging package is that the log level of the current logger may be changed to suppress log messages. To expose this feature when executing CLI commands, Click commands should be defined using the @loglevel_command decorator, which automatically appends a non-required option named --loglevel:

                                  Log level
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

The default log level set by this option is INFO.

The logging package and the decorator may be used as follows:

import logging

from cpo.utils.logging import loglevel_command

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def command():"…")

In some cases, it makes sense to set the default log level to WARNING. For example, when a command displays output that may be consumed by other programs, but it invokes code that uses the logging package and displays undesired log messages. In this case, the default log level may be passed to the decorator:


Colored Output

When using the logging package, output may be styled as follows:"", ...))

As white output is invisible when using a shell theme with a light background, fg="bright_white" or fg="white" should not be used.


  • Suggestion (not mandatory): Use explicit comparison of truthy/falsy values.

    Example (explicit comparison):

    if result is not None:
    if result is None:

    Example (implicit comparison):

    if result:
    if not result:


  • When calling external programs, use long command line option names.

    Example (correct):

    cpd-cli --namespace $NAMESPACE

    Example (wrong):

    cpd-cli -n $NAMESPACE


Class variables/methods

  • Mark “private” class variables and methods with a proceeding underscore (see official documentation).

  • Suggestion (not mandatory): Sort members and methods (inside or outside classes) in the following order:

    • “public” class variables
    • “public” class/static methods
    • “public” methods
    • “private” class variables
    • “private” class/static methods
    • “private” methods


    class Example:
        public_class_variable = ...
        def public_class_method(cls): ...
        def public_static_method(): ...
        def public_method1(): ...
        def public_method2(): ...
        def public_method3(): ...
        _private_class_variable = ...
        def _private_class_method(cls): ...
        def _private_static_method(): ...
        def _private_method1(): ...
        def _private_method2(): ...
        def _private_method3(): ...

Command line options

  • Sort command line options when calling external programs.


  • Sort imports using isort (Visual Studio Code: Commands | Python Refactor: Sort Imports)
  • Configuration of Visual Studio Code extensions:

Vertical space

  • Add newline after end of scope.

    Example (correct):

    if (...):
    while (...)

    Example (wrong):

    if (...):
    while (...)