Installation & Configuration


Python installation (3.10 or higher)

  • macOS (requires Homebrew):

    brew install python
  • Windows:

    • Winget:

      winget install --exact --id=Python.Python.3.11
    • Chocolatey

      choco install python

Installation and update (latest release build)

  • Installation (provides cpo command):

    pip3 install cloud-pak-operations-cli
  • Update:

    pip3 install --upgrade cloud-pak-operations-cli

Installation and update (latest development code)

  • Installation (provides cpo command):

    pip3 install git+
  • Update:

    cpo adm update-dev


Dependency download

  • Downloads dependencies (IBM Cloud CLI, IBM Cloud Pak CLI, OpenShift CLI)

    cpo adm download-dependencies

Shell completion (Linux/macOS)

  • Bash: Add the following code to .bashrc:

    . $(cpo adm get-shell-completion-script-location --shell bash)
  • zsh: Add the following code to .zshrc:

    . $(cpo adm get-shell-completion-script-location --shell zsh)

Running inside a Docker container

The latest version of the IBM Cloud Pak Operations CLI on the master branch can also be run inside a Docker container:

docker run --interactive --tty bash