Connector catalog

Kafka Connect is a framework for connecting Apache Kafka to external systems. It uses source connectors to move data into Apache Kafka, and sink connectors to move data out of Apache Kafka.

The connector catalog contains a list of connectors that are supported either by IBM or the relevant community:

  • IBM supported: Each IBM supported connector is subject to its own license terms. Support is provided by IBM for customers who have a license and active software subscription and support entitlement for IBM Event Automation or IBM Cloud Pak for Integration. Raise any issues through the official IBM support channel. In accordance with IBM's standard support terms, IBM will investigate, identify, and provide a fix when possible.
  • Community supported: Where not identified as IBM supported, each community supported connector is subject to its own set of license terms and not supported by IBM. Raise issues through the community support links provided for each connector.

Connector catalog

Kafka Connect is a framework for connecting Apache Kafka to external systems. It uses source connectors to move data into Apache Kafka, and sink connectors to move data out of Apache Kafka.

The connector catalog contains a list of connectors that are supported either by IBM or the relevant community:

  • IBM supported: Each IBM supported connector is subject to its own license terms. Support is provided by IBM for customers who have a license and active software subscription and support entitlement for IBM Event Automation or IBM Cloud Pak for Integration. Raise any issues through the official IBM support channel. In accordance with IBM's standard support terms, IBM will investigate, identify, and provide a fix when possible.
  • Community supported: Where not identified as IBM supported, each community supported connector is subject to its own set of license terms and not supported by IBM. Raise issues through the community support links provided for each connector.

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Support is provided by IBM

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Source connector: produces data into Kafka or Event Streams


FilePulse source connector parses, transforms and streams file, in any format, into Kafka topics. You can use this connector to read files from: local-filesystem, Amazon S3, Azure Storage and Google Cloud Storage.

Note: IBM Support is only available for the connector when it is used with the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

  1. Download or build the connector plugin JAR from the repository.
  2. Add the connector plugin to your Kafka Connect environment.

    To add a connector, ensure you have your connector plugin directory or JAR files in the location specified in the plugin.path property of your Kafka Connect worker configuration (for example, <kafka>/config/ The plugin.path property is a comma-separated list of paths to directories that contain connector plugins.

    For example:

  3. Restart Kafka Connect to make the new connector available in the environment.

    For more information about how to set up a Kafka Connect environment, add connectors to it, and start the connectors, see how to set up and run connectors.
