Setting up and running connectors

Event Streams helps you set up a Kafka Connect environment, prepare the connection to other systems by adding connectors to the environment, and start Kafka Connect with the connectors to help integrate external systems.

Log in to the Event Streams UI, and click Toolbox in the primary navigation. Scroll to the Connectors section and follow the guidance for each main task. You can also find additional help on this page.

Using Kafka Connect

The most straightforward way to run Kafka Connect on a Kubernetes platform is to use a custom resource called KafkaConnect. An instance of this custom resource represents a Kafka Connect distributed worker cluster. In this mode, workload balancing is automatic, scaling is dynamic, and tasks and data are fault-tolerant. Each connector is represented by another custom resource called KafkaConnector.

Kafka Connect topics

When running in distributed mode, Kafka Connect uses three topics to store configuration, current offsets and status. Kafka Connect can create these topics automatically as it is started by the Event Streams operator. By default, the topics are:

  • connect-configs: This topic stores the connector and task configurations.
  • connect-offsets: This topic stores offsets for Kafka Connect.
  • connect-status: This topic stores status updates of connectors and tasks.

If you want to run multiple Kafka Connect environments on the same cluster, you can override the default names of the topics in the configuration.

Authentication and authorization

Kafka Connect uses an Apache Kafka client just like a regular application, and the usual authentication and authorization rules apply.

Kafka Connect will need authorization to:

  • Produce and consume to the internal Kafka Connect topics and, if you want the topics to be created automatically, to create these topics
  • Produce to the target topics of any source connectors you are using
  • Consume from the source topics of any sink connectors you are using.

Note: For more information about authentication and the credentials and certificates required, see the information about managing access.

Set up a Kafka Connect environment

To begin using Kafka Connect, do the following.

Download Kafka Connect configuration

  1. In the Event Streams UI, click Toolbox in the primary navigation. Scroll to the Connectors section.
  2. Go to the Set up a Kafka Connect environment tile, and click Set up.
  3. Click Download Kafka Connect ZIP to download the compressed file, then extract the contents to your preferred location.

You will have a Kubernetes manifest for a KafkaConnect, a Dockerfile, and an empty directory called my-plugins.

Configure Kafka Connect

Edit the downloaded kafka-connect.yaml file to enable Kafka Connect to connect to your Kubernetes cluster. You can use the snippets in the Event Streams UI as guidance to configure Kafka Connect.

  1. Choose a name for your Kafka Connect instance.
  2. You can run more than one worker by increasing the replicas from 1.
  3. Set bootstrapServers to connect the bootstrap server address of a listener. If using an internal listener, this will be the address of a service. If using an external listener, this will be the address of a route.

    To get the bootstrapServers, run the following command:

    kubectl get eventstreams <instance-name> -n <namespace> -o=jsonpath='{.status.kafkaListeners[?("<external_listener_name>")].bootstrapServers}{"\n"}'

    Where <external_listener_name> is the name of your external Kafka listener.

  4. If you have fewer than 3 brokers in your Event Streams cluster, you must set, and to 1.
  5. If Event Streams has any form of authentication enabled, ensure you use the appropriate credentials in the Kafka Connect YAML configuration file.
  6. To connect to a listener that requires a certificate, provide a reference to the appropriate certificate in the spec.tls.trustedCertificates section of the KafkaConnect custom resource.

For example, when connecting to a listener with tls authentication and Mutual TLS encryption (tls: true), the Kafka Connect credentials will resemble the following:

      - secretName: <instance_name>-cluster-ca-cert
        certificate: ca.crt
  type: tls
    certificate: user.crt
    key: user.key
    secretName: kafka-connect-user

Adding connectors to your Kafka Connect environment

Prepare Kafka Connect for connections to your other systems by adding the required connectors.

You can use one of the following methods that are provided by Event Streams to prepare a Kafka Connect image that includes your specified connectors:

  • Specify the connectors within a Kafka Connect custom resource. You can download the required connectors by using the Event Streams operator, and then build and run a new image that contains the connectors by using the kaniko builder.
  • Manually create the Kafka Connect image that contains the required connectors.

Specifying connectors in your Kafka Connect custom resource

You can use the kaniko builder that is supported by the Event Streams operator to build container images within your Kubernetes cluster. You can configure the Kafka Connect custom resource with the details of the required connectors and any dependencies the connectors might have. The Event Streams operator provides this configuration to the kaniko builder, which builds an image and pushes the image to a specified registry. The Event Streams operator then creates a Kafka Connect deployment that uses the previously created image, as specified in the KafkaConnect custom resource.

To set up and configure the KafkaConnect custom resource to use the kaniko builder, complete the following steps:

  1. Add the field to the KafkaConnect custom resource.

  2. Specify the registry where the new image is stored. The registry is specified in For example:

      # ...
        # ...
          type: docker


    • type must be set to docker
    • image is the registry address and image name for the new image. For example:
    • Optional: pushSecret is the name of the secret that contains credentials with permission to push into a secured image registry.
  3. In the field, enter the list of required Kafka Connector JAR, ZIP, or TGZ files.

    Each entry in the plugins field has an artifacts and a name section for providing details about the connector and the dependencies you want to retrieve. For example:

      # ...
        # ...
          - artifacts:
              - type: jar
                url: <url>
                sha512sum: <sha512sum>
            name: mq-source

    The following example shows a configuration that adds dependencies for a connector that uses maven as the artifact type, which retrieves the slf4j-api dependency:

       - artifacts:
         - artifact: slf4j-api
           group: org.slf4j
           type: maven
           version: <version>
           sha512sum: <sha512sum of the jar>
         name: mq-sink


    • type is the file format for the connector image that you will download (jar, tgz, maven, or zip).
    • <url> defines the location to download the connector from. For example, the url for the IBM MQ source connector v2 is the location of the connector JAR that is accessible from your cluster.
    • <sha512sum> is the checksum that you use to verify that the downloaded artifact is correct before it adds it to your Kafka Connect environment.

    Note: If you encounter issues while retrieving the maven artifacts, consider encoding your artifacts. For example, to retrieve the artifact, configure your YAML as follows:

    - type: maven
      artifact: com%2Eibm%2Emq%2Eallclient
  4. Provide your ibm-entitlement-key secret in the spec.template.buildConfig.pullSecret field within the KafkaConnect custom resource to retrieve the Event Streams Kafka Connect image, which is used as the base image for the build.

      # ...
          pullSecret: ibm-entitlement-key
  5. If you want to push the image into a secured image registry, enter the name of the imagePullSecret in the spec.template.pod.imagePullSecrets field:

            - name: default-dockercfg-abcde

Note: If you encounter issues such as The requested authentication method is not supported while pushing an image to or pulling an image from any private registry on a non-OpenShift Kubernetes environment, consider modifying the configuration in the KafkaConnect custom resource by adding imagePullSecrets under the buildPod section as follows:

        - name: ibm-entitlement-key 

Important: The secrets that are referenced in the KafkaConnect custom resource must be present in the same namespace as the KafkaConnect instance.

The following example shows a complete KafkaConnect custom resource. The KafkaConnect custom resource includes the IBM MQ source and sink connectors, which are built into a new image named When Kafka Connect starts, the image is pulled from the registry. Then, the image is connected to a mutual-TLS configured Kafka listener on the Event Streams cluster at by using the credentials in the my-kafka-user secret.

kind: KafkaConnect
  name: mq-connectors
  namespace: es
  labels: kafkaconnect
      certificate: user.crt
      key: user.key
      secretName: my-kafka-user
    type: tls
  bootstrapServers: >-
      image: >-
      type: docker
      - artifacts:
          - type: jar
            url: >-
            sha512sum: fdfde75c42698be06f96c780b5fd42759e1f79dc7a099b32466a32bdd795d3e00a754e6844dd40207174e787d680d5356dc3710d53d55d80d3cdf1d0c8382514
        name: mq-source
      - artifacts:
          - type: jar
            url: >-
            sha5125sum: a85f16caba085244a39444dcb98dea4c528951cbe6cfd800467faaad0adbae36b8e2f05d5bd755091b16368afceb7c66a530ce062ff3c5b3775a01dfef41b342
        name: mq-sink
      pullSecret: ibm-entitlement-key
        - name: default-dockercfg-abcde
              - matchExpressions:
                  - key:
                    operator: In
                      - amd64
                      - s390x
                      - ppc64le
        allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
            - ALL
        privileged: false
        readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
        runAsNonRoot: true
      - certificate: ca.crt
        secretName: <eventstreams-instance>-cluster-ca-cert

Manually build connectors into your Kafka Connect Image

After you configured Kafka Connect, click Next at the end of the page to go to the Add connectors to your Kafka Connect environment section. You can also access this page by clicking Toolbox in the primary navigation, scrolling to the Connectors section, and clicking Add connectors on the Add connectors to your Kafka Connect environment tile.

To run a particular connector, Kafka Connect must have access to a JAR file or set of JAR files for the connector.

If your connector consists of just a single JAR file, you can copy it directly into the my-plugins directory.

If your connector consists of multiple JAR files or requires additional dependencies, create a directory for the connector inside the my-plugins directory and copy all the connector’s JAR files into that directory.

An example of how the directory structure might look with 3 connectors:

+--  my-plugins
|    +--  connector1.jar
|    +--  connector2
|    |    +-- connector2.jar
|    |    +-- connector2-lib.jar
|    +-- connector3.jar

Build a Kafka Connect Docker image

Build a custom Kafka Connect Docker image that includes your chosen connectors.

Navigate to the directory where you extracted the Kafka Connect .zip file and run the following command:

docker build -t my-connect-cluster-image:latest <extracted_zip>/

Note: You might need to log in to the IBM Container software library before building the image to allow the base image that is specified in the Dockerfile to be pulled successfully.

Push the Kafka Connect Docker image to your registry

Push the custom Kafka Connect image containing your connector JAR files to an image registry that is accessible to your Event Streams instance.

To retag the image for your chosen registry:

docker tag my-connect-cluster-image:latest <registry>/my-connect-cluster-image:latest

To push the image:

docker push <registry>/my-connect-cluster-image:latest

Add the image to the Kafka Connect file

Remove the property in the downloaded kafka-connect.yaml file and add the spec.image property to match the image tag that was pushed to your image registry. See the Event Streams UI for an example.

Rebuild the Kafka Connect image

Rebuild the Kafka Connect image regularly to ensure that your Kafka Connect environment is up-to-date with changes to Kafka Connect and any new releases of connectors.

The rebuild process is different depending on how you initially built and deployed the image:

  • If the Kafka Connect image was built by using the kaniko builder and by configuring the field in the Kafka Connect custom resource:

    Trigger the build again to update to the latest version of Kafka Connect by applying the following annotation to the deployment named <kafka connect instance name>-connect in the same namespace as the Kafka Connect instance. true

    This forces a rebuild of the image and the redeployment of the pod for this Kafka Connect instance.

    You can upgrade a connector to a new version by updating the corresponding artifact entry in the Kafka Connect custom resource. Provide the new connector download URL that links to the new version of the connector in the field. If a checksum is required, update the field with the new checksum value. Updating the Kafka Connect custom resource section forces a rebuild of the connector image.

  • If the Kafka Connect image was built manually:

    Repeat the instructions provided earlier, starting with downloading Kafka Connect from the Event Streams UI.

Starting Kafka Connect with your connectors

Click Next at the end of the page to go to the Start Kafka Connect with your connectors section. You can also access this page by clicking Toolbox in the primary navigation, scrolling to the Connectors section, and clicking Start Kafka Connect on the Start Kafka Connect with your connectors tile.

Start Kafka Connect with your connectors

By using the Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl), deploy the Kafka Connect instance by applying the YAML file:

kubectl apply -f kafka-connect.yaml

If you are using the kaniko builder supported by the Event Streams operator to build your Kafka Connect image:

  1. A Kafka Connect build pod is started.
  2. The Kafka Connect build pod creates the Kafka Connect image that contains all the connectors that are specified in the property.
  3. The previously created image is pushed into the registry that is specified in the property.
  4. When the build is completed, a Kafka Connect pod is started, which uses the previously created image.

Wait for the Kafka Connect pod to become Ready.

If the image was built manually and specified in the Kafka Connect custom resource spec.image property, the Kafka Connect pod is created. Wait for the Kafka Connect pod to become Ready.

You can check status with the following command:

kubectl get pods

When it is ready, you can use the following command to check the status and view which connectors are available:

kubectl describe kafkaconnect my-connect-cluster

Note: If Kafka Connect fails to connect to Kafka with timeout errors, then check to make sure all the connection details are correct. If the problem persists, try duplicating the following connection properties in your KafkaConnect custom resource, adding the producer prefix for source connectors, the consumer prefix for sink connectors, or both if both sink and source connectors are in use.

Connection property Required for TLS Required for SCRAM Source Connector property Sink Connector Property
bootstrap.servers Yes Yes producer.bootstrap.servers consumer.bootstrap.server
ssl.protocol Yes No producer.ssl.protocol consumer.ssl.protocol
ssl.truststore.location Yes No producer.ssl.truststore.location consumer.ssl.truststore.location
ssl.truststore.password Yes No producer.ssl.truststore.password consumer.ssl.truststore.password
ssl.truststore.type Yes No producer.ssl.truststore.type consumer.ssl.truststore.type
security.protocol No Yes
sasl.mechanism No Yes producer.sasl.mechanism consumer.sasl.mechanism
sasl.jaas.config No Yes producer.sasl.jaas.config consumer.sasl.jaas.config

These values can also be set on a per connector level using the producer.override and consumer.override prefixes.

Start a connector

Create a YAML file for the connector configuration. For the IBM MQ connectors, you can use the Event Streams UI or CLI to generate the YAML file. Alternatively, you can use the following template, taking care to replace <kafka_connect_name> with the name of the KafkaConnect instance:

kind: KafkaConnector
  name: <connector_name>
    # The label identifies the KafkaConnect instance
    # in which to create this connector. That KafkaConnect instance
    # must have the annotation
    # set to true. <kafka_connect_name> kafkaconnector
  class: <connector_class_name>
  tasksMax: 1
  # The connector configuration goes here


  • <connector_name> is the name of your connector. For example, in the sample YAML provided for the IBM MQ source connector, <connector_name> is mq-source.
  • <kafka_connect_name> is the name of the Kafka Connect instance that you configured earlier.
  • <connector_class_name> is the class of the connector. For example, in the sample YAML provided for the MQ source connector, <connector_class_name> is

Start the connector by applying the YAML file:

kubectl apply -f <connector_filename>.yaml

You can view the status of the connector by describing the custom resource:

kubectl describe kafkaconnector <connector_name>