Integration overview

You can setup an integration between Event Endpoint Management and IBM API Connect. This integration also allows published Options in Event Endpoint Management to be packaged, governed, and socialized alongside any other APIs you might already be managing in API Connect. By combining Event Endpoint Management and API Connect, you can take advantage of multi-form API Management.

Note: To set up this integration, API Connect 10.0.6 or later is required.

If integrating API Connect 10.0.6 with Event Endpoint Management, both deployments must be installed as part of IBM Cloud Pak for Integration on the same OpenShift cluster.

If integrating API Connect 10.0.7 or later with Event Endpoint Management, there is no requirement to colocate deployments on the same OpenShift or other Kubernetes cluster, and there is no requirement to also deploy IBM Cloud Pak for Integration.

Event Endpoint Management provides the capability to discover, describe and manage your Kafka event endpoints as an AsyncAPI which can then be imported into IBM API Connect. This can then be governed and socialized among other APIs.

Enforcement of socialized AsyncAPIs from Event Endpoint Management is provided by the Event Gateway. Using the gateway director model, Event Endpoint Management provides the Event Gateway for use with API Connect. Event Endpoint Management is integrated as an Event Gateway Service in the API Connect Cloud Manager.

Application developers can discover socialized event endpoints and configure their applications to consume from or produce to the stream of events through the Developer Portal.