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Protocol Messages Overview

The table below shows a mapping to the of the various message types to the corresponding type of payloads that the protocol use to exchange information. Intuitively, the name of the constant of the message type provides insights on what type of information the payload conveys and what type of operation it is associated to.

Message Type Byte Value Meaning Sent By Payload Type
UNDEFINED 0 Identifies an unrecognised message (default value for type). N/A NIL (not relevant)
REGISTER 1 Registers a chaincode process with the peer. shim ChaincodeID
REGISTERED 2 Acknowledges the registration of the chaincode process. peer NIL
INIT 3 Initialises the chaincode in the specified channel. peer ChaincodeInput
READY 4 Communicates to the chaincode to enter the ready state. peer NIL
TRANSACTION 5 Invokes a transaction (smart contract method). peer ChaincodeInput
COMPLETED 6 Successful response to an INIT or TRANSACTION message. shim Response
ERROR 7 Communicates an error, as a result of the processing of a previous message. both Varies (e.g. Error, string)
GET_STATE 8 Retrieves the value for the specified state (i.e. key). shim GetState
PUT_STATE 9 Sets the value for the specified state (i.e. key). shim PutState
DEL_STATE 10 Removes the value for the specified key from the current view of the ledger. shim DelState
INVOKE_CHAINCODE 11 Invokes a chaincode installed on the same peer and deployed on a channel. peer ChaincodeSpec
RESPONSE 13 Responds to a chaincode invocation or a ledger request. peer Varies based on type of message replied
GET_STATE_BY_RANGE 14 Retrieves the values for a subset of the keys. shim GetStateByRange
GET_QUERY_RESULT 15 Performs a rich query against the ledger database. shim GetQueryResult
QUERY_STATE_NEXT 16 Retrieves the next page of keys from the resultset. shim QueryResponse
QUERY_STATE_CLOSE 17 Closes the iteration over the states of the rich query. shim QueryResponse
KEEPALIVE 18 Keep alive message sent by the peer and replied by the shim. both NIL
GET_HISTORY_FOR_KEY 19 Retrieves the historical values of a given key. shim GetHistoryForKey
GET_STATE_METADATA 20 Retrieves the state metadata (used for state-based endorsements). shim GetStateMetadata
PUT_STATE_METADATA 21 Sets the state metadata (used for state-based endorsements). shim PutStateMetadata
GET_PRIVATE_DATA_HASH 22 Retrieves the hash of the value associated to the key in a private collection. shim GetState

Last update: April 15, 2020 13:57:25