Run Transformers Agents¶
Python 3.12 support
The huggingface extension (pip install 'ibm-generative-ai[huggingface]'
) is not supported in python 3.12 yet
due to the lack of pytorch support for 3.12.
Follow the pytorch issue for more information.
import requests
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from transformers import Tool
from genai import Client
from genai.credentials import Credentials
from genai.extensions.huggingface.agent import IBMGenAIAgent
from genai.schema import TextGenerationParameters
def heading(text: str) -> str:
"""Helper function for centering text."""
return "\n" + f" {text} ".center(80, "=") + "\n"
class BitcoinPriceFetcher(Tool):
name = "bitcoin_price_fetcher"
description = "This tool fetches the current price of Bitcoin in USD."
inputs = []
outputs = ["text"]
def __call__(self):
response = requests.get("")
data = response.json()
return str(data["bpi"]["USD"]["rate"])
except Exception:
return "Unable to fetch the current price of Bitcoin."
client = Client(credentials=Credentials.from_env())
print(heading("Transformers Agent"))
agent = IBMGenAIAgent(
parameters=TextGenerationParameters(min_new_tokens=10, max_new_tokens=200, random_seed=777, temperature=0),
)"What is the current price of Bitcoin?")