Customize underlying API (httpx) Client¶
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from genai import ApiClient, Client, Credentials
from genai.schema import DecodingMethod, TextGenerationParameters
# make sure you have a .env file under genai root with
# GENAI_KEY=<your-genai-key>
# GENAI_API=<genai-api-endpoint>
def heading(text: str) -> str:
"""Helper function for centering text."""
return "\n" + f" {text} ".center(80, "=") + "\n"
print(heading("Alter HTTP communication by modifying API Client"))
credentials = Credentials.from_env()
api_client = ApiClient(
# Allow up to 2 retries, disable SSL verification
"transport_options": {"retries": 2, "verify": False},
# Disable SSL verification, set general timeout to 10 seconds with specific timeout for establishing connection
"client_options": {"verify": False, "timeout": {"timeout": 10, "connect": 3}},
client = Client(api_client=api_client)
responses = list(
inputs=["Generate a random number"],
parameters=TextGenerationParameters(decoding_method=DecodingMethod.SAMPLE, max_new_tokens=5, min_new_tokens=1),
print(f"Your random number is: {responses[0].results[0].generated_text}")