Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection.


For configuration and setup, see Playbook Documentation.

This sample playbook shows how to install a web application on a provisioned CICS instance in z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning & Management (CP&M).

Before run the sample playbook, please copy role role_cics_wlp_install_app in playbooks/files/cpm/ directory to roles/ directory.

- name: sample of provisioning CICS region and deploying application
  hosts: cpmHost1
  gather_facts: no
    - ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf
    - name: instance_info_json_path # will store instance json information globally thru the playbook
    - name: zmf_user
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF username"
      private: no
    - name: zmf_password
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF password"
      private: yes
    - name: application_path_input
      prompt: "Enter your application file full path"
      private: no
    - include_role:
        name: zmf_cpm_provision_software_service
        cpm_template_name: "<fill-me-template-name>" # The value for property cpm_template_name which identifies the template (software service) user wants to provision with Cloud Provisioning & Management
        domain_name: "<domain-name>" # The value for property domain_name which identifies CP&M domain in which specified template is defined
        tenant_name: "<tenant-name>" # The value for optional property tenant_name which identifies CP&M tenant that is associated with the zmf_user that is provisioning the template
        systems_nicknames: "<system-name>" # The value for optional property systems_nicknames which identifies on which system the software instance will be provisioned
    - include_role:
        name: cics_wlp_install_app
        instance_info_json: "{{lookup('file', instance_info_json_path)}}" # Path of the instance json file contains cics public variables
        app_root_uri: "/CloudTestServlet" # The URI path to access the application once upload
        app_file_name: "CloudTestServlet.war" # The file name that the application file will be written to the USS file system in z/OS
        application_path: "{{ application_path_input }}" # The local absolute file path to the application binary file


For CP&M roles, the inventory file hosts needs to be updated to identify the target z/OSMF end points.

For more details about role variables, see zmf_cpm_provision_software_service and role_cics_wlp_install_app.