Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection.


For configuration and setup, see Playbook Documentation.

This sample playbook shows how to complete a z/OS workflow on the target z/OS systems via z/OSMF.

- name: sample of completing a z/OS workflow
  hosts: workflow
  gather_facts: no
    - ibm.ibm_zos_zosmf
    - name: zmf_user
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF username (skip if zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied)"
      private: no
    - name: zmf_password
      prompt: "Enter your zOSMF password (skip if zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied)"
      private: yes
    - include_role:
        name: zmf_workflow_complete
        workflow_name: "ansible_sample_workflow_{{ inventory_hostname }}" # The name of the workflow
        workflow_file: "/var/zosmf/workflow_def/workflow_sample_automation_steps.xml" # The location of the workflow definition file
        # force_complete: False # Whether to complete the workflow instance forcibly or idempotently. Default is False
        # complete_check_times: 10 # The maximum number of time that is used for periodic checks of the workflow status. Default is 10
        # complete_check_delay: 5 # The interval time between periodic checks of the workflow status. Default is 5
    - debug: var=result


To run the sample playbook, below preparation works are required:

  • In this sample playbook, the workflow definition file workflow_sample_automation_steps.xml is used to create the workflow instance. You need to manually upload it to the z/OS file system. For example, you can upload it to the directory /var/zosmf/workflow_def/. Then modify the value of variable workflow_file in the sample playbook to refer to the location of the workflow definition file.

  • In the inventory file hosts, the nickname workflowHost1 for the target z/OS system, which is configured as managed node, is used to create the workflow instance. You can modify it to refer to your own z/OS system. You need to ensure the z/OS system workflowHost1 or your own z/OS system is configured in z/OSMF Systems plugin.

For more details about role variables, see zmf_workflow_complete.