Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection. The latest version is v3.0.0.

zmf_file_fetch – Fetch USS file from z/OS


  • Retrieve the contents of a z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) file from the remote z/OS system, and save them on Ansible control node.

  • USS file that already exists at file_dest will be overwritten if it is different than the file_src.



Specifies the checksum to be used to verify that the USS file to be fetched is not changed since the checksum was generated.

If the checksum is matched which means the USS file is not changed, the USS file won’t be fetched.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether data conversion is to be performed on the returned data.

When file_data_type=text, data conversion is performed.

You can use file_encoding to specify which encodings the fetched USS file should be converted from and to.

If file_encoding is not supplied, the data transfer process converts each record from IBM-1047 to ISO8859-1 by default.

When file_data_type=binary, no data conversion is performed. The data transfer process returns each line of data as-is, without translation.

required: False
type: str
default: text
choices: text, binary

The local directory on control node where the USS file should be saved to. For example, /tmp/file_output.

This directory can be absolute or relative. The module will fail if the parent directory of file_dest is a read-only file system.

The directory {{ file_dest }}/{{ zmf_host }}/ will be created to save the USS file, where zmf_host is the hostname of the z/OSMF server.

For example, if zmf_host=zosmf.ibm.com, a USS file named /etc/profile would be saved into /tmp/file_output/zosmf.ibm.com/etc/profile.

required: True
type: str

Specifies which encodings the fetched USS file should be converted from and to.

These parameters only take effects when file_data_type=text.

required: False
type: dict

The character set of the source USS file.

Supported character sets rely on the charset conversion utility (iconv) version. The most common character sets are supported.

required: True
type: str

The destination character set for the output to be written as.

Supported character sets rely on the charset conversion utility (iconv) version. The most common character sets are supported.

required: True
type: str

Specifies whether to override the default behavior of appending hostname/path/to/file to the destination.

If file_flat=true, the USS file will be fetched to the destination directory using its basename without appending zmf_host.

For example, if file_dest=/tmp/file_output, a USS file named /etc/profile would be saved into /tmp/file_output/profile.

required: False
type: bool
default: false

Specifies a range that is used to retrieve the USS file.

If file_data_type=text, the module will retrieve a range of records (lines delimited by ‘n’) from the USS file.

If file_data_type=binary, the module will retrieve a range of bytes from the USS file.

If this variable is specified, only the retrieved range of the USS file will be fetched to the destination directory.

The retrieved range of the USS file will be saved as {{ file_dest }}/{{ zmf_host }}/{ file_src }}.range on control node.

For example, the retrieved range of the USS file named /etc/profile would be saved as ....../etc/profile.range.

required: False
type: dict

If file_data_type=text, this variable identifies the end record in the range to be retrieved.

If file_data_type=binary, this variable identifies the byte-offset of the last byte in the range to be retrieved.

If this value is omitted or is set to 0, the range extends to the end of the USS file.

required: False
type: int

If file_data_type=text, this variable identifies the start record in the range to be retrieved.

If file_data_type=binary, this variable identifies the byte-offset of the first byte in the range to be retrieved.

If this value is omitted, a tail range is returned.

required: False
type: int

Specifies a series of parameters that are used to search the USS file.

These parameters only take effects when file_data_type=text.

If this variable is specified, only the matched contents in the USS file will be fetched to the destination directory.

The matched contents in the USS file will be saved as {{ file_dest }}/{{ zmf_host }}/{ file_src }}.search on control node.

For example, the matched contents in the USS file named /etc/profile would be saved as ....../etc/profile.search.

required: False
type: dict

Specifies whether the comparison of keyword is case insensitive.

This variable only take effects when keyword is defined.

required: False
type: bool
default: true

Specifies a string or a regular expression that is used to search the USS file.

The USS file is searched for the first line that contains the string or matches the given extended regular expression.

required: True
type: str

Specifies how many lines of contents from the first matched line in the USS file will be returned.

This variable only take effects when keyword is defined.

required: False
type: int
default: 100

USS file on the remote z/OS system to fetch.

This variable must consist of a fully qualified path and file name. For example, /etc/profile.

required: True
type: str

Authentication credentials, returned by module zmf_authenticate, for the successful authentication with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host, zmf_port, zmf_user, zmf_password, zmf_crt and zmf_key are ignored.

required: False
type: dict

The value of JSON Web token, which supports strong encryption.

If LtpaToken2 is not supplied, jwtToken is required.

required: False
type: str

The value of Lightweight Third Party Access (LTPA) token, which supports strong encryption.

If jwtToken is not supplied, LtpaToken2 is required.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

required: True
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

required: False
type: int

Location of the PEM-formatted certificate chain file to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_crt is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_crt is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_host is required.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted file with your private key to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_key is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_key is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_password is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_password is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_port is ignored.

required: False
type: int

User name to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_user is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_user is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str


- name: Fetch a USS file and store in /tmp/file_output/sample.ibm.com/etc/profile
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"

- name: Fetch a USS file and store in /tmp/file_output/profile
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
    file_flat: true

- name: Fetch a USS file as binary
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
    file_data_type: "binary"

- name: Fetch a USS file and convert from IBM-037 to ISO8859-1
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
        from: IBM-037
        to: ISO8859-1

- name: Fetch a range of records from a USS file (the first 500 lines)
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
        start: 0
        end: 499

- name: Fetch a range of records from a USS file (the final 500 lines)
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
        end: 500

- name: Fetch 100 lines of records from the first matched line that contains "Health Checker" in a USS file
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
        keyword: "Health Checker"

- name: Fetch a USS file and validate its checksum
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_src: "/etc/profile"
    file_dest: "/tmp/file_output"
    file_checksum: "93822124D6E66E2213C64B0D10800224"

Return Values


Indicates if any change is made during the module operation.

returned: always
type: bool

The output message generated by the module to indicate whether the USS file is successfully fetched.

returned: on success
type: str


"The USS file /etc/profile is fetched successfully and saved in: /tmp/file_output/sample.ibm.com/etc/profile"

"The matched contents in the USS file /etc/profile is fetched successfully and saved in: /tmp/file_output/sample.ibm.com/etc/profile.serarch"

"The USS file /etc/profile is not fetched since no matched contents is found with the specified search keyword."

"A range of records in the USS file /etc/profile is fetched successfully and saved in: /tmp/file_output/SY1/etc/profile.range"

"A range of bytes in the USS file /etc/profile is fetched successfully and saved in: /tmp/file_output/SY1/etc/profile.range"

"The USS file /etc/profile is not fetched since no contents is returned in the specified range."

"The USS file /etc/profile is not fetched since it is not changed."

The retrieved contents of the USS file.

returned: on success when I(file_data_type=text)
type: list


["# This is a sample profile defining system wide variables. The", "# variables set here may be overridden by a user\u0027s personal .profile", "# in their $HOME directory."]

The matched contents in the USS file with the specified search keyword.

returned: on success when I(file_data_type=text) and I(file_search) is specified
type: list



The range of the matched contents of the USS file with the specified search keyword.

Return file_matched_range=p,q, where p is the first matched line in the USS file and q is the number of lines returned.

returned: on success when I(file_data_type=text) and I(file_search) is specified
type: str



The checksum of the fetched USS file.

returned: on success when I(file_search) and I(file_range) are not specified
type: str

