Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection. The latest version is v3.0.0.

zmf_dataset – Manage z/OS data set or member


  • Create, delete and operate on a sequential or partitioned data set, or a member of partitioned data set (PDS or PDSE) on z/OS system.

  • The available operations include rename data set or member, migrate data set and recall the migrated data set.

  • When forcing data set replacement, contents will not be preserved.



Specifies the attributes to be used to create a sequential or partitioned data set.

This variable only take effects when dataset_state=present.

This variable only take effects when dataset_type=PS or dataset_type=PDS or dataset_type=PDSE.

If both dataset_create_attributes and dataset_create_like are supplied, dataset_create_like is ignored.

required: False
type: dict

Specifies the unit (tracks, blocks or cylinders) in which primary and secondary space allocations are to be obtained.

required: False
type: str
default: TRK
choices: TRK, BLK, CYL

Specifies the average block size.

required: False
type: int

Specifies the maximum length of a block.

required: False
type: int

Specifies the data class for an SMS-managed data set.

required: False
type: str

Specifies the number of directory blocks.

required: False
type: int

Specifies the length, in bytes, of each record in the data set.

If the records are of variable-length or undefined-length, the maximum record length must be specified.

required: False
type: int
default: 80

Specifies the management class for an SMS-managed data set.

required: False
type: str

Specifies the primary space allocation for the data set.

required: True
type: int

Specifies the characteristics of the records in the data set as fixed length (F), variable-length (V), ASCII variable-length (D), or undefined-length (U). Blocked records are specified as FB, VB, or DB. Spanned records are specified as VS, VBS, FS, FBS, DS, or DBS.

required: False
type: str
default: FB
choices: FB, VB, DB, F, V, D, U, VS, VBS, FS, FBS, DS, DBS

Specifies the secondary space allocation for the data set.

If this value is omitted, the secondary space will be specified as 0.5 times of the primary space when dataset_type=PS, or as 0.2 times of the primary space when dataset_type=PDS or dataset_type=PDSE.

required: False
type: int

Specifies the storage class for an SMS-managed data set.

required: False
type: str

Specifies the storage unit device type.

required: False
type: str
default: 3390

Specifies the model data set to be used to create a sequential or partitioned data set.

For example, specifying a model data set like ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.MODEL, member name should not be provided in this variable.

This variable only take effects when dataset_state=present.

This variable only take effects when dataset_type=PS or dataset_type=PDS or dataset_type=PDSE.

If both dataset_create_attributes and dataset_create_like are supplied, dataset_create_like is ignored.

required: False
type: str

Specifies how a migrated data set is handled when dataset_state=present.

If dataset_migrate_recall=wait, the migrated data set is recalled synchronously.

If dataset_migrate_recall=nowait, request the migrated data set to be recalled, but do not wait.

If dataset_migrate_recall=error, do not attempt to recall the migrated data set.

Specifies whether wait for the completion of the request when dataset_state=migrated or dataset_state=recalled.

If dataset_migrate_recall=wait, wait for the completion of the request.

If dataset_migrate_recall=nowait, the request is queued.

dataset_migrate_recall=error is invalid when dataset_state=migrated or dataset_state=recalled.

required: False
type: str
default: wait
choices: wait, nowait, error

Name of the data set or member being managed.

This variable must consist of a fully qualified data set name. The length of the data set name cannot exceed 44 characters.

For example, specifying a data set like ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS, or a PDS or PDSE member like ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER).

required: True
type: str

Specifies the new name of the data set or member.

This variable only take effects when dataset_state=present.

required: False
type: str

Specifies whether the existing data set or member matching dataset_name will be replaced when dataset_state=present.

If dataset_replace=true, the existing data set will be deleted, a new data set with the same name and desired attributes will be created.

If dataset_replace=true, all data in the original data set will be lost.

If dataset_replace=true, no data set will exist if creation of the new data set fails.

This variable only take effects when dataset_state=present.

required: False
type: bool
default: false

The final state desired for specified data set or member.

If dataset_state=present and dataset_name does not exist, dataset_name is created, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If dataset_state=present and dataset_name exists, when dataset_replace=true, the existing data set is deleted, and a new data set is created with the same name and desired attributes, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If dataset_state=present and dataset_name exists, when dataset_replace=false, no action taken, the module completes successfully with changed=False.

If dataset_state=absent and dataset_name does not exist, no action taken, the module completes successfully with changed=False.

If dataset_state=absent and dataset_name exists, the existing dataset_name is deleted, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If dataset_state=migrated, the existing dataset_name is migrated, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If dataset_state=recalled, the migrated dataset_name is recalled, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

required: True
type: str
choices: present, absent, migrated, recalled

The type to be used when creating a data set or member.

When dataset_type=MEMBER, dataset_name should be a member of an existing partitioned data set.

This variable only take effects when dataset_state=present.

required: False
type: str
default: PS
choices: PS, PDS, PDSE, MEMBER

The volume serial to identify the volume to be searched for an uncataloged data set or member.

The length of the volume serial cannot exceed six characters. Wildcard characters are not supported. Indirect volume serials are not supported.

When creating a sequential or partitioned data set, this variable specifies the name of the disk volume on which the data set resides. This value is not specified for an SMS-managed data set.

required: False
type: str

Authentication credentials, returned by module zmf_authenticate, for the successful authentication with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host, zmf_port, zmf_user, zmf_password, zmf_crt and zmf_key are ignored.

required: False
type: dict

The value of JSON Web token, which supports strong encryption.

If LtpaToken2 is not supplied, jwtToken is required.

required: False
type: str

The value of Lightweight Third Party Access (LTPA) token, which supports strong encryption.

If jwtToken is not supplied, LtpaToken2 is required.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

required: True
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

required: False
type: int

Location of the PEM-formatted certificate chain file to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_crt is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_crt is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_host is required.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted file with your private key to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_key is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_key is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_password is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_password is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_port is ignored.

required: False
type: int

User name to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_user is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_user is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str


- name: Create a sequential data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS if it does not exist
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS"
    dataset_state: "present"
    dataset_type: "PS"
      primary: 10

- name: Create a sequential data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS depending on the model data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.MODEL
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS"
    dataset_state: "present"
    dataset_type: "PS"
    dataset_create_like: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.MODEL"

- name: Replace a partitioned data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS if it exists
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS"
    dataset_state: "present"
    dataset_type: "PDS"
    dataset_replace: true
      primary: 10

- name: Create a data set member ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER) to an existing PDS, replace if member exists
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER)"
    dataset_state: "present"
    dataset_type: "MEMBER"
    dataset_replace: true

- name: Rename a data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS to ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS01
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS"
    dataset_state: "present"
    dataset_type: "PS"
    dataset_new_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS01"

- name: Rename a data set member ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER) to ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER01)
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER)"
    dataset_state: "present"
    dataset_type: "MEMBER"
    dataset_new_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER01)"

- name: Delete a data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS"
    dataset_state: "absent"

- name: Migrate a data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS"
    dataset_state: "migrated"

- name: Recall a data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS and wait for the completion of the request
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    dataset_name: "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS"
    dataset_state: "recalled"
    dataset_migrate_recall: "wait"

Return Values


Indicates if any change is made during the module operation.

returned: always
type: bool

The output message generated by the module to indicate whether the data set or member is successfully created, deleted, or updated.

returned: on success
type: str


"The data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS is created successfully."

"The data set member ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER) is deleted successfully."

"The data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS does not exist."

"The data set member ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PDS(MEMBER) already exists."

"The data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS is successfully renamed to /ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS01."

"The data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS is migrated successfully."

"The data set ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS is recalled successfully."

The properties of the present data set.

returned: on success
type: dict


{"blksz": "80", "catnm": "CATALOG.SVPLEX.MASTER", "cdate": "2021/01/21", "dev": "3390", "dsname": "ZOSMF.ANSIBLE.PS", "dsorg": "PS", "edate": "None", "extx": "1", "lrecl": "80", "migr": "NO", "mvol": "N", "ovf": "NO", "rdate": "2021/01/25", "recfm": "FB", "sizex": "4", "spacu": "TRACKS", "used": "0", "vol": "VOL001", "vols": "VOL001"}

The properties of the present member.

returned: on success
type: dict


{"c4date": "2021/01/21", "cnorc": 2, "inorc": 0, "m4date": "2021/01/21", "member": "MEMBER", "mnorc": 0, "mod": 2, "msec": "42", "mtime": "02:51", "sclm": "N", "user": "IBMUSER", "vers": 1}