Warning: This document is for an old version of IBM z/OSMF Collection. The latest version is v3.0.0.

zmf_file – Manage z/OS USS file or directory


  • Create, delete and operate on a z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) file or a directory on z/OS system.

  • The available operations include rename, change mode, change owner and change tag.



Specifies the permission the resulting USS file or directory should have.

This variable only take effects when file_state=file or file_state=directory.

If file_path does not exist, this value is used in creating file_path. If this value is omitted, 755 is used by default.

If file_path exists, this value is used in changing mode of file_path.

required: False
type: dict

The value of file mode bits.

This value could be either the POSIX symbolic form (e.g., RWXRW-RW-) or octal value (e.g., 755).

required: True
type: str

This variable only take effects when file_state=directory.

When recursive=true, the file mode bits of the directory and all files in the file hierarchy below it are changed (chmod -R).

required: False
type: bool
default: false

Specifies the new name of the USS file or directory.

This variable only take effects when file_state=file or file_state=directory.

required: False
type: str

Indicates the function change owner.

This variable only take effects when file_state=file or file_state=directory.

required: False
type: dict

The group ID or GID.

required: False
type: str

The user ID or UID.

required: True
type: str

This variable only take effects when file_state=directory.

When recursive=true, changes all the files and subdirectories in that directory to belong to the specified owner and group (chown -R).

required: False
type: bool
default: false

Path to the USS file or directory being managed.

This variable must consist of a fully qualified path and file or directory name. For example, /etc/profile.

The module will fail if parent directory of file_path does not exist or is a read-only file system.

required: True
type: str

The final state desired for specified USS file or directory.

If file_state=file and file_path does not exist, file_path is created as a USS file, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If file_state=directory and file_path does not exist, file_path is created as a directory, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If file_state=file or file_state=directory, and file_path exists, file_path is modified with other supplied variables (e.g., file_mode), the module completes successfully with changed=True.

If file_state=file or file_state=directory, and file_path exists, no action taken if no other variables are supplied (e.g., file_mode), the module completes successfully with changed=False.

If file_state=absent and file_path does not exist, no action taken, the module completes successfully with changed=False.

If file_state=absent and file_path exists, the existing file_path is deleted, the module completes successfully with changed=True.

required: True
type: str
choices: file, directory, absent

Indicates the function change tag.

This variable only take effects when file_state=file or file_state=directory.

required: False
type: dict

Specifies the coded character set in which text data is encoded, such as ASCII or EBCDIC.

For example, the code set for ASCII is ISO8859–1; the code set for EBCDIC is IBM-1047.

This variable only take effects when tag=mixed or tag=text.

This variable is required when tag=text.

required: False
type: str

This variable only take effects when file_state=directory.

When recursive=true, tags all the files and subdirectories in that directory (chtag -R).

required: False
type: bool
default: false

The type of file tag.

If tag=absent, any existing file tag is removed.

required: True
type: str
choices: mixed, text, binary, absent

Authentication credentials, returned by module zmf_authenticate, for the successful authentication with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host, zmf_port, zmf_user, zmf_password, zmf_crt and zmf_key are ignored.

required: False
type: dict

The value of JSON Web token, which supports strong encryption.

If LtpaToken2 is not supplied, jwtToken is required.

required: False
type: str

The value of Lightweight Third Party Access (LTPA) token, which supports strong encryption.

If jwtToken is not supplied, LtpaToken2 is required.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

required: True
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

required: False
type: int

Location of the PEM-formatted certificate chain file to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_crt is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_crt is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Hostname of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_host is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_host is required.

required: False
type: str

Location of the PEM-formatted file with your private key to be used for HTTPS client authentication.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_key is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_key is required when zmf_user and zmf_password are not supplied.

required: False
type: str

Password to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_password is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_password is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str

Port number of the z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_port is ignored.

required: False
type: int

User name to be used for authenticating with z/OSMF server.

If zmf_credential is supplied, zmf_user is ignored.

If zmf_credential is not supplied, zmf_user is required when zmf_crt and zmf_key are not supplied.

If zmf_credential is not supplied and zmf_crt and zmf_key are supplied, zmf_user and zmf_password are ignored.

required: False
type: str


- name: Create a USS file /etc/profile with default mode 755
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_path: "/etc/profile"
    file_state: "file"

- name: Create a directory /etc/some_directory with mode 644
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_path: "/etc/some_directory"
    file_state: "directory"
        mode: "644"

- name: Change the permissions, owner, group and tag of a USS file /etc/profile
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_path: "/etc/profile"
    file_state: "file"
        mode: "644"
        owner: "500000"
        group: "0"
        tag: "text"
        codeset: "IBM-1047"

- name: Change the permissions of a directory /etc/some_directory, and recursively change its owner, group and tag
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_path: "/etc/some_directory"
    file_state: "directory"
        mode: "644"
        recursive: false
        owner: "500000"
        group: "0"
        recursive: true
        tag: "text"
        codeset: "IBM-1047"
        recursive: true

- name: Rename a USS file /etc/profile to /etc/profile.bak
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_path: "/etc/profile"
    file_state: "file"
    file_new_name: "/etc/profile.bak"

- name: Delete a USS file /etc/profile
    zmf_host: "sample.ibm.com"
    file_path: "/etc/profile"
    file_state: "absent"

Return Values


Indicates if any change is made during the module operation.

returned: always
type: bool

The output message generated by the module to indicate whether the USS file or directory is successfully created, deleted, or updated.

returned: on success
type: str


"The file /etc/profile is created successfully."

"The directory /etc/some_directory is deleted successfully."

"The file or directory /etc/profile does not exist."

"The file /etc/profile already exists."

"The file /etc/profile is updated successfully."

"The file /etc/profile is successfully renamed to /etc/profile.bak."

The properties of the present USS file or directory.

returned: on success
type: dict


{"gid": 0, "group": "OPERATOR", "mode": "-rwxr-xr-x", "mtime": "2021-01-21T01:24:04", "name": "profile", "size": 0, "tag": "t IBM-1047    T=on  /etc/profile", "uid": 500000, "user": "IBMUSER"}