
Please note that LAGraph is still evolving and several challenges remain before it is ready for production.

LAGraph is a Scala API for implementing graph algorithms expressed in the language of linear algebra. The interface is written in Scala using functional programming techniques and has implementations for both pure-Scala and Spark environments. Scala permits an elegant expression of the semantics of semirings and Spark provides a distributed compute platform to achieve scale and performance. The interface provides a concise, high-level abstraction that hides the user from the details of the underlying implementation of the linear algebra operations. This decoupling permits the user to focus on their algorithm and the implementation to focus on performance and scalability.

Based on user feedback from our Graph Algorithms Building Blocks (GABB’2017) workshop we are publishing an early release of LAGraph to facilitate a review of goals and issues pertaining to both the interface and its implementation.


TBD Make these issues GitHub issues and remove this section.

  1. Minimal yet complete interface The primary goal of the interface are the standards of “minimal yet complete”. To evaluate the interface we’ve implemented a number of standard graph algorithms. But to establish minimality and completeness more algorithms need to be implemented.
  2. Instance-specific interface E.g., hc.mTv(semiRing, lagMatrix, lagVector) will become lagMatrix.Tv(semiRing, lagVector)
  3. Datasets: The implementation is based on a novel adaptation of the Scalable Universal Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (SUMMA) to Spark RDD semantics. The implementation is currently performant when compared to GraphX. However, there may be opportunities to reduce serialization costs (e.g., using Spark Datasets?).
  4. Intra-task concurrency: exploit intra-task concurrency afforded by specific computer architectures.
  5. Unit test: coverage needs improvement

Quick Start

This tutorial provides a quick introduction to how LAGraph can be used to implement a linear algebra-based version of the Bellman Ford algorithm:

  1. If you are not familiar with linear algebra-based formulations (e.g., semiring-based formulations) of graph algorithms read Graphs and Big Data.

  2. To understand how to express semirings using LAGraph read Programming with Semirings.

  3. Read the algebraic formulation of the Bellman-Ford algorithm.

  4. Install Zeppelin, download the LAGraph jar, and start the zeppelin daemon.

    E.g., on linux (assuming you have java with a version >=1.7):

    # e.g., work from your home directory
    cd ~
    # download zeppelin and install
    tar -zf zeppelin-0.7.3-bin-all.tgz
    cd zeppelin-0.7.3-bin-all
    # start the Zeppelin daemon
    bin/ start
    # when ur done playing w/ the tutorial don't forget to stop the daemon
    bin/ stop

    E.g., on mac OS

    # e.g., work from your home directory
    cd ~
    # if you don't already have brew (
    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    # if you don't already have wget
    brew install wget
    # if you don't already have java
    brew cask install java
    # if you don't already have Zeppelin
    brew install apache-zeppelin
    # start the Zeppelin daemon start
    # when ur done playing w/ the tutorial don't forget to stop the daemon stop
  5. Open a browser, go to URL http://localhost:8080, select the “Zeppelin” icon in the upper left hand corner, select “Import Note”, select “Add from URL”, enter the url and select “Import Note”.

  6. From Zeppelin, use the “Notebook” pull down on the menu bar to select the ‘lagraph-tutorial’ notebook.

  7. Follow the instructions in the notebook.

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