LAGraph Release Process


This section was lifted from SystemML to serve as a template for a TBD LAGraph Release Process

Release Candidate Build and Deployment

To be written. (Describe how the release candidate is built, including checksums. Describe how the release candidate is deployed to servers for review.)

Release Documentation

The LAGRAPH_VERSION value in docs/_config.yml should be updated to the correct release version. The documentation site should be built.


The Javadocs should be generated for the project and should be deployed to … TBD, need to figure out how to best handle multiple versions of docs …

The version number resides is specified in the project build.sbt file.

Additionally, the Javadocs should be deployed to the “latest” … TBD

Release Candidate Checklist

All Artifacts and Checksums Present

Up to Checklist

Verify that each expected artifact is present at TBD and that each artifact has accompanying checksums (such as .asc and .md5).

Release Candidate Build

Up to Checklist

The release candidate should build on OS X and Linux. To do this cleanly, the following procedure can be performed.

Clone the LAGraph GitHub repository to an empty location. Next, check out the release tag. Following this, build the distributions using sbt. This should be performed with an empty local ivy repository.

Here is an example:

$ git clone
$ cd incubator-lagraph
$ git tag -l
$ git checkout tags/0.10.0-incubating-rc1 -b 0.10.0-incubating-rc1
$ java -Dsbt.ivy.home=/tmp/.ivy2/ -Divy.home=/tmp/.ivy2/ -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@" __TBD__ see [](How to configure Ivy cache directory per-user or system-wide?)
$ ... clean package -P distribution

Test Suite Passes

Up to Checklist

The entire test suite should pass on OS X and Linux. The test suite can be run using:

$ sbt ???

All Binaries Execute

Up to Checklist

Validate that all of the binary artifacts can execute, including those artifacts packaged in other artifacts (in the tar.gz and zip artifacts).

The build artifacts should be downloaded from TBD and these artifacts should be tested, as in this OS X example.

# download artifacts
wget -r -nH -nd -np -R index.html* https://.../0.10.0-incubating-rc1/

# verify standalone tar.gz works

# verify main jar works

# verify standalone jar works

# verify src works

# verify distrib tar.gz works

# verify spark mode

Here is an example of doing a basic sanity check on OS X after building the artifacts manually.

# build distribution artifacts

cd target

# verify main jar works

# verify LAGraph.jar works

# verify standalone jar works

# verify src works

    # verify standalone tar.gz works

# verify distrib tar.gz works

    # verify spark mode

Check LICENSE and NOTICE Files

Up to Checklist

Each artifact must contain LICENSE and NOTICE files. These files must reflect the contents of the artifacts. If the project dependencies (ie, libraries) have changed since the last release, the LICENSE and NOTICE files must be updated to reflect these changes.

Each artifact should contain a DISCLAIMER file.

For more information, see:


Src Artifact Builds and Tests Pass

Up to Checklist

The project should be built using the src (tar.gz and zip) artifacts. In addition, the test suite should be run using an src artifact and the tests should pass.

tar -xvzf lagraph-0.10.0-incubating-src.tar.gz
cd lagraph-0.10.0-incubating-src
sbt TBD
sbt TBD

Single-Node Standalone

Up to Checklist


Single-Node Spark

Up to Checklist

Verify that LAGraph runs algorithms on Spark locally.



Up to Checklist

Verify that LAGraph can be executed from Zeppelin notebooks.


Performance Suite

Up to Checklist




Following a successful release candidate vote by LAGraph PMC members on the LAGraph mailing list, the release candidate is voted on by Incubator PMC members on the general incubator mailing list. If this vote succeeds, the release candidate has been approved.


Release Deployment

To be written. (What steps need to be done? How is the release deployed to the central maven repo? What updates need to happen to the main website, such as updating the Downloads page? Where do the release notes for the release go?)