Spark LagContext Programming Guide
- Spark Shell Example
- Start Spark Shell with LAGraph
- Setup environment
- Create Graph from RDD
- Initialize distance-only semiring
- Initialize adjacency matrix for distance-only (common)
- Iterate for distance-only (common)
- Initialize path-augmented semiring
- Initialize adjacency matrix for path-augmented (common)
- Iterate for path-augmented (common)
Spark Shell Example
This section uses the Bellman-Ford description to demonstrate the implementation and application of an linear algebra-based graph algorithm.
Start Spark Shell with LAGraph
The Spark Overview provides instructions for accessing Spark.
To use LAGraph with Spark Shell, the LAGraph jar can be referenced using Spark Shell’s --jars
For example:
spark-shell --executor-memory 4G --driver-memory 4G --jars LAGraph.jar --master local[2]
Setup environment
First, import classes from the LAGraph package and define a couple of functions to facilitate printing results.
// some imports ...
import{ LagContext, LagSemigroup, LagSemiring, LagVector }
// for verbose printing
import scala.reflect.classTag
def float2Str(f: Float): String = {
if (f == LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Float])) " inf"
else if (f == LagSemigroup.minfinity(classTag[Float])) " minf"
else "%6.3f".format(f)
def long2Str(l: Long): String = {
if (l == LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Long])) " inf"
else if (l == LagSemigroup.minfinity(classTag[Long])) " minf"
else "%4d".format(l)
def bfType2Str(d: (Float, Long, Long)): String = {
val d1 = float2Str(d._1)
val d2 = long2Str(d._2)
val d3 = long2Str(d._3)
"(%s,%s,%s)".format(d1, d2, d3)
scala> // some imports ...
import{ LagContext, LagSemigroup, LagSemiring, LagVector }
// for verbose printing
import scala.reflect.classTag
def float2Str(f: Float): String = {
if (f == LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Float])) " inf"
else if (f == LagSemigroup.minfinity(classTag[Float])) " minf"
else "%6.3f".format(f)
def long2Str(l: Long): String = {
if (l == LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Long])) " inf"
else if (l == LagSemigroup.minfinity(classTag[Long])) " minf"
else "%4d".format(l)
def bfType2Str(d: (Float, Long, Long)): String = {
val d1 = float2Str(d._1)
val d2 = long2Str(d._2)
val d3 = long2Str(d._3)
"(%s,%s,%s)".format(d1, d2, d3)
import{LagContext, LagSemigroup, LagSemiring, LagVector}
import scala.reflect.classTag
float2Str: (f: Float)String
long2Str: (l: Long)String
bfType2Str: (d: (Float, Long, Long))String
Create Graph from RDD
Create a simple graph in the form of an RDD where each edge is
represented as an element with an index of (src, destination) and a
value of $1.0$. Then set the parallelism and use the SparkContext
obtain a
// define graph
val numv = 5L
val houseEdges = List(((1L, 0L), 20.0F), ((2L, 0L), 10.0F), ((3L, 1L), 15.0F), ((3L, 2L), 30.0F), ((4L, 2L), 50.0F), ((4L, 3L), 5.0F))
val rcvGraph = sc.parallelize(houseEdges)
// obtain a distributed context for Spark environment
val nblock = 1 // set parallelism (blocks on one axis)
val hc = LagContext.getLagDstrContext(sc, numv, nblock)
println("Input graph: >\n%s<".format(hc.mFromRcvRdd(rcvGraph, 0.0F).toString(float2Str)))
scala> // define graph
val numv = 5L
val houseEdges = List(((1L, 0L), 20.0F), ((2L, 0L), 10.0F), ((3L, 1L), 15.0F), ((3L, 2L), 30.0F), ((4L, 2L), 50.0F), ((4L, 3L), 5.0F))
val rcvGraph = sc.parallelize(houseEdges)
// obtain a distributed context for Spark environment
val nblock = 1 // set parallelism (blocks on one axis)
val hc = LagContext.getLagDstrContext(sc, numv, nblock)
println("Input graph: >\n%s<".format(hc.mFromRcvRdd(rcvGraph, 0.0F).toString(float2Str)))
scala > numv: Long = 5
houseEdges: List[((Long, Long), Float)] = List(((1,0),20.0), ((2,0),10.0), ((3,1),15.0), ((3,2),30.0), ((4,2),50.0), ((4,3),5.0))
rcvGraph: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Long, Long), Float)] = ParallelCollectionRDD[77] at parallelize at <console>:43
nblock: Int = 1
hc: = LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@3b4a3d17,5,1,false)
Input graph: >
{ 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000},
{20.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000},
{10.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000},
{ 0.000,15.000,30.000, 0.000, 0.000},
{ 0.000, 0.000,50.000, 5.000, 0.000}
Initialize distance-only semiring
Setup a semiring to perform the distance-only version of the semiring.
// Initialize distance-only Bellman Ford
type PathType = Float
val PathMinPlusSr = LagSemiring.min_plus[PathType]
// for edge initialization (weight mapping)
val eInit = (v: Float, rc: Tuple2[Long, Long]) => v.toFloat // edge (weight)
// for print
val d2Str = float2Str(_)
scala> // Initialize distance-only Bellman Ford
type PathType = Float
val PathMinPlusSr = LagSemiring.min_plus[PathType]
// for edge initialization (weight mapping)
val eInit = (v: Float, rc: Tuple2[Long, Long]) => v.toFloat // edge (weight)
// for print
val d2Str = float2Str(_)
scala> defined type alias PathType
PathMinPlusSr:[PathType] =$$anon$1@187e8163
eInit: (((Long, Long), Float)) => ((Long, Long), Float) = <function1>
d2Str: Float => String = <function1>
Initialize adjacency matrix for distance-only (common)
Setup the algorithm using code that is common to both the distance-only and path-augmented semirings.
// initialize adjacency matrix
// strip diagonal and add back in as, use weight to derive PathType for edge
val diagStripped = rcvGraph.flatMap { kv => if (kv._1._1 == kv._1._2) None else Some(eInit(kv)) }
val rcvAdj = diagStripped.union(sc.range(0L, numv, 1L, rcvGraph.getNumPartitions).map { i => ((i, i), })
// use distributed context-specific utility to convert from RDD to LagMatrix
val mAdj = hc.mFromRcvRdd(rcvAdj,
println("mAdj: >\n%s<".format(mAdj.toString(d2Str)))
// initialize vector d w/ source (input)
val source = 0L
def dInit(di: PathType, ui: Long): PathType = if (ui == source) else di
val d_prev = hc.vReplicate(, Option(
println("d_initial: >\n%s<".format(d_prev.toString(d2Str)))
scala> // initialize adjacency matrix
// strip diagonal and add back in as, use weight to derive PathType for edge
val diagStripped = rcvGraph.flatMap { kv => if (kv._1._1 == kv._1._2) None else Some((eInit(kv))) }
val rcvAdj = diagStripped.union(sc.range(0L, numv, 1L, rcvGraph.getNumPartitions).map{i => ((i, i),})
// use distributed context-specific utility to convert from RDD to LagMatrix
val mAdj = hc.mFromRcvRdd(rcvAdj,
println("mAdj: >\n%s<".format(hc.mToString(mAdj, d2Str)))
// initialize vector d w/ source (input)
val source = 0L
def dInit(di: PathType, ui: Long): PathType = if (ui == source) else di
val d_prev = hc.vZipWithIndex(dInit, hc.vReplicate(, Option(
println("d_initial: >\n%s<".format(hc.vToString(d_prev, d2Str)))
scala> diagStripped: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Long, Long), Float)] = MapPartitionsRDD[5] at flatMap at <console>:37
rcvAdj: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Long, Long), Float)] = UnionRDD[9] at union at <console>:43
mAdj:[PathType] =
LagDstrMatrix(LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@617a034a,5,1,false),UnionRDD[9] at union at <console>:43,(0.0, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38)
(20.0, 0.0, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38)
(10.0, 3.4028235E38, 0.0, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38)
(3.4028235E38, 15.0, 30.0, 0.0, 3.4028235E38)
(3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38, 50.0, 5.0, 0.0))
mAdj: >
{ 0.000, inf, inf, inf, inf},
{20.000, 0.000, inf, inf, inf},
{10.000, inf, 0.000, inf, inf},
{ inf,15.000,30.000, 0.000, inf},
{ inf, inf,50.000, 5.000, 0.000}
source: Long = 0
dInit: (di: PathType, ui: Long)PathType
d_prev:[PathType] = LagDstrVector(LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@617a034a,5,1,false),(0.0, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38, 3.4028235E38))
d_initial: >
0.000, inf, inf, inf, inf
Iterate for distance-only (common)
Perform the calculation using code that is common to both the distance-only and path-augmented semirings.
// iterate, relaxing edges
val maxiter = d_prev.size
def iterate(k: Long, d_prev: LagVector[PathType]): LagVector[PathType] =
if (k == maxiter) d_prev else iterate(k + 1, mAdj.tV(PathMinPlusSr, d_prev))
val d_final = iterate(0L, d_prev)
// are we at a fixed point?
if (d_final.equiv(mAdj.tV(PathMinPlusSr,d_final))) {
println("d_final: >\n%s<".format(d_final.toString(d2Str)))
} else {
println("A negative-weight cycle exists.")
scala> // loop, relaxing edges
val maxiter = d_prev.size
def iterate(k: Long, d_prev: LagVector[PathType]): LagVector[PathType] =
if (k == maxiter) d_prev else iterate(k + 1, hc.mTv(PathMinPlusSr, mAdj, d_prev))
val d_final = iterate(0L, d_prev)
// are we at a fixed point?
if (hc.vEquiv(d_final, hc.mTv(PathMinPlusSr, mAdj, d_final))) {
println("d_final: >\n%s<".format(hc.vToString(d_final, d2Str)))
} else {
println("A negative-weight cycle exists.")
scala> maxiter: Long = 5
iterate: (k: Long, d_prev:[PathType])[PathType]
d_final:[PathType] = LagDstrVector(LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@617a034a,5,1,false),(0.0, 20.0, 10.0, 35.0, 40.0))
d_final: >
Initialize path-augmented semiring
Setup a semiring to perform the path-augmented version of the semiring.
// Initialize path-augmented Bellman Ford
type PathType = Tuple3[Float, Long, Long]
val FloatInf = LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Float])
val LongInf = LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Long])
val nodeNil: Long = -1L
// Ordering for PathType
trait PathTypeOrdering extends Ordering[PathType] {
def compare(ui: PathType, vi: PathType): Int = {
val w1 = ui._1; val h1 = ui._2; val p1 = ui._3
val w2 = vi._1; val h2 = vi._2; val p2 = vi._3
if (w1 < w2) -1
else if ((w1 == w2) && (h1 < h2)) -1
else if ((w1 == w2) && (h1 == h2) && (p1 < p2)) -1
else 1
// Numeric for PathType
trait PathTypeAsNumeric extends[PathType] with PathTypeOrdering {
def plus(ui: PathType, vi: PathType): PathType = {
def f(x: Float, y: Float): Float =
if (x == FloatInf || y == FloatInf) FloatInf
else x + y
def g(x: Long, y: Long): Long =
if (x == LongInf || y == LongInf) LongInf
else x + y
val _zero = fromInt(0)
val w1 = ui._1; val h1 = ui._2; val p1 = ui._3
val w2 = vi._1; val h2 = vi._2; val p2 = vi._3
if (p2 != _zero._3)
if (p1 == _zero._3) (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p2)
else if (p2 != nodeNil) (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p2)
else (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p1) // original
else (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p1)
def times(x: PathType, y: PathType): PathType = min(x, y)
def fromInt(x: Int): PathType = x match {
case 0 => ((0.0).toFloat, 0L, nodeNil)
case 1 => (FloatInf, LongInf, LongInf)
case other => throw new RuntimeException("fromInt for: >%d< not implemented".format(other))
implicit object PathTypeAsNumeric extends PathTypeAsNumeric
val PathMinPlusSr = LagSemiring.min_plus[PathType](Tuple3(FloatInf, LongInf, LongInf))
// for edge initialization (weight mapping)
val eInit = (kv: ((Long, Long), Float)) => (kv._1, (kv._2.toFloat, 1L, kv._1._2)) // edge (weight)
// for print
val d2Str = bfType2Str(_)
scala> :paste
// Initialize path-augmented Bellman Ford
type PathType = Tuple3[Float, Long, Long]
val FloatInf = LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Float])
val LongInf = LagSemigroup.infinity(classTag[Long])
val nodeNil: Long = -1L
// Ordering for PathType
trait PathTypeOrdering extends Ordering[PathType] {
def compare(ui: PathType, vi: PathType): Int = {
val w1 = ui._1; val h1 = ui._2; val p1 = ui._3
val w2 = vi._1; val h2 = vi._2; val p2 = vi._3
if (w1 < w2) -1
else if ((w1 == w2) && (h1 < h2)) -1
else if ((w1 == w2) && (h1 == h2) && (p1 < p2)) -1
else 1
// Numeric for PathType
trait PathTypeAsNumeric extends[PathType] with PathTypeOrdering {
def plus(ui: PathType, vi: PathType): PathType = {
def f(x: Float, y: Float): Float =
if (x == FloatInf || y == FloatInf) FloatInf
else x + y
def g(x: Long, y: Long): Long =
if (x == LongInf || y == LongInf) LongInf
else x + y
val _zero = fromInt(0)
val w1 = ui._1; val h1 = ui._2; val p1 = ui._3
val w2 = vi._1; val h2 = vi._2; val p2 = vi._3
if (p2 != _zero._3)
if (p1 == _zero._3) (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p2)
else if (p2 != nodeNil) (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p2)
else (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p1) // original
else (f(w1, w2), g(h1, h2), p1)
def times(x: PathType, y: PathType): PathType = min(x, y)
def fromInt(x: Int): PathType = x match {
case 0 => ((0.0).toFloat, 0L, nodeNil)
case 1 => (FloatInf, LongInf, LongInf)
case other => throw new RuntimeException("fromInt for: >%d< not implemented".format(other))
implicit object PathTypeAsNumeric extends PathTypeAsNumeric
val PathMinPlusSr = LagSemiring.min_plus[PathType](Tuple3(FloatInf, LongInf, LongInf))
// for edge initialization (weight mapping)
val eInit = (kv: ((Long, Long), Float)) => (kv._1, (kv._2.toFloat, 1L, kv._1._2)) // edge (weight)
// for print
val d2Str = bfType2Str(_)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
scala> defined type alias PathType
FloatInf: Float = 3.4028235E38
LongInf: Long = 9223372036854775807
nodeNil: Long = -1
defined trait PathTypeOrdering
defined trait PathTypeAsNumeric
defined object PathTypeAsNumeric
warning: previously defined trait PathTypeAsNumeric is not a companion to object PathTypeAsNumeric.
Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use :paste mode for this.
PathMinPlusSr:[PathType] =$$anon$1@63b61f66
eInit: (((Long, Long), Float)) => ((Long, Long), (Float, Long, Long)) = <function1>
d2Str: ((Float, Long, Long)) => String = <function1>
Initialize adjacency matrix for path-augmented (common)
Using the same code as was used for the distance-only semiring, setup the algorithm for the path-augmented semirings.
// initialize adjacency matrix
// strip diagonal and add back in as, use weight to derive PathType for edge
val diagStripped = rcvGraph.flatMap { kv => if (kv._1._1 == kv._1._2) None else Some(eInit(kv)) }
val rcvAdj = diagStripped.union(sc.range(0L, numv, 1L, rcvGraph.getNumPartitions).map { i => ((i, i), })
// use distributed context-specific utility to convert from RDD to LagMatrix
val mAdj = hc.mFromRcvRdd(rcvAdj,
println("mAdj: >\n%s<".format(mAdj.toString(d2Str)))
// initialize vector d w/ source (input)
val source = 0L
def dInit(di: PathType, ui: Long): PathType = if (ui == source) else di
val d_prev = hc.vReplicate(, Option(
println("d_initial: >\n%s<".format(d_prev.toString(d2Str)))
scala> czczczczcz// initialize adjacency matrix
// strip diagonal and add back in as, use weight to derive PathType for edge
val diagStripped = rcvGraph.flatMap { kv => if (kv._1._1 == kv._1._2) None else Some((eInit(kv))) }
val rcvAdj = diagStripped.union(sc.range(0L, numv, 1L, rcvGraph.getNumPartitions).map{i => ((i, i),})
// use distributed context-specific utility to convert from RDD to LagMatrix
val mAdj = hc.mFromRcvRdd(rcvAdj,
println("mAdj: >\n%s<".format(hc.mToString(mAdj, d2Str)))
// initialize vector d w/ source (input)
val source = 0L
def dInit(di: PathType, ui: Long): PathType = if (ui == source) else di
val d_prev = hc.vZipWithIndex(dInit, hc.vReplicate(, Option(
println("d_initial: >\n%s<".format(hc.vToString(d_prev, d2Str)))
scala> diagStripped: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Long, Long), (Float, Long, Long))] = MapPartitionsRDD[82] at flatMap at <console>:49
rcvAdj: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[((Long, Long), (Float, Long, Long))] = UnionRDD[86] at union at <console>:53
mAdj:[PathType] =
LagDstrMatrix(LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@3b4a3d17,5,1,false),UnionRDD[86] at union at <console>:53,((0.0,0,-1), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807))
((20.0,1,0), (0.0,0,-1), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807))
((10.0,1,0), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (0.0,0,-1), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807))
((3.402...mAdj: >
{( 0.000, 0, -1),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf)},
{(20.000, 1, 0),( 0.000, 0, -1),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf)},
{(10.000, 1, 0),( inf, inf, inf),( 0.000, 0, -1),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf)},
{( inf, inf, inf),(15.000, 1, 1),(30.000, 1, 2),( 0.000, 0, -1),( inf, inf, inf)},
{( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf),(50.000, 1, 2),( 5.000, 1, 3),( 0.000, 0, -1)}
source: Long = 0
dInit: (di: PathType, ui: Long)PathType
d_prev:[PathType] = LagDstrVector(LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@3b4a3d17,5,1,false),((0.0,0,-1), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807), (3.4028235E38,9223372036854775807,9223372036854775807)))
d_initial: >
( 0.000, 0, -1),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf),( inf, inf, inf)
Iterate for path-augmented (common)
Using the same code as was used for the distance-only semiring, perform the calculation for the path-augmented semiring.
// iterate, relaxing edges
val maxiter = d_prev.size
def iterate(k: Long, d_prev: LagVector[PathType]): LagVector[PathType] =
if (k == maxiter) d_prev else iterate(k + 1, mAdj.tV(PathMinPlusSr, d_prev))
val d_final = iterate(0L, d_prev)
// are we at a fixed point?
if (d_final.equiv(mAdj.tV(PathMinPlusSr,d_final))) {
println("d_final: >\n%s<".format(d_final.toString(d2Str)))
} else {
println("A negative-weight cycle exists.")
scala> // BellmanFord: Common: Loop
// loop, relaxing edges
val maxiter = d_prev.size
def iterate(k: Long, d_prev: LagVector[PathType]): LagVector[PathType] =
if (k == maxiter) d_prev else iterate(k + 1, hc.mTv(PathMinPlusSr, mAdj, d_prev))
val d_final = iterate(0L, d_prev)
// are we at a fixed point?
if (hc.vEquiv(d_final, hc.mTv(PathMinPlusSr, mAdj, d_final))) {
println("d_final: >\n%s<".format(hc.vToString(d_final, d2Str)))
} else {
println("A negative-weight cycle exists.")
scala> maxiter: Long = 5
iterate: (k: Long, d_prev:[PathType])[PathType]
d_final:[PathType] = LagDstrVector(LagDstrContext(org.apache.spark.SparkContext@33829b50,5,1,false),((0.0,0,-1), (20.0,1,0), (10.0,1,0), (35.0,2,1), (40.0,3,3)))
d_final: >
( 0.000, 0, -1),(20.000, 1, 0),(10.000, 1, 0),(35.000, 2, 1),(40.000, 3, 3)