
This year we are presenting several iterations of the complete (no-charge) IDz Entry Level Training courses, along with Experienced User topics such as Code Review, Code Coverage, Integration with Open Source DevOps tooling, etc.

The Entry Level Training consists of multiple hour-long hands-on-workshop modules that are delivered through interactive, instructor-led web-conferences ... an extremely effective training venue utilizing open Q&A, flexible class delivery, remote-mentoring, greater absorption of the material, etc.

These sessions cover all of the skills & knowledge needed to master IDz, enabling you for high-productivity z/OS COBOL application work with the tools. Please note that there is no need to register for any of the classes. Simply follow the "Getting Started Notes" instructions below.

Also note that you may attend any session you'd like - from any iteration at any time. However the Entry Level classes are designed as sequenced educational content, with materials that build upon previous topics. It is recommended that you proceed through the courses from Module-1 thru Module-9 (see details below on the individual module topics).

Getting Started Notes

  • Each of the Entry Level classes is (roughly) one hour in length - and there is no enrollment needed.
    • You will need to provide the instructor with your email address during the first module - in order to communicate questions, assignments, tips/techniques, errata, etc.
    • There is a short workshop setup process needed for the hands-on labs. See the table below in the Setup section for details- and please try to finish this before attending Module 1.
  • The Microsoft Teams link (web conference link) for all classes is: https://ibm.biz/distance-learning-classroom
    • The Microsoft Teams meeting ID is: 277 062 778 281, and the passcode (if prompted) is: EWZqRD.
    • Audio is provided through phone or VOIP
  • Additional details on each Module are listed at the bottom
  • Typically the instructor will be available 10 minutes before each session - to assist with individual questions & answers


It is imperative that when you participate in the Web Conference you put your phone on mute and leave it on mute throughout the training

  • There will be dozens of developers participating in each class
  • Background noise/talking/etc interferes with the learning and is distracting
  • You are encouraged to use the WebEx chat feature to ask any/all questions throughout the training session
  • Note also that you must turn your PC/Laptop camera off during class - for the same reasons


For entry level hand's-on learning - download these files and follow the setup instructions in the table:

Download URL Files & Setup Instructions
https://community.ibm.com/community/user/ibmz-and-linuxone/viewdocument/education-workspace?CommunityKey=b0dae4a8-74eb-44ac-86c7-90f3cd32909a&tab=librarydocuments 1. Education Workspace - for class. Download and unzip this file onto your PC. It contains all of the programs/copybooks/JCL/etc. that are referenced in the hands-on exercises.
https://community.ibm.com/community/user/ibmz-and-linuxone/viewdocument/labspdf?CommunityKey=b0dae4a8-74eb-44ac-86c7-90f3cd32909a&tab=librarydocuments 2. Class Exercises for each Module. Download this file into the same directory as the class education PDFs.
https://community.ibm.com/community/user/ibmz-and-linuxone/viewdocument/pdfs-for-the-entry-level-training-m?CommunityKey=b0dae4a8-74eb-44ac-86c7-90f3cd32909a&tab=librarydocuments 3. Class learning documents (PDFs) Download and unzip these files into a directory. You will use this as IDz reference material throughout the class.

IDz/ADFz/RDz Entry-Level and Experienced User Training Schedule

Fall / Winter 2024 - IDz/ADFz Entry Level Training
Date & Time Topic Downloads
September 9th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training - Module 1 - Navigation
Class overview, Workspace installation & customization, IDz Terms & Concepts, Eclipse Navigation for ISPF Developers, DevOps Tooling overview, Split-Screen, Use of multi-windowed views, Overview of Program Control Flow, Bookmarks, and more.

Session Files
September 10th , 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST Advanced client-side customization
Learn how to maximize the end-user experience within the IDz workbench through customization of the IDz workspace.

Session Files
September 16th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training - Module 2 - IDz Editing and Code Development Tools & Techniques
IDz code editors & development productivity techniques, ISPF emulation: Command line commands/Prefix area commands, Hot Key definitions, Editing source with embedded Hex characters, JCL editing, IDz's source download and program model, and Content Assist ("look-ahead typing").

Session Files
September 19th, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST Editing Best Practices / Editors
Learn how to use little-known IDz features to promote COBOL, PL/I, JCL and Assembler coding productivity; Eclipse features, Auto-comment, Code Formatting - Internal File Search, Regex, Local History, etc.

Session Files
September 23rd, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training - Module 3 - Program Analysis Tools
ISPF Search techniques (expanded), IDz graphical tools for: Logic Flow and program execution analysis, Graphical & declarative tools for Data Flow and impact analysis (within a single program), Various built in language Filters.

Session Files
September 24, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST Software Analyzer
A deep dive demonstration/discussion that describes the use IDz's "Code Review" to improve code quality - in terms of Performance, Coding Standards and Maintainability. This session will introduce Software Analyzer, discuss options/features, and finish with a short discussion on custom code rules coding.

Session Files
September 30th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training Module 4 - Remote Systems 1
Connect to your shop's test LPAR and navigate libraries and data sets. Locate files in large PDSs, Copy files from Mainframe <-> PC <->Mainframe. Search Remote libraries using powerful tools that allow you to access "found" source files with your mouse.

Session Files
October 7th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training Module 5 - Remote Systems 2
Learn to utilize MVS File Filters and Retrieve Data Set for effective organization and access of z/OS resources. Create, configuring and customize Property Groups for SYSLIB (COPY and INCLUDE search path definitions), PROC Search Path and Called Module Search Path d efinitions Utilize Property Groups with: Show Dependencies and Remote Syntax Check.

Session Files
October 8th , 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST File Manager
Learn how to access and work with files using the IBM File Manager eclipse plugin via IDz.

Session Files
October 15th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training Module 6 - the ISPF 3.x Data Set Utilities and JES 
This module instructs on the data set utility features of IDz that are available from the ISPF 3.x dialogs: File allocation, File rename, File delete, Library compress, VSAM File create, GDG Model and GDG Data Set create . Batch Job management and interactive CLIST/REXX support is also part of Module 6. An introduction to Menu Manager is presented.

Session Files
October 16th, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST Fault Analyzer
Use the ADFz Fault Analyzer tool to access and research MVS ABEND information and Hyper-link to source files.

Session Files
October 28th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training Module 7 - DB2/SQL
This module is an overview of the new Db2 for z/OS tooling integration for IDz. View SQL files, run SQL, look at embedded SQL, and more.

Session Files
October 29th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST IDz Entry-Level Training Module 8 - Debug
Batch debugging features and techniques, including JCL to launch Debug, program animation features, break points, variable monitors/changing variable values dynamically. High-level Online debug is included in this module upon attendee request.

Session Files
November 4th, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST Git/DBB
This session - taught by Brice Small, will cover setting up/customizing and using the IDz/Git views to do DevOps-Git SCM-based development; Clone/Configure and Clone Git repositories, Staging source, Working with Branches, Push/Pull/Merge/Commit and Rebase source, etc.

Session Files
November 6th, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST Code Coverage
What it is, how it is accessed, how to generate reports and how they are used. This session includes: Using Code Coverage to understand code quality trends, integration with ADDI, headless Code Coverage, and more.
Session Files

Entry-Level Training - Individual Module/Class Agenda (Details)

Module 1: The RDz Workbench and introduction to Eclipse for ISPF Developers

Module 2: Editing Program Source

Module 3: Analyzing COBOL Programs

Module 4: Introduction to RDz Remote Systems’ Features

Module 5: Dataset Access and Organization

Module 6: ISPF 3.x Options, Batch Job Submission & Management

Module 7: MVS Subprojects

Module 8: The DB2 and SQL Data Tools

Module 9: Debugging z/OS COBOL Applications using IDz/RDz