Cloud native development with IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack Fundamentals
Accelerate your Journey to Cloud with IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack
Badge Overview
Digital credentials are the future and they are here for Cloud native development with IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack. Digital credentials are transforming how IBM is engaging, recognizing and managing talent. The course is designed to provide the audience with a view into understanding the capabilities, benefits and usage of Cloud native development with IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack.

Badge Description
The badge holder has successfully completed the self paced online course and zTrial Lab, covering the following modules:
Upon completion of this course, students will be familiar with the following topics:
- Module 1 – What is IBM Wazi
- Module 2 – Current challenges and how IBM Wazi components can help address them
- Module 3 – How does it work
- Module 4 – Wazi Sandbox: Managing development and test environments
- Module 5 – Wazi Code: Developing applications with your choice of IDE
- Module 6 – Wazi Analyze: Understand the impact of changes with IBM Wazi
- Module 7 – Wazi Deploy
- Module 8 – Create a CI/CD pipeline for a z/OS application
- Module 9 – Integration of Wazi Components
- Module 10 – Building enterprise CI/CD Pipelines with IBM Z and Cloud Mod Stack on AWS
- Module 11 – zTrial and Badge Quiz
Successful completion of the Cloud native development with IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack Fundamentals online self paced course and clearing the badge quiz assessment.
Please access the following URL to launch the course:
You will receive your badge within 2 business days of completing the training curriculum. This badge can be obtained by any IBM employee or non-IBM employee.
More about the IBM Digital Badge programIBM has established a Digital Badge Program to recognize our employees' significant achievements and skills attainment. IBM credentials are recognized, respected and valued globally in the IT industry. This program will enable you to easily and quickly share verified proof of your achievement both within IBM and externally. Where applicable, your IBM credentials will be represented by a digital image that contains verified metadata describing your qualifications and the rigorous process necessary to earn them
Badge QueriesFor questions about the Cloud native development with IBM Z and Cloud Modernization Stack Fundamentals badge program, such as a missing or incorrect badge or how to earn the badge, contact
Credly Support: For questions related to your Credly badge earner account and profile, as well as issues related to claiming your badge after receiving a notification, go to
For Frequently Asked Questions about the IBM Digital Badge Program, click here.
Badge Privacy Statement
NOTICE: IBM leverages the services of Credly, a 3rd party data processor authorized
by IBM and located in the United States, to assist in the administration of the
IBM Digital Badge program. In order to issue you an IBM Digital Badge, your personal
information (name, email address, and badge earned) will be shared with Credly.
You will receive an email notification from Credly with instructions for claiming
the badge. Your personal information is used to issue your badge and for program
reporting and operational purposes. IBM may share the personal information collected
with IBM subsidiaries and third parties globally. It will be handled in a manner
consistent with IBM privacy practices.
The IBM Privacy Statement can be viewed here:
IBM employees can view the IBM Internal Privacy Statement here: