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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |\CLexicalTranslator< mic::importers::IBMfont_t >Class template specialization used for lexical casting between string and IBMfont_t type
 oNencodersContains encoder parent class and all derived classes
 |oCCharMatrixXfEncoderEncoder responsible for encoding character into Matrix SDRs. A 1-of-k encoder, i.e. it simply encodes char to ASCII and turns on that bit, i.e. there is no learning
 |oCColMatrixEncoderEncoder responsible for encoding single channel (float) matrices (e.g. grayscale images) into SDRs. There is no learning (auto-encoding), instead it simply transforms matrix of floats into a vector
 |oCEncoderAbstract parent class for all encoders
 |oCMatrixSDREncoderAbstract parent class for all encoders using MatrixXf as SDR datatype
 |\CUIntMatrixEncoderEncoder responsible for encoding unsigned integers into Matrix SDRs. A 1-of-k encoder, i.e. it simply turns on the adequate, i.e. there is no learning
 oNimportersNamespace containing data import/export classess and procedures
 |oCBMPImporterClass responsible for importing CIFAR images. Returns a batch of Tensors. Assumes that every image can have different dimensions and belongs to a separate class
 |oCCIFARImporterClass responsible for importing CIFAR images. Returns a batch of Tensors
 |oCIBMFontMatrixImporterImporter responsible for importing/loading characters from IBM VGA font dataset
 |oCImporterParent class for all data importers
 |oCMNISTPatchImporterImporter responsible for importing/loading MNIST images with labels
 |oCRawTextImporterImporter responsible for importing/loading raw text files and returning characters one by one, the character denotes the label on its own
 |oCAction2DInterfaceInterface class representing an action in 2-D space
 |oCAction2DAbstract template class representing an action in 2-D space
 |oCNESWActionClass representing an N/E/S/W action
 |oCRandomNESWActionClass representing a random N/E/S/W action
 |oCExitActionClass representing an exit action
 |oCBatchTemplate class storing the sample batches. A batch is stored in fact as three vectors, containing data, labels and sample numbers respectively
 |oCcolor_rgbaClass for storing single a pixel of four channel (RGBA) image
 |oCTensorTemplate class representing an nD (n-Dimensional) tensor. Tensor is row-major, i.e. first dimension is height (rows), second is width (cols), third is depth (channels) etc
 |oCMatrixTemplate-typed Matrix of dynamic size. Uses OpenBLAS if found by CMAKE - overloaded, specializations of * operator for types: float, double
 |oCMatrixArrayA dynamic array of matrices. It's just what it looks like - std::vector<Matrix>; elements are are accessible by name with operator [] name needs to be given together with name in the main constructor
 |oCPosition2DClass representing position in 2-D space
 |\CSampleTemplate class storing the data-label pairs. Additionally it stores the the index of the sample (mainly for debug purposes)
  oCDataCollectorClass responsible for collection of data during experiments end exporting the results to files
  oCRandomGeneratorRandom generator - defined in the form of a singleton, with double-checked locking pattern (DCLP) based access to instance
  \CTimerTimer class