Microprobe test (mpt) format


In order to facilitate the task of specifying tests to be reproduced/generated by Microprobe, we defined the Microprobe test (mpt) file format. The base format is the INI File format.

The INI File format is a well-known file format for system configuration, it is human-readable and simple to parse. Basic features include:

  • User specifies properties using entries like name = value.

  • Properties are grouped into arbitrary sections, which are defined using entries like [SECTION_NAME].

  • Section and properties are NOT case sensitive.

  • Everything after a semi-colon (;) is not processed.

More information here.

Mandatory header: the MPT Section

All MPT files should define the [MPT] section in order to be parsed correctly. This mandatory section defines the MPT file format used in the rest of the MPT file. This will allow us to maximize portability in the future (e.g. if new features are added/removed from the MPT file). So, a valid MPT file header would be:

mpt_version = 0.5 ;  Format version of this MPT file.

Then, other sections and properties could be specified. Next sections provides further details.

Format definitions