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Automation with Scripts

Automation scripts are the recommended way to deploy the sample operators. The scripts provide the following functions:

  • Verify workstation prerequisites
  • Install prerequisite components to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
  • Create a 'demo environment' which deploys working golden images to a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
  • Continous integration deployment which builds all operators & applications, pushes to a registry and deploys the images using OLM to either Kubernetes or OpenShift

Required Setup

Ensure you have followed the steps in the prerequisites section

If you created a version_local.env file because you plan to build new container images, open a terminal window and use the versions_local.env as input for your environment variables:

source versions_local.env
podman login $REGISTRY

Script automation process

The script automation does following:

The functionality has variations depending on the script you are going to use.

  1. It ensures that with two versions.env files the tagging for the container images works in a consistent way.

  2. versions.env for golden sources

  3. versions_local.env for custom local configurations your version of versions_local.env-template

  4. It creates a temp github tag related to the last commit before the automation was started.

  5. It creates various logs script-automation.log these files which will not be loaded to the git repo.

  6. Resets the cluster environment:

  7. Creates following containers images:

    • Database operator related

      • Database-service
      • operator-database
      • operator-database-backup
      • operator-database-bundle, this is a container image which will be created by the operator-sdk and will be used later inside the operator-database-catalog which is relevant for OLM usage.
      • operator-database-catalog, this container image contains a reference to the operator-database-bundle and will be used in the context of OLM
    • Application operator related

      • simple-microservice
      • operator-application-autoscaler
      • operator-application
      • operator-application-bundle, that is a container image which will be created by the operator-sdk and will be used later inside the operator-application-catalog which is relevant for OLM usage.
      • operator-application-catalog, that container image contains a reference to the operator-application-bundle and will be used in the context of OLM
  8. It uses templates to generate OLM deployment resources. The resources in the repo under folders 'olm' are not used by the script.

  9. Resets the podman vm if needed and starts podman.

  10. It creates role.yaml, role-binding.yaml, clusterserviceversion.yaml and sample custom resources for the given operators, based on templates.

  11. It verifies the pre-requisites.

  12. Setup of the needed bin directory of the operator-sdk projects. (controller-gen,kustomize, opm,setup-envtest)