Source code for ibm_watson_machine_learning.experiment.fm_tune.tune_runs

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#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023-2024.
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__all__ = [

from pandas import DataFrame

from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.prompt_tuner import PromptTuner
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.wml_client_error import WMLClientError
from ibm_watson_machine_learning import APIClient

[docs] class TuneRuns: """TuneRuns class is used to work with historical PromptTuner runs. :param client: APIClient to handle service operations :type client: APIClient :param filter: filter, user can choose which runs to fetch specifying tuning name :type filter: str, optional :param limit: int number of records to be returned :type limit: int """ def __init__(self, client: 'APIClient', filter: str = None, limit: int = 50) -> None: self.client = client self.tuning_name = filter self.limit = limit def __call__(self, *, filter: str = None, limit: int = 50) -> 'TuneRuns': self.tuning_name = filter self.limit = limit return self
[docs] def list(self) -> 'DataFrame': """Lists historical runs with status. If user has a lot of runs stored in the service, it may take long time to fetch all the information. If there is no limit set, get last 50 records. :return: Pandas DataFrame with runs IDs and state :rtype: pandas.DataFrame **Examples** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.experiment import TuneExperiment experiment = TuneExperiment(...) df = experiment.runs.list() """ runs_details = if self.tuning_name else False, limit=None if self.tuning_name else self.limit, training_type='prompt_tuning', _internal=True) columns = ['timestamp', 'run_id', 'state', 'prompt tuning name'] records = [] for run in runs_details['resources']: if len(records) >= self.limit: break if {'entity', 'metadata'}.issubset(run.keys()): timestamp = run['metadata'].get('modified_at') run_id = run['metadata'].get('id', run['metadata'].get('guid')) state = run['entity'].get('status', {}).get('state') tuning_name = run['entity'].get('name', 'Unknown') record = [timestamp, run_id, state, tuning_name] if self.tuning_name is None or (self.tuning_name and self.tuning_name == tuning_name): records.append(record) runs = DataFrame(data=records, columns=columns) return runs.sort_values(by=["timestamp"], ascending=False)
[docs] def get_tuner(self, run_id: str) -> PromptTuner: """Create instance of PromptTuner based on tuning run with specific run_id. :param run_id: ID of the run :type run_id: str :return: prompt tuner object :rtype: PromptTuner class instance **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.experiment import TuneExperiment experiment = TuneExperiment(credentials, ...) historical_tuner = experiment.runs.get_tuner(run_id='02bab973-ae83-4283-9d73-87b9fd462d35') """ # note: normal scenario if not isinstance(run_id, str): raise WMLClientError(f"Provided run_id type was {type(run_id)} (should be a string)") entity ='entity') if not entity: raise WMLClientError("Provided run_id was invalid") tuning_params = entity['prompt_tuning'] prompt_tuner = PromptTuner(name=entity.get('name'), task_id=tuning_params.get('task_id'), description=entity.get('description'), base_model=tuning_params.get('base_model', {}).get('name'), accumulate_steps=tuning_params.get('accumulate_steps'), batch_size=tuning_params.get('batch_size'), init_method=tuning_params.get('init_method'), init_text=tuning_params.get('init_text'), learning_rate=tuning_params.get('learning_rate'), max_input_tokens=tuning_params.get('max_input_tokens'), max_output_tokens=tuning_params.get('max_output_tokens'), num_epochs=tuning_params.get('num_epochs'), tuning_type=tuning_params.get('tuning_type'), verbalizer=tuning_params.get('verbalizer'), auto_update_model=entity.get('auto_update_model')) = run_id prompt_tuner._client = self.client return prompt_tuner
[docs] def get_run_details(self, run_id: str = None, include_metrics: bool = False) -> dict: """Get run details. If run_id is not supplied, last run will be taken. :param run_id: ID of the run :type run_id: str, optional :param include_metrics: indicates to include metrics in the training details output :type include_metrics: bool, optional :return: run configuration parameters :rtype: dict **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.experiment import TuneExperiment experiment = TuneExperiment(credentials, ...) experiment.runs.get_run_details(run_id='02bab973-ae83-4283-9d73-87b9fd462d35') experiment.runs.get_run_details() """ if run_id is None: details =, training_type='prompt_tuning', _internal=True).get('resources')[0] else: details =, _internal=True) if include_metrics: return details if details['entity']['status'].get('metrics', False): del details['entity']['status']['metrics'] return details