# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023-2024.
# https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function, annotations
from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
import langchain
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
import pandas
import ibm_watson_machine_learning._wrappers.requests as requests
from ibm_watson_machine_learning import APIClient
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.wml_client_error import (WMLClientError, ValidationError,
InvalidValue, InvalidMultipleArguments, PromptVariablesError)
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.wml_resource import WMLResource
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.utils.enums import ModelTypes, PromptTemplateFormats
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.utils.utils import TemplateFormatter
class PromptTemplateLock:
"""Storage for lock object.
locked: bool
locked_by: Optional[str] = None
class PromptTemplate:
"""Storage for prompt template parameters.
:param prompt_id: Id of prompt template, defaults to None.
:type prompt_id: Optional[str], attribute setting not allowed
:param created_at: Time the prompt was created (UTC), defaults to None.
:type created_at: Optional[str], attribute setting not allowed
:param lock: Locked state of asset, defaults to None.
:type lock: Optional[PromptTemplateLock], attribute setting not allowed
:param is_template: True if prompt is a template, False otherwise; defaults to None.
:type is_template: Optional[bool], attribute setting not allowed
:param name: Prompt template name, defaults to None.
:type name: Optional[str], optional
:param model_id: Foundation model id, defaults to None.
:type model_id: Optional[ModelTypes], optional
:param model_params: Model parameters, defaults to None.
:type model_params: Optional[Dict], optional
:param template_version: Semvar version for tracking in IBM AI Factsheets, defaults to None.
:type template_version: Optional[str], optional
:param task_ids: List of task ids, defaults to None.
:type task_ids: Optional[List[str]], optional
:param description: Prompt template asset description, defaults to None.
:type description: Optional[str], optional
:param input_text: Input text for prompt, defaults to None.
:type input_text: Optional[str], optional
:param input_variables: Input variables can be present in fields: `instruction`,
`input_prefix`, `output_prefix`, `input_text`, `examples`
and are indentified by braces ('{' and '}'), defaults to None.
:type temaplate_parameters: (List | Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] | None), optional
:param instruction: Instruction for model, defaults to None.
:type instruction: Optional[str], optional
:param input_prefix: Prefix string placed before input text, defaults to None.
:type input_prefix: Optional[str], optional
:param output_prefix: Prefix before model response, defaults to None.
:type output_prefix: Optional[str], optional
:param exmaples: Examples may help the model to adjust the response; [[input1, output1], ...], defaults to None.
:type exmaples: Optional[List[List[str]]], optional
:param validate_template: If True, the Prompt Template is validated for the presence of input variables, defaults to True.
:type validate_template: bool, optional
Example of invalid Prompt Template:
.. code-block:: python
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_text='What are the most famous monuments in ?',
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValidationError: Invalid prompt template; check for mismatched or missing input variables. Missing input variable: {'country'}
Example of valid Prompt Template:
.. code-block:: python
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(input_text='What are the most famous monuments in {country}?',
def __init__(self,
name: Optional[str] = None,
model_id: Optional[ModelTypes] = None,
model_params: Optional[Dict] = None,
template_version: Optional[str] = None,
task_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
input_text: Optional[str] = None,
input_variables: (List | Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] | None) = None,
instruction: Optional[str] = None,
input_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
output_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
examples: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None,
validate_template: bool = True) -> None:
self.name = name
self._prompt_id = None
self._created_at = None
self._lock = None
self._is_template = None
self.model_id = model_id
if isinstance(self.model_id, ModelTypes):
self.model_id = self.model_id.value
self.model_params = model_params.copy() if model_params is not None else model_params
self.task_ids = task_ids.copy() if task_ids is not None else task_ids
self.template_version = template_version
self.description = description
self.input_text = input_text
self.input_variables = input_variables.copy() if input_variables is not None else input_variables
self.instruction = instruction
self.input_prefix = input_prefix
self.output_prefix = output_prefix
self.examples = examples.copy() if examples is not None else examples
# template validation
if validate_template:
def __repr__(self):
args = [f"{key}={value!r}" for key, value in self.__dict__.items()
if not key.startswith('_') and value is not None]
return f"{type(self).__name__}({ ', '.join(args)})"
def prompt_id(self):
return self._prompt_id
def created_at(self):
return str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self._created_at / 1000)).split(".")[0]
def lock(self):
return self._lock
def is_template(self):
return self._is_template
def _validation(self):
"""Validate template structure.
:raises ValidationError: raises when input_variables does not fit placeholders in input body.
input_variables = self.input_variables if self.input_variables is not None else []
template_text = " ".join(filter(None, [self.instruction,
if self.examples:
for example in self.examples:
template_text += " ".join(example)
def _validate(input_text):
dummy_inputs = {input_variable: "wx" for input_variable in input_variables}
TemplateFormatter().format("".join([template_text, input_text]), **dummy_inputs)
if self.input_text:
_validate(template_text + self.input_text)
if template_text:
except KeyError as key:
raise ValidationError(key)
class PromptTemplateManager(WMLResource):
"""Instantiate the prompt template manager.
:param credentials: Credentials to watsonx.ai instance.
:type credentials: dict
:param project_id: ID of project
:type project_id: str
:param space_id: ID of project
:type space_id: str
:param verify: user can pass as verify one of following:
- the path to a CA_BUNDLE file
- the path of directory with certificates of trusted CAs
- `True` - default path to truststore will be taken
- `False` - no verification will be made
:type verify: bool or str, optional
.. note::
One of these parameters is required: ['project_id ', 'space_id']
.. code-block:: python
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.prompts import PromptTemplate, PromptTemplateManager
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.utils.enums import ModelTypes
prompt_mgr = PromptTemplateManager(
"apikey": "***",
"url": "https://us-south.ml.cloud.ibm.com"
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(name="My prompt",
input_text="What is {object} and how does it work?",
examples=[['What is the Stock Market?',
'A stock market is a place where investors buy and sell shares of publicly traded companies.']])
stored_prompt_template = prompt_mgr.store_prompt(prompt_template)
print(stored_prompt_template.prompt_id) # id of prompt template asset
def __init__(self,
credentials: Optional[dict] = None,
project_id: Optional[str] = None,
space_id: Optional[str] = None,
api_client: APIClient = None) -> None:
self.project_id = project_id
self.space_id = space_id
if credentials:
self._client = APIClient(credentials, verify=verify)
elif api_client:
self._client = api_client
raise InvalidMultipleArguments(params_names_list=["credentials", "api_client"],
reason="None of the arguments were provided.")
if self.space_id is not None and self.project_id is not None:
raise InvalidMultipleArguments(params_names_list=["project_id", "space_id"],
reason="Both arguments were provided.")
self.params = {}
if self.space_id:
self.params = {'space_id': self.space_id}
elif self.project_id:
self.params = {'project_id': self.project_id}
elif api_client:
if (project_id := self._client.default_project_id):
self.params = {'project_id': project_id}
elif (space_id := self._client.default_space_id):
self.params = {'space_id': space_id}
elif not api_client:
raise InvalidMultipleArguments(params_names_list=["space_id", "project_id"],
reason="None of the arguments were provided.")
if not self._client.CLOUD_PLATFORM_SPACES and self._client.CPD_version < 4.8:
raise WMLClientError(error_msg="Operation is unsupported for this release.")
WMLResource.__init__(self, __name__, self._client)
def _create_request_body(self, prompt_template: PromptTemplate) -> Dict:
"""Method is used to create request body from PromptTemplate object.
:param prompt_template: Object of type PromptTemplate based on which the request
body will be created.
:type prompt_template: PromptTemplate
:return: Request body
:rtype: Dict
json_data: Dict = {'prompt': dict()}
if prompt_template.description is not None:
json_data.update({'description': prompt_template.description})
if prompt_template.input_variables is not None:
PromptTemplateManager._validate_type(prompt_template.input_variables, u'input_variables', [dict, list],
if isinstance(prompt_template.input_variables, list):
json_data.update({'prompt_variables': {key: {} for key in prompt_template.input_variables}})
json_data.update({'prompt_variables': prompt_template.input_variables})
if prompt_template.task_ids is not None:
PromptTemplateManager._validate_type(prompt_template.task_ids, u'task_ids', list, False)
json_data.update({'task_ids': prompt_template.task_ids})
if prompt_template.template_version is not None:
json_data.update({"model_version": {"number": prompt_template.template_version}})
if prompt_template.input_text:
PromptTemplateManager._validate_type(prompt_template.input_text, u'input_text', str, False)
json_data['prompt'].update({'input': [[prompt_template.input_text, '']]})
PromptTemplateManager._validate_type(prompt_template.model_id, u'model_id', str, True)
if prompt_template.model_id is not None:
json_data['prompt'].update({'model_id': prompt_template.model_id})
if prompt_template.model_params is not None:
PromptTemplateManager._validate_type(prompt_template.model_params, u'model_parameters', dict, False)
json_data['prompt'].update({'model_parameters': prompt_template.model_params})
data: Dict = dict()
if prompt_template.instruction is not None:
data.update({'instruction': prompt_template.instruction})
if prompt_template.input_prefix is not None:
data.update({'input_prefix': prompt_template.input_prefix})
if prompt_template.output_prefix is not None:
data.update({'output_prefix': prompt_template.output_prefix})
if prompt_template.examples is not None:
PromptTemplateManager._validate_type(prompt_template.examples, u'examples', list, False)
data.update({'examples': prompt_template.examples})
json_data['prompt'].update({'data': data})
return json_data
def _from_json_to_prompt(self, response: Dict) -> PromptTemplate:
"""Convert json response to PromptTemplate object.
:param response: Response body after request operation.
:type response: Dict
:return: PromptTemplate object with given details.
:rtype: PromptTemplate
prompt_field: Dict = response.get('prompt', dict())
data_field: Dict = prompt_field.get('data', dict())
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(name=response.get('name'),
template_version=response.get("model_version", dict()).get("number"),
input_variables = response.get('prompt_variables'),
input_text = prompt_field.get('input', [[None, None]])[0][0],
instruction = data_field.get('instruction'),
input_prefix = data_field.get('input_prefix'),
output_prefix = data_field.get('output_prefix'),
examples = data_field.get('examples'),
prompt_template._prompt_id = response.get('id')
prompt_template._created_at = response.get('created_at')
if "lock_type" in response.get('lock', dict()):
del response['lock']["lock_type"]
prompt_template._lock = PromptTemplateLock(**response.get('lock', {"locked": None,
"locked_by": None}))
prompt_template._is_template = response.get('is_template')
return prompt_template
def _get_details(self, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> List:
"""Method retrives details of all prompt templates. If limit is set to None
then all prompt templates are fetched.
:param limit: limit number of fetched records, defaults to None.
:type limit: Optional[int]
:return: List of prompts metadata
:rtype: List
headers = self._client._get_headers()
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_all_href()
json_data = {"query": u"asset.asset_type:wx_prompt",
u"sort": "-asset.created_at<string>"}
if limit is not None:
if limit < 1:
raise WMLClientError('Limit cannot be lower than 1.')
elif limit > 200:
raise WMLClientError('Limit cannot be larger than 200.')
json_data.update({'limit': limit})
json_data.update({'limit': 200})
prompts_list = []
bookmark = True
while bookmark is not None:
response = requests.post(url=url, json=json_data,
details_json = self._handle_response(200, "Get next details", response)
bookmark = details_json.get('next', {'href': None}).get('bookmark', None)
prompts_list.extend(details_json.get('results', []))
if limit is not None:
json_data.update({'bookmark': bookmark})
return prompts_list
def _change_lock(self, prompt_id: str, locked: bool, force: bool = False) -> Dict:
"""Change prompt template lock state.
:param prompt_id: Id of prompt template.
:type prompt_id: str
:param locked: New lock state.
:type locked: bool
:param force: force lock state overwrite, defaults to False.
:type force: bool, optional
:return: Response content after lock state change.
:rtype: Dict
headers = self._client._get_headers()
params = (self.params | {"prompt_id": prompt_id, "force": force})
json_data = {"locked": locked}
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_href() + f"/{prompt_id}/lock"
response = requests.put(url=url,
return self._handle_response(200, u'change_lock', response)
def load_prompt(self,
prompt_id: str,
astype: PromptTemplateFormats = PromptTemplateFormats.PROMPTTEMPLATE,
prompt_variables: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None):
"""Retrive a prompt template asset.
:param prompt_id: Id of prompt template which is processed.
:type prompt_id: str
:param astype: Type of return object.
:type astype: PromptTemplateFormats
:param prompt_variables: Dictionary of input variables and values with which input variables will be replaced.
:type prompt_variables: Dict[str, str]
:return: Prompt template asset.
:rtype: PromptTemplate | str | langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate
.. code-block:: python
loaded_prompt_template = prompt_mgr.load_prompt(prompt_id)
loaded_prompt_template_lc = prompt_mgr.load_prompt(prompt_id, PromptTemplateFormats.LANGCHAIN)
loaded_prompt_template_string = prompt_mgr.load_prompt(prompt_id, PromptTemplateFormats.STRING)
headers = self._client._get_headers()
params = (self.params | {"prompt_id": prompt_id})
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_href() + f"/{prompt_id}"
if isinstance(astype, PromptTemplateFormats):
astype = astype.value
if astype == 'prompt':
response = requests.get(url=url,
return self._from_json_to_prompt(self._handle_response(200, u'_load_json_prompt', response))
elif astype in ('langchain', 'string'):
response = requests.post(url=url + u"/input",
response_input = self._handle_response(200, u'load_prompt', response).get("input")
if astype == 'string':
return response_input if prompt_variables is None else response_input.format(**prompt_variables)
except KeyError as key:
raise PromptVariablesError(key)
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate as LcPromptTemplate
return LcPromptTemplate.from_template(response_input)
raise InvalidValue(u'astype')
def list(self, *, limit=None) -> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame:
"""List all available prompt templates in the DataFrame format.
:param limit: limit number of fetched records, defaults to None.
:type limit: Optional[int]
:return: Dataframe of fundamental properties of availabale prompts.
:rtype: pandas.core.frame.DataFram
.. code-block:: python
prompt_mgr.list(limit=5) # list of 5 recent created prompt template assets
.. hint::
Additionally you can sort available prompt templates by "LAST MODIFIED" field.
.. code-block:: python
df_prompts = prompt_mgr.list()
df_prompts.sort_values("LAST MODIFIED", ascending=False)
details = ['metadata.asset_id', 'metadata.name', 'metadata.created_at', 'metadata.usage.last_updated_at']
prompts_details = self._get_details(limit=limit)
data_normalize = pandas.json_normalize(prompts_details)
prompts_data = data_normalize.reindex(columns=details)
df_details = pandas.DataFrame(prompts_data, columns=details)
df_details.rename(columns={'metadata.asset_id': 'ID',
'metadata.name': 'NAME',
'metadata.created_at': 'CREATED',
'metadata.usage.last_updated_at': 'LAST MODIFIED',
}, inplace=True)
return df_details
def store_prompt(self, prompt_template: Union[PromptTemplate, langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate]) -> PromptTemplate:
"""Store a new prompt template.
:param prompt_template: PromptTemplate to be stored.
:type prompt_template: (PromptTemplate | langchain.prompts.PromptTemplate)
:return: PromptTemplate object initialized with values provided in the server response object.
:rtype: PromptTemplate
if isinstance(prompt_template, PromptTemplate):
from langchain.prompts import PromptTemplate as LcPromptTemplate
if isinstance(prompt_template, LcPromptTemplate):
prompt_template = PromptTemplate(name="My prompt",
raise WMLClientError(error_msg="Unsupported type for `prompt_template`")
headers = self._client._get_headers()
str, True)
json_data: Dict = {
"name": prompt_template.name,
"lock": {"locked": True},
"prompt": dict()
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_href()
response = requests.post(url=url,
response = self._handle_response(201, u'store_prompt', response)
return self._from_json_to_prompt(response)
def delete_prompt(self, prompt_id: str, *, force: bool = False) -> str:
"""Remove prompt template from project or space.
:param prompt_id: Id of prompt template that will be delete.
:type prompt_id: str
:param force: If True then prompt template is unlocked and then delete, defaults to False.
:type force: bool
:return: Status 'SUCESS' if the prompt template is successfully deleted.
:rtype: str
.. code-block:: python
prompt_mgr.delete_prompt(prompt_id) # delete if asset is unclocked
if force:
headers = self._client._get_headers()
params = (self.params | {"prompt_id": prompt_id})
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_href() + f"/{prompt_id}"
response = requests.delete(url=url, headers=headers,
return self._handle_response(204, u'delete_prompt', response)
def update_prompt(self, prompt_id: str, prompt_template: PromptTemplate) -> Dict:
"""Update prompt template data.
:param prompt_id: Id of the updated prompt template.
:type prompt_id: str
:param prompt: PromptTemplate with new data.
:type prompt: PromptTemplate
:return: metadata of updated deployment
:rtype: dict
.. code-block:: python
updataed_prompt_template = PromptTemplate(name="New name")
prompt_mgr.update_prompt(prompt_id, prompt_template) # {'name': 'New name'} in metadata
headers = self._client._get_headers()
params = (self.params | {"prompt_id": prompt_id})
new_body: Dict = dict()
current_prompt_template = self.load_prompt(prompt_id)
for attribute in prompt_template.__dict__:
if getattr(prompt_template, attribute) is not None and not attribute.startswith("_"):
setattr(current_prompt_template, attribute, getattr(prompt_template, attribute))
if current_prompt_template.name is not None:
new_body.update({'name': current_prompt_template.name})
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_href() + f"/{prompt_id}"
response = requests.patch(url=url,
return self._handle_response(200, u'update_prompt', response)
def get_lock(self, prompt_id: str) -> Dict:
"""Get the current locked state of a prompt template.
:param prompt_id: Id of prompt template
:type prompt_id: str
:return: Information about locked state of prompt template asset.
:rtype: Dict
.. code-block:: python
headers = self._client._get_headers()
params = (self.params | {"prompt_id": prompt_id})
url = self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_prompts_href() + f"/{prompt_id}/lock"
response = requests.get(url=url,
return self._handle_response(200, u'get_lock', response)
def lock(self, prompt_id: str, force: bool = False) -> Dict:
"""Lock the prompt template if it is unlocked and user has permission to do that.
:param promp_id: Id of prompt template.
:type promp_id: str
:param force: If True, method forcefully overwrite a lock.
:type force: bool
:return: Status 'SUCCESS' or response content after an attempt to lock prompt template.
:rtype: (str | Dict)
.. code-block:: python
return self._change_lock(prompt_id=prompt_id,
def unlock(self, prompt_id: str) -> Dict:
"""Unlock the prompt template if it is locked and user has permission to do that.
:param promp_id: Id of prompt template.
:type promp_id: str
:return: Response content after an attempt to unlock prompt template.
:rtype: Dict
.. code-block:: python
# server returns status code 400 after trying to unlock unlocked prompt
lock_state = self.get_lock(prompt_id)
if lock_state['locked']:
return self._change_lock(prompt_id=prompt_id,
return lock_state