Source code for ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.utils.utils

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023-2024.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from string import Formatter
from typing import Any, Sequence, List, Dict, Union, Optional, Generator
from dataclasses import dataclass, KW_ONLY, asdict
from json import loads as json_loads
import warnings

from ibm_watson_machine_learning._wrappers import requests
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.helpers import DataConnection
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.messages.messages import Messages
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.wml_client_error import WMLClientError, InvalidMultipleArguments, InvalidValue
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.utils import NextResourceGenerator
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.utils.autoai.utils import load_file_from_file_system_nonautoai
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.utils.autoai.enums import DataConnectionTypes
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.utils.enums import ModelTypes
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.lifecycle import SpecStates
from ibm_watson_machine_learning import APIClient

class PromptTuningParams:
    base_model: dict
    _: KW_ONLY
    accumulate_steps: int = None
    batch_size: int = None
    init_method: str = None
    init_text: str = None
    learning_rate: float = None
    max_input_tokens: int = None
    max_output_tokens: int = None
    num_epochs: int = None
    task_id: str = None
    tuning_type: str = None
    verbalizer: str = None

    def to_dict(self):
        return {key: value for key, value in asdict(self).items() if value is not None}

def _get_foundation_models_spec(url, operation_name, additional_params: dict = None):
    params = {"version": "2023-09-30"}
    if additional_params:
    response = requests.get(url,
                            headers={'X-WML-User-Client': 'PythonClient'})
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()
    elif response.status_code == 404:
        raise WMLClientError(Messages.get_message(message_id="fm_prompt_tuning_no_foundation_models"), logg_messages=False)
        msg = f"{operation_name} failed. Reason: {response.text}"
        raise WMLClientError(msg)

[docs] def get_model_specs(url: str, model_id: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Operations to query the details of the deployed foundation models. :param url: environment url :type url: str :param model_id: Id of the model, defaults to None (all models specs are returned). :type model_id: Optional[str, ModelTypes], optional :return: list of deployed foundation model specs :rtype: dict **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models import get_model_specs # GET ALL MODEL SPECS get_model_specs( url="" ) # GET MODEL SPECS BY MODEL_ID get_model_specs( url="", model_id="google/flan-ul2" ) """ try: if model_id: if isinstance(model_id, ModelTypes): model_id = model_id.value try: return [res for res in _get_foundation_models_spec(f"{url}/ml/v1/foundation_model_specs", "Get available foundation models")['resources'] if res['model_id'] == model_id][0] except WMLClientError: # Remove on CPD 5.0 release return [res for res in _get_foundation_models_spec(f"{url}/ml/v1-beta/foundation_model_specs", "Get available foundation models")['resources'] if res['model_id'] == model_id][0] else: try: return _get_foundation_models_spec(f"{url}/ml/v1/foundation_model_specs", "Get available foundation models") except WMLClientError: # Remove on CPD 5.0 release return _get_foundation_models_spec(f"{url}/ml/v1-beta/foundation_model_specs", "Get available foundation models") except WMLClientError as e: raise WMLClientError(Messages.get_message(url, message_id="fm_prompt_tuning_no_model_specs"), e)
def get_custom_model_specs(credentials: dict = None, api_client: 'APIClient' = None, model_id: Optional[str] = None, limit: int = 100, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, verify=None) -> Union[dict, Generator[dict, None, None]]: """Get details on available custom model(s) as dict or as generator (``asynchronous``). If ``asynchronous`` or ``get_all`` is set, then ``model_id`` is ignored. :param credentials: credentials to instance :type credentials: dict, optional :param api_client: API client to connect to service :type api_client: APIClient, optional :param model_id: Id of the model, defaults to None (all models specs are returned). :type model_id: str, optional :param limit: limit number of fetched records. Possible values: 1 ≤ value ≤ 200, default value: 100 :type limit: int, optional :param asynchronous: if True, it will work as a generator :type asynchronous: bool, optional :param get_all: if True, it will get all entries in 'limited' chunks :type get_all: bool, optional :param verify: user can pass as verify one of following: - the path to a CA_BUNDLE file - the path of directory with certificates of trusted CAs - `True` - default path to truststore will be taken - `False` - no verification will be made :type verify: bool or str, optional :return: details of supported custom models :rtype: dict **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models import get_custom_model_specs get_custom_models_spec(api_client=client) get_custom_models_spec(credentials=credentials) get_custom_models_spec(api_client=client, model_id='mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2') get_custom_models_spec(api_client=client, limit=20) get_custom_models_spec(api_client=client, limit=20, get_all=True) for spec in get_custom_model_specs(api_client=client, limit=20, asynchronous=True, get_all=True): print(spec, end="") """ warnings.warn("Model needs to be first stored via client.repository.store_model(model_id, meta_props=metadata)" " and deployed via client.deployments.create(asset_id, metadata) to be used.") if credentials is None and api_client is None: raise InvalidMultipleArguments(params_names_list=["credentials", "api_client"], reason="None of the arguments were provided.") elif credentials: client = APIClient(wml_credentials=credentials, verify=verify) else: client = api_client url = client.wml_credentials['url'] params = client._params(skip_for_create=True) if limit < 1 or limit > 200: raise InvalidValue(value_name="limit", reason=f"The given value {limit} is not in the range <1, 200>") else: params.update({'limit': limit}) if asynchronous or get_all: resource_generator = NextResourceGenerator(client, url=url, href="ml/v4/custom_foundation_models", params=params, _all=get_all) if asynchronous: return resource_generator resources = [] for entry in resource_generator: resources.extend(entry['resources']) return { "resources": resources } response = requests.get(f"{url}/ml/v4/custom_foundation_models", params=params, headers=client._get_headers()) if response.status_code == 200: if model_id: resources = [res for res in response.json()['resources'] if res['model_id'] == model_id] return resources[0] if resources else {} else: return response.json() elif response.status_code == 404: raise WMLClientError(Messages.get_message(url, message_id="custom_models_no_model_specs"), url) else: msg = f"Getting failed. Reason: {response.text}" raise WMLClientError(msg)
[docs] def get_model_lifecycle(url: str, model_id: str) -> Union[list, None]: """ Operation to retrieve the list of model lifecycle data. :param url: environment url :type url: str :param model_id: the type of model to use :type model_id: str :return: list of deployed foundation model lifecycle data :rtype: list **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models import get_model_lifecycle get_model_lifecycle( url="", model_id="ibm/granite-13b-instruct-v2" ) """ model_specs = get_model_specs(url=url) model_spec = next((model_metadata for model_metadata in model_specs.get('resources', []) if model_metadata.get('model_id') == model_id), None) return model_spec.get('lifecycle') if model_spec is not None else None
def _check_model_state(url, model_id): default_warning_template = ( "Model '{model_id}' is in {state} state from {start_date} until {withdrawn_start_date}. " "IDs of alternative models: {alternative_model_ids}. " "Further details:") lifecycle = get_model_lifecycle(url, model_id) modes_list = [ids.get("id") for ids in (lifecycle or [])] deprecated_or_constricted_warning_template_cpd = ( "Model '{model_id}' is in {state} state. " "IDs of alternative models: {alternative_model_ids}. " "Further details:") if lifecycle and SpecStates.DEPRECATED.value in modes_list: model_lifecycle = next((el for el in lifecycle if el.get('id') == SpecStates.DEPRECATED.value), None) if model_lifecycle.get('since_version'): warnings.warn(deprecated_or_constricted_warning_template_cpd.format( model_id=model_id, state=(model_lifecycle.get('label') or SpecStates.DEPRECATED.value), alternative_model_ids=', '.join(model_lifecycle.get('alternative_model_ids', ["None"])) ), category=LifecycleWarning) else: warnings.warn(default_warning_template.format( model_id=model_id, state=(model_lifecycle.get('label') or SpecStates.DEPRECATED.value), start_date=model_lifecycle.get('start_date'), withdrawn_start_date=next((el.get('start_date') for el in lifecycle if el.get('id') == SpecStates.WITHDRAWN.value), None), alternative_model_ids=', '.join(model_lifecycle.get('alternative_model_ids', ["None"])) ), category=LifecycleWarning) elif lifecycle and SpecStates.CONSTRICTED.value in modes_list: model_lifecycle = next((el for el in lifecycle if el.get('id') == SpecStates.CONSTRICTED.value), None) if model_lifecycle.get('since_version'): warnings.warn(deprecated_or_constricted_warning_template_cpd.format( model_id=model_id, state=(model_lifecycle.get('label') or SpecStates.CONSTRICTED.value), alternative_model_ids=', '.join(model_lifecycle.get('alternative_model_ids', ["None"])) ), category=LifecycleWarning) else: warnings.warn(default_warning_template.format( model_id=model_id, state=(model_lifecycle.get('label') or SpecStates.CONSTRICTED.value), start_date=model_lifecycle.get('start_date'), withdrawn_start_date=next((el.get('start_date') for el in lifecycle if el.get('id') == SpecStates.WITHDRAWN.value), None), alternative_model_ids=', '.join(model_lifecycle.get('alternative_model_ids', ["None"])) ), category=LifecycleWarning)
[docs] def get_model_specs_with_prompt_tuning_support(url: str) -> dict: """ Operations to query the details of the deployed foundation models with prompt tuning support. :param url: environment url :type url: str :return: list of deployed foundation model specs with prompt tuning support :rtype: dict **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models import get_model_specs_with_prompt_tuning_support get_model_specs_with_prompt_tuning_support( url="" ) """ try: try: return _get_foundation_models_spec(url=f"{url}/ml/v1/foundation_model_specs", operation_name="Get available foundation models", additional_params={"filters": "function_prompt_tune_trainable"}) except WMLClientError: # Remove on CPD 5.0 release return _get_foundation_models_spec(url=f"{url}/ml/v1-beta/foundation_model_specs", operation_name="Get available foundation models", additional_params={"filters": "function_prompt_tune_trainable"}) except WMLClientError as e: raise WMLClientError(Messages.get_message(url, message_id="fm_prompt_tuning_no_model_specs"), e)
[docs] def get_supported_tasks(url: str) -> dict: """ Operation to retrieve the list of tasks that are supported by the foundation models. :param url: environment url :type url: str :return: list of tasks that are supported by the foundation models :rtype: dict **Example** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models import get_supported_tasks get_supported_tasks( url="" ) """ try: try: return _get_foundation_models_spec(f"{url}/ml/v1/foundation_model_tasks", "Get tasks that are supported by the foundation models.") except WMLClientError: # Remove on CPD 5.0 release return _get_foundation_models_spec(f"{url}/ml/v1-beta/foundation_model_tasks", "Get tasks that are supported by the foundation models.") except WMLClientError as e: raise WMLClientError(Messages.get_message(url, message_id="fm_prompt_tuning_no_supported_tasks"), e)
def get_all_supported_tasks_dict(url="") -> dict: tasks_dict = dict() for task_spec in get_supported_tasks(url).get('resources', []): tasks_dict[task_spec['label'].replace("-", "_").replace(" ", "_").upper()] = task_spec['task_id'] return tasks_dict def load_request_json(run_id, wml_client, run_params = None) -> dict: if run_params is None: run_params = model_request_path = run_params['entity'].get('results_reference', {}).get('location', {}).get('model_request_path') if model_request_path is None: raise WMLClientError("Missing model_request_path in run_params. Verify if the training run has been completed.") if wml_client.CLOUD_PLATFORM_SPACES: results_reference = DataConnection._from_dict(run_params['entity']['results_reference']) if run_params['entity']['results_reference']['type'] == DataConnectionTypes.CA: results_reference.location.file_name = model_request_path else: results_reference.location.path = model_request_path results_reference.set_client(wml_client) request_json_bytes =, binary=True) # download from cos elif wml_client.CPD_version >= 4.8: asset_parts = model_request_path.split('/') model_request_asset_url = '/'.join(asset_parts[asset_parts.index('assets') + 1:]) request_json_bytes = load_file_from_file_system_nonautoai(wml_client=wml_client, file_path=model_request_asset_url).read() else: raise WMLClientError("Unsupported environment for this action") return json_loads(request_json_bytes.decode()) def is_training_prompt_tuning(training_id, wml_client): """Returns True if training_id is connected to prompt tuning""" if training_id is None: return False run_params = return bool(run_params['entity'].get('prompt_tuning')) class TemplateFormatter(Formatter): def check_unused_args(self, used_args: List[(int | str)], args: Sequence, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Check for unused args.""" extra_args = set(kwargs).difference(used_args) if extra_args: raise KeyError(extra_args) class HAPDetectionWarning(UserWarning): ... class PIIDetectionWarning(UserWarning): ... class LifecycleWarning(UserWarning): ... class WatsonxLLMDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): ... def _raise_watsonxllm_deprecation_warning() -> None: warnings.warn(f"ibm_watson_machine_learning.foundation_models.extensions.langchain.WatsonxLLM" f" is deprecated and will not be supported in the future. " f"Please import from langchain-ibm instead.\n" "To install langchain-ibm run `pip install -U langchain-ibm`.", category=WatsonxLLMDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 )