#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2021-2024.
# https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import importlib.util
import json
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import ibm_watson_machine_learning._wrappers.requests as requests
import requests as req
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.utils.utils import get_module_version
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.wml_client_error import ApiRequestFailure
from ibm_watson_machine_learning.wml_resource import WMLResource
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CRYPTO_LIBRARY = "pyhelayers"
def is_crypto_supported() -> bool:
# pyhelayers is used for client side encryption
# Test is pyhelayers is installed, and if so we assume crypto is supported
pyhelayers_spec = importlib.util.find_spec(CRYPTO_LIBRARY)
return pyhelayers_spec is not None
def import_diff(module_file_path):
if "runtime-23-1" in module_file_path:
pathlist = Path(module_file_path).rglob('*.py')
for path in pathlist:
# because path is object not string
path_in_str = str(path)
if not path_in_str.endswith("__init__.py"):
module_name = ("ibmfl" + path_in_str.split("ibmfl")[2].replace(os.sep, "."))[:-3]
module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
module_name, path_in_str)
loader = importlib.util.LazyLoader(module_spec.loader)
module_spec.loader = loader
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec)
sys.modules[module_name] = module
def check_python_framework_version(client_reqs):
client_system = platform.system()
client_processor = platform.processor()
if 'fl_extras' in client_reqs:
install_msg = " You can install this and other required packages by running pip install --upgrade 'ibm-watson-machine-learning[" + client_reqs['fl_extras'] + "]'"
install_msg = " See documentation for more information."
py_version = platform.python_version()
logger.info("Detected Client Python Version: {}".format(py_version))
if not py_version.startswith(client_reqs['py_version']):
raise Exception("The selected software spec requires python=={}.".format(client_reqs['py_version']))
if client_system == "Darwin" and client_processor == "arm":
tensorflowmacos_version = get_module_version(lib_name='tensorflow-macos')
logger.info("Detected tensorflow-macos Version: {}".format(tensorflowmacos_version))
if not tensorflowmacos_version.startswith(client_reqs['tensorflow_version']):
raise Exception("Incompatible tensorflow-macos version found")
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning("{}, this may cause unexpected errors.".format(ex))
logger.warning("The selected software spec requires tensorflow-macos=={}.".format(client_reqs['tensorflow_version']))
tensorflow_version = get_module_version(lib_name='tensorflow')
logger.info("Detected tensorflow Version: {}".format(tensorflow_version))
if not tensorflow_version.startswith(client_reqs['tensorflow_version']):
raise Exception("Incompatible tensorflow version found")
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning("{}, this may cause unexpected errors.".format(ex))
logger.warning("The selected software spec requires tensorflow=={}.".format(client_reqs['tensorflow_version']) + install_msg)
torch_version = get_module_version(lib_name='torch')
logger.info("Detected torch Version: {}".format(torch_version))
if not torch_version.startswith(client_reqs['torch_version']):
raise Exception("Incompatible torch version found")
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning("{}, this may cause unexpected errors.".format(ex))
logger.warning("The selected software spec requires torch=={}.".format(client_reqs['torch_version']) + install_msg)
scikitlearn_version = get_module_version(lib_name='scikit-learn')
logger.info("Detected scikit-learn Version: {}".format(scikitlearn_version))
if not scikitlearn_version.startswith(client_reqs['scikitlearn_version']):
raise Exception("Incompatible scikit-learn version found")
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning("{}, this may cause unexpected errors.".format(ex))
logger.warning("The selected software spec requires scikit-learn=={}.".format(client_reqs['scikitlearn_version']) + install_msg)
def choose_software_version(software_spec):
logger.info("Aggregator Software Spec: {}".format(software_spec))
if software_spec == "runtime-23.1-py3.10" or software_spec == "336b29df-e0e1-5e7d-b6a5-f6ab722625b2":
client_reqs = {'py_version': '3.10', 'tensorflow_version': '2.12', 'torch_version': '2.0', 'scikitlearn_version': '1.1', 'fl_extras': 'fl-rt23.1-py3.10'}
return "runtime-23-1"
client_reqs = {'py_version': '3.10', 'tensorflow_version': '2.12', 'torch_version': '2.0', 'scikitlearn_version': '1.1', 'fl_extras': 'fl-rt23.1-py3.10'}
return "runtime-23-1"
fl_path = os.path.abspath('.')
if fl_path not in sys.path:
class Party(WMLResource):
"""The Party class embodies a Federated Learning party, with methods to run, cancel, and query local training.
Refer to the ``client.remote_training_system.create_party()`` API for more information about creating an
instance of the Party class.
base_platform = 'runtime-23-1'
default_software_spec = 'runtime-23.1-py3.10'
base_platform: "/runtime-23-1/ibmfl", #default
def __init__(self, client=None, **kwargs):
libs_module = sys.modules['ibm_watson_machine_learning.libs']
libs_location_list = libs_module.__path__
# base location string, default to cloud location
ibmfl_base_module_location = libs_location_list[0] + '/ibmfl'
# process location
ibmfl_module_location = ibmfl_base_module_location + self.SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS_MAP.get(self.base_platform)
#check if using old connector script which is removed
if not client:
raise Exception("This version of the party connector script is outdated. "
"Please download the party connector script from your current Federated Learning experiment. "
"For more details, please refer to the documentation.")
self.module_location = ibmfl_module_location
self.args = kwargs
self.Party = None
self.connection = None
self.log_level = None
self.metrics_output = None
if 'ibmfl' in sys.modules:
del sys.modules['ibmfl']
if 'ibmfl.party' in sys.modules:
del sys.modules['ibmfl.party']
if 'ibmfl.party.party' in sys.modules:
del sys.modules['ibmfl.party.party']
#install the general lib
module_name = 'ibmfl'
module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(
module_name, ibmfl_base_module_location + '/' + self.base_platform + '/ibmfl/__init__.py')
module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec)
sys.modules[module_name] = module
WMLResource.__init__(self, __name__, client)
self._client = client
self.auth_token = "Bearer " + self._client.wml_token
self.project_id = self._client.project_id
self.log_level = kwargs.get("log_level", "ERROR")
def start(self):
def run(self, aggregator_id=None, experiment_id=None, asynchronous=True, verify=True, timeout: int = 60 * 10):
"""Connect to a Federated Learning aggregator and run local training.
Exactly one of `aggregator_id` and `experiment_id` must be supplied.
:param aggregator_id: aggregator identifier
* If aggregator_id is supplied, the party will connect to the given aggregator.
:type aggregator_id: str, optional
:param experiment_id: experiment identifier
* If experiment_id is supplied, the party will connect to the most recently created aggregator
for the experiment.
:type experiment_id: str, optional
:param asynchronous:
* `True` - party starts to run the job in the background and progress can be checked later
* `False` - method will wait until training is complete and then print the job status
:type asynchronous: bool, optional
:param verify: verify certificate
:type verify: bool, optional
:param timeout: timeout in seconds
* If the aggregator is not ready within timeout seconds from now, exit.
:type timeout: int, or None for no timeout
.. code-block:: python
party.run( aggregator_id = "69500105-9fd2-4326-ad27-7231aeb37ac8", asynchronous = True, verify = True )
party.run( experiment_id = "2466fa06-1110-4169-a166-01959adec995", asynchronous = False )
import time
from datetime import datetime
from ibmfl.exceptions import FLException
timeout_time = None if timeout is None else timeout + time.time()
if ( experiment_id is None and aggregator_id is None ) or ( experiment_id is not None and aggregator_id is not None ) :
raise FLException("Exactly one of aggregator_id and experiment_id must be supplied")
if ( experiment_id is not None ):
while True:
details = self._client.training.get_details(get_all=True,training_definition_id=experiment_id, _internal=True)['resources']
details = [ d for d in details if d['entity']['status']['state'] in ['accepting_parties','pending','running'] ]
if not details:
if timeout_time and timeout_time < time.time():
raise FLException("Cannot find an aggregator for experiment %s", experiment_id)
else :
logger.info("Cannot find an aggregator for experiment %s. Retrying.", experiment_id)
else :
aggregator_id = max( [(t['metadata']['id'],datetime.strptime(t['metadata']['created_at'],'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'))
for t in details],key=lambda d:d[1])[0]
logger.info("Using aggregator id %s", aggregator_id)
except Exception as ex:
raise FLException(str(ex))
# If crypto is enabled, test if this client supports it
# WML training service uses the fusion_type field to determine if encryption is required.
aggregator_details = self._client.training.get_details(
training_uid=aggregator_id, _internal=True
except ApiRequestFailure as exc:
logger.error("Failed get training details")
raise FLException("Failed get training details") from exc
# Response might not be for a federated learning training
fusion_type = aggregator_details["entity"]["federated_learning"]["fusion_type"]
except (KeyError, TypeError) as exc:
logger.error("Failed to read fusion type from training details")
raise FLException("Failed to read fusion type from training details") from exc
if fusion_type == "crypto_iter_avg":
logger.info("This training requires encryption")
if not is_crypto_supported():
"Encryption is required, but the '%s' module required for encryption was not found",
raise FLException(f"'{CRYPTO_LIBRARY}' module not found")
# Import the changed files in the desired lib version
config_dict = self.args.get('config_dict')
metrics_config = {
"name": "WMLMetricsRecorder",
"path": "ibmfl.party.metrics.metrics_recorder",
"output_file": self.metrics_output,
"output_type": "json",
'compute_pre_train_eval': False,
'compute_post_train_eval': False
if 'metrics_recorder' not in config_dict:
config_dict["metrics_recorder"] = metrics_config
wml_services_url = config_dict.get('aggregator').get('ip').split('/')[0]
agg_info = wml_services_url + "/ml/v4/trainings/" + aggregator_id
config_dict['aggregator']['ip'] = agg_info
self.args['config_dict'] = config_dict
# Verify ssl context
if verify:
req.get("https://" + wml_services_url + "/wml_services/training/heartbeat", verify=verify)
except requests.exceptions.SSLError as ex:
raise FLException("No valid certificate detected. Please replace the default certificate with your own "
"TLS certificate, or set verify to False at your own risk. For more details, please see "
# Check for aggregator state and start job
training_status = self._client.training.get_status(aggregator_id)
state = training_status['state']
ready = False
if state == "pending":
while state == "pending" and ( not timeout_time or timeout_time > time.time() ) :
logger.info("Waiting for aggregator accepting parties state..")
training_status = self._client.training.get_status(aggregator_id)
state = training_status['state']
if state != "accepting_parties":
raise FLException("The current state of training %s is %s, so the party is not able to start a job." % (aggregator_id,state))
ready = True
elif state == "running" or state == "accepting_parties":
ready = True
raise FLException("The current state of training %s is %s, so the party is not able to start a job." % (aggregator_id,state))
if ready:
details = self._client.training.get_details(aggregator_id, _internal=True)
fl_entity = details["entity"]["federated_learning"]
if "software_spec" in fl_entity:
software_spec = fl_entity["software_spec"]["name"] if "name" in fl_entity["software_spec"] else fl_entity["software_spec"]["id"]
software_spec = self.default_software_spec
platform_env = choose_software_version(software_spec)
logger.info("Loading {} environment..".format(platform_env))
if "system" in details and "warnings" in details["system"]:
for warning in details["system"]["warnings"]:
logger.info("Warning: {}".format(warning["message"]))
self.module_location = '/'.join(self.module_location.split('/')[0:-2]) + self.SUPPORTED_PLATFORMS_MAP.get(platform_env)
from ibmfl.party.party import Party
self.Party = Party(**self.args, token=self.auth_token, self_signed_cert=not verify, log_level=self.log_level)
self.connection = self.Party.connection
raise FLException("The current state of training %s is %s, so the party is not able to start a job." % (aggregator_id,state))
#wait for the job to finish if synchrounous
if not asynchronous:
while "completed" != state and "failed" != state and "canceled" != state and self.is_running():
training_status = self._client.training.get_status(aggregator_id)
state = training_status['state']
logger.info("The training finishes with %s status" % state)
except FLException as ex:
raise FLException(str(ex)) from ex
except Exception as ex:
logger.info("The party failed to start training")
def monitor_logs(self, log_level="INFO"):
"""Enable logging of the training job to standard output.
This method should be called before calling the ``run()`` method.
:param log_level: log level specified by user
:type log_level: str, optional
.. code-block:: python
self.log_level = log_level
# Configure logging locally as well
from ibmfl.util.config import configure_logging_from_file
def monitor_metrics(self, metrics_file="-"):
"""Enable output of training metrics.
:param metrics_file: a filename specified by user to which the metrics should be written
:type metrics_file: str, optional
.. note::
This method outputs the metrics to stdout if a filename is not specified
.. code-block:: python
self.metrics_output = metrics_file
def is_running(self):
"""Check if the training job is running.
:return: if the job is running
:rtype: bool
.. code-block:: python
return not self.connection.stopped
def get_round(self):
"""Get the current round number.
:return: the current round number
:rtype: int
.. code-block:: python
return self.Party.proto_handler.metrics_recorder.get_round_no()
def cancel(self):
"""Stop the local connection to the training on the party side.
.. code-block:: python