
How do I install a collection?

You can install a collection using one of the following options:

  • Ansible Galaxy : Use the ansible-galaxy command with the install option to install a collection hosted in Galaxy on your control node

  • Automation Hub and Private Galaxy server:  You can use the ansible-galaxy command with the install option to install a collection on your control node hosted in Automation Hub or a private Galaxy server. You need to configure the auth_url option and the API token in ansible.cfg for each server name.

  • Local installation: You can use the ansible-galaxy collection install command to install a collection built from source. To build your own collection, you must clone the Git repository, build the collection archive, and install the collection.

For detailed instructions on how to install a collection, see our installation doc.

What do I require to install a collection?

All IBM z/OS collections require Ansible 2.9 or later, Python 2.7 or later and Open SSH on the Ansible controller.

On the z/OS managed node, a particular IBM z/OS collection or release can have a different set of requirements. Before you install any IBM z/OS collection, review the collection requirements.

Where can I download the latest version of Python?

Refer to IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Python product page to find out how to get access to Python.

How much memory and RAM do I need to install a collection?

For Ansible Tower/AWX, Ansible recommends a minimum of 4GB RAM for for Tower installation.

Additional RAM requirements may vary based on how many hosts Tower will manage simultaneously (which is controlled by the forks parameter in the job template or the system ansible.cfg file).

To avoid resource conflicts, Ansible recommends 1 GB of memory per 10 forks + 2GB reservation for Tower. For example, if forks is set to 400, 40 GB of memory is recommended. See the capacity algorithm to determine resource requirements.

For more information about the requirements, see system requirements.

For individual playbooks, the memory usage is dependent on a few factors:

  • The number of z/OS hosts managed by the playbook and the number of forks created by Ansible

  • The number of tasks within the playbook

  • The modules used within the playbook

  • The number of tasks that are delegated to the local host

  • Whether fact gathering is turned on or off in the playbook

Are there any additional installation requirements for z/OS?

Different collections as part of the offering will have different requirements. Refer to the release notes of a collection to determine the specific requirements.

What z/OS collections are required to be installed before installing the IBM z/OS CICS collection?

cmci_ tasks in the CICS collection issue API request to remote CICS servers over an HTTP connection. If you are only using the cmci_ tasks from the CICS collection, you can delegate the tasks to run on the Ansible control node. This means that you won’t need to configure an SSH connection to the target system.

However, if you use the CICS modules in conjunction with other z/OS modules that require an SSH connection to the managed nodes, you must make sure you’ve installed those modules’ pre-reqs on z/OS. For instance, if you’re using the ibm_zos_core collection, you will need to have installed ZOAU as described in the requirements.

Do I have to upgrade to the latest version of a collection when there is a new release?

Although it is not required, we recommended that you upgrade to the latest release as they often contain bugfixes to existing modules and plugins.

If you are currently facing issues with any of the modules, upgrading to the latest release could likely resolve the problem.

How can I know which version of a collection I am using?

Navigate to the directory where you have installed your collection. The default installation directory is:


After you have navigated to that directory, run the following command: cat MANIFEST.json | grep version

How do I update a collection to the latest version?

The easiest and recommended way to update your collection is by using the ansible-galaxy command:

ansible-galaxy collection install <collection-name:version> --force

How do I install and configure ZOAU?

How frequently are the collections updated?

We follow Agile methodologies to continuously deliver new features. The complexity of the features drives the release cadence. We encourage you to review the release notes to learn about our latest release.

What collections are offered as part of RedHat certified content?

Currently, we offer collections for z/OS core and z/OS IMS under the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content available in Ansible Automation Hub and Galaxy. These collections offer a seamless, unified workflow orchestration with configuration management, provisioning, and application deployment in one easy-to-use platform.

Where can I find the documentation for a particular collection?

Collections certified with Red Hat Automation Hub will have integrated documentation. If you have entitlement to Automation Hub, you can view the collections documentation. You can also navigate to Ansible Automation Hub –> Collections –> enter a collection name in the Filter by keywords field –> Documentation.

Optionally, you can access documentation under Ansible Content in the Red Hat Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z collection documentation site.

Modules, Playbooks

What are the best practices for module development and testing z/OS Ansible modules?

For recommendations on module development and testing, see the community guides.

Do the modules leave any objects or files behind after a playbook completes running?

The modules create temporary files and folders on the managed z/OS system (usually in the /tmp directory), which are then cleaned up after the module execution.

The only other instance where objects are left behind is when a module option has been configured to perform a backup.

Are the modules idempotent?

Repeated execution of the modules included in Red Hat Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z does not produce different behavior. To check if a module is idempotent, please review the module Notes that you intend to use in the playbook.

Which modules support check mode?

Modules that currently support check mode:  zos_data_set, zos_job_query, and zos_mvs_raw.

Can I customize when my module should fail?

Yes, you can override the default failure condition by using the built-in mechanisms for overriding module failures that Ansible provides. For example, we have published a sample playbook which shows how you can customize the failure condition of the cmci_get module so that it ignores failures due to finding no programs.

Where can I find a sample playbook?

You can find many sample playbooks, links to blogs, and other community resources in the Samples repository for Red Hat Ansible Certified Content for IBM Z.

Are there any specific requirements for running a playbook?

Running a playbook has a few requirements that could be dependent on the included collections as well as space, location, names, and authority. A few artifacts will be created and cleaned up to enable running a playbook. To review the requirements, see playbooks.

How can I customize how Ansible operates in my environment?

You can specify what configuration Ansible uses when running playbooks by modifying the ansible.cfg file or defining the ANSIBLE_CONFIG environment variable. For more information, refer to the configuration guide for Ansible.

How do I test my playbooks?

There a couple of testing strategies you can follow to test your playbooks. Refer to the official testing  strategies recommended by Ansible.


If I run into a problem when using an Ansible collection for IBM Z, how should I seek support?

For issues related to the Ansible collections, raise a GitHub issue against the appropriate collection repository:


Where can I open issues and track them?

You can track open issues and raise new issues for bugs, feature issues, or comments in our contributing topic.

Can I contribute new modules to the collection?

We are currently not accepting community contributions. We do encourage you to open git issues for bugs, comments or feature requests. To learn more about how to contribute to a collection, see our contributing topic.


How are precedence rules defined in Ansible?

Ansible offers four sources for controlling its behavior. In order of precedence from lowest (most easily overridden) to highest (overrides all others), the categories are:

  • Configuration settings

  • Command-line options

  • Playbook keywords

  • Variables

For a more detailed explanation of precedence rules, refer to both the official documentation and reference.