Managed node

The managed z/OS node is the host that is managed by Ansible, as identified in the Ansible inventory. For the IBM z/OS core collection to manage the z/OS node, some dependencies are required to be installed on z/OS such as:


Each release of the IBM z/OS core collection depends on specific dependency versions. For information on the dependencies or the versions, review the release notes reference section.

z/OS shell

Currently, only the z/OS® shell is supported. Using ansible_shell_executable to change the default shell is discouraged. Shells such as bash are not supported because it handles the reading and writing of untagged files differently.

Open Enterprise SDK for Python

The IBM z/OS core collection requires that the IBM Open Enterprise SDK for Python be installed on z/OS.


IBM Z Open Automation Utilities

IBM Z Open Automation Utilities provide support for executing automation tasks on z/OS. It can run z/OS programs such as IEBCOPY, IDCAMS and IKJEFT01, perform data set operations and much more in the scripting language of your choice.
