Ansible for IBM Z

Ansible for IBM Z is a suite of collections designed to automate and manage IBM Z environments using Ansible, an open-source automation platform. It provides a wide range of Ansible collections that are developed by IBM and certified by Red Hat.

It enables development, operations and automation on z/OS, middleware products, and other IBM Z systems and resources. The collections in Ansible for IBM Z offer a seamless, unified workflow, orchestration with configuration management, provisioning, and application deployment in one easy-to-use platform.

The Ansible for IBM Z offerings are actively expanding to automate common configuration and management tasks for software in the broader IBM Z community.

Today, the available collections include:

With the IBM z/OS Core collection, you will be able to:

  • Submit and access output for batch jobs.

  • Create, edit, archive and unarchive data sets.

  • Run operator commands, REXX and shell scripts.

  • Initialize volumes.

  • Backup and restore data sets and volumes.

With the IBM z/OS IMS collection, you will be able to:

  • Generate IMS Database Descriptors (DBD).

  • Generate Program Specification Blocks (PSB).

  • Generate Application Control Blocks (ACB).

  • Run IMS type-1 commands.

  • Run IMS IMS type-2 commands.

With the IBM z/OS CICS collection, you will be able to:

  • Manage CICS resources.

  • Manage CICS definitions.

  • Provision CICS regions.

  • Deprovision CICS regions.

  • Start or stop a CICS region.

With the IBM z/OS Management Facility collection, you will be able to:

  • Create z/OSMF workflows.

  • Run z/OSMF workflows.

  • Delete z/OSMF workflows.

  • Provision and manage z/OS software.

  • Validate and provision security requirements.

With the IBM Z HMC collection, you will be able to:

  • Create, update and delete partitions.

  • Access operating system messages.

  • Configure adapters.

  • Manage HMC users.

  • Update SE and HMC firmware.

With the IBM Z System Automation collection, you will be able to:

  • Create dynamic resources from a template.

  • Delete dynamic resources from a template.